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Overview of total GF budget, major fund expenditure changes, FY15 initiatives & outcomes, grant funds, special revenue funds, CIP projects, and budget highlights. Location of funding in GF/CIP/EF detailed. Effective measures to accomplish city objectives.
FY2014-15 BUDGET REVIEWDepartment of Justice Services Mayor Dwight C. Jones Byron C. Marshall, CAO
Overview • Total GF Budget Summary • Major General Fund Expenditure Changes • FY15 Initiatives & Outcomes • Include location of funding (GF/CIP/EF) • FY15 Grant Funds & Descriptions • FY15 Special Revenue Funds & Descriptions • Major CIP Projects • Budget Challenges / Issues
Proposed General Fund Budget • This agency’s budget can be found on pages 6-72 through 6-76 in the budget book.
Proposed General Fund Budget • Budget Highlights: • The total Department Budget is 80% Personnel, 20% Operating • 100% funding for all filled positions • A decrease in two positions as a result of the Voluntary Retirement Incentive Program (VRIP). • The proposed operating budget reflects a modest increase including funding for the mandated Prison Rape Elimination Act Audit
Major General Fund Expenditure Changes • Payroll Changes • An increase in vacant positions funding • 2% Cost of Living Increase • Contributions to Healthcare increased • Contributions to Retirement decreased
FY15 Initiatives & Outcomes • Departmental Initiatives that seek to Accomplish Corporate/City Objective of: Community Corrections • Mental Health Alternative Sentencing • Mental Health Docket • Adult Electronic Monitoring • Intensive Substance Abuse Services • Pretrial and Probation Services • Day Reporting Center • Outcomes • Reduce incarceration • Reduce recidivism • Departmental Initiatives that seek to Accomplish Corporate/City Objective of: Improve Quality of Life • Support Success in School and reduction in dropout rate - Truancy Case management and referral; reporting; monitoring • Outcomes • Complete attendance plans • Improve Service linkage • Implement Community engagement activities Departmental Initiatives Total: $4,239,674
FY15 Grant Revenue Funds & Descriptions • Community Corrections -$1,105,615 Pre-trial & Probation Services – Program is to offer community-based options to assure court appearance, reduction in recidivism and a reduction of jail crowding. Through Pretrial and local Probation Services participants receive individual evidence-based case management to address crimnogenic risk factors. • Criminal Justice Planning - $37,500 (Match 37,500 General Fund) – Partial funding for a grant position that is responsible for jail data collection, analysis and synthesis required to update Administration on strategies to effectively manage the jail population. • Juvenile Drug Treatment - $37,500 - Juvenile Substance Abuse Services • USDA - $92,000 – Funding is used to provide the National School Lunch Program to school age children and to encourage the consumption of nutritious agricultural commodities. • Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program -$199,824 - The City of Richmond Department of Justice Services (DJS) in partnership with Richmond Behavioral Health Authority (RBHA) has implemented an alternative sentencing program. Currently gaps in treatment and support services have been identified thereby limiting effectiveness of the program at reducing recidivism among diverted mentally ill offenders. Specifically, defendants who are not eligible for Medicaid or individual health insurance that covers psychiatric services are challenged with complying with court-ordered conditions requiring such treatment. The 2-year grant will fund an approximately 25 individuals per year who are deemed suitable to be maintained in the community and require psychiatric and housing services .
FY15 Special Revenue Funds & Descriptions • Supervision Fees - $60,000 - Revenue collected as fees charged to an offender for reimbursement towards the combined cost of community corrections supervision and intervention services. • Lipman - $10,000 – Foundation monies are used to support therapeutic family engagement activities, clothing and self care needs for at risk youth and their families. • Detention Donations - $5,000 - Donations from various organizations; civic, church and private donors to supplement the purchase of education/recreational equipment for youth housed at the Detention Center.
Major CIP Projects • Richmond Juvenile Detention Center • Richmond Juvenile Detention Center upgraded the control room security panels, fire alarms and floors. Unexpended funds for FY14 will be rolled over to FY15 to complete the facility’s roof replacement project.
Other Major Departmental Projects • Renovated space at the public safety building to house the Day Reporting Center
Budget Challenges/Issues • N/A
Richmond Department of Justice Services • Thank you!