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F inancial P lanning & A nalysis Model ling Services

F inancial P lanning & A nalysis Model ling Services. A genda. Who WE Are?? What WE Do?? How WE would be able to Help You??. A genda. Who WE Are?? What WE Do?? How WE would be able to Help You??. Who We Are??.

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F inancial P lanning & A nalysis Model ling Services

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FinancialPlanning &AnalysisModellingServices

  2. Agenda • Who WE Are?? • What WE Do?? • How WE would be able to Help You??

  3. Agenda • Who WE Are?? • What WE Do?? • How WE would be able to Help You??

  4. Who WeAre?? • We are a financial modelling firm. We build Financial models, Project Finance models, Business models or MIS on EXCEL as per the client's requirement. • Our Aim is to provide a customized models to our clients which are free from inconsistencies, integrity errors, complicated formulae, circularities and hidden calculations so that it will not create pain for analyst, investors, strategists, bankers, CFO’s and CEO’s alike.

  5. Agenda • Who WE Are?? • What WE Do?? • How WE would be able to Help You??

  6. What WeDo?? We provide following services: • Forecast revenue • Budget cost • Financial Statement preparation • Funding calculation for upcoming projects • Valuation of a project • Building templates for periodic report preparation • Data management

  7. All mentioned services are provided through our following productsin excel: • Financial Models • Business Models • Project Models • Valuation Models • MIS templates

  8. Agenda • Who WE Are?? • What WE Do?? • How WE would be able to Help You??

  9. How Wewould be able to Help You?? After going through the different product and services that we offer, so there might a question coming into your mind, that how we would be able to benefit your organization ???

  10. Every one of us uses EXCEL in day to day operation of business. So… • Is that file is easy to understand by end users? • Is that file is transparent to depict the correct picture? • Is that file is error prone? • Is that file is flexible to make new changes? • Is that file is actually saving our time? If the specified file does even missing a single point, then we can help you to redefined/develop your processes through our above mentioned services. So that you can focus on core area without wondering about the authentication of the file.

  11. “Play with numbers…” Thank you

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