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Explore the OMEGA cost analysis, risk mitigation strategies, and design features for enhanced mission reliability and orbit stability. Learn about the key components like Sun Filters and Path Noise considerations.

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  1. OMEGA

  2. COST

  3. OMEGA Cost Rollups

  4. OMEGA Cost Rollups

  5. Delta II - $46M SELVS II-B - $32M OMEGA Demonstration International Explorer OMEGA MIDEX Costing History • JPL non-advocate MIDEX cost review • Second JPL non-advocate MIDEX cost review • MIDEX TMCO cost analysis: “Exclusive of the launch vehicle cost problem, and assuming that the drag-free technology is proven by some other means such as ODIE, the OMEGA costs seem reasonable.”

  6. OMEGA MIDEX Costing GRE WMAP Uhuru FUSE “reasonable” because there have been many successful explorer-class missions COBE WISE Swift The “normal” path to new astronomies in NASA begins with an explorer mission.

  7. RISK

  8. OMEGA Risk Analysis • No scientist wants to fly a mission that risks failure • But missions sometimes fail even big expensive missions Galileo Hubble Space Telescope Mars Observer • One hedge against mission failure is redundancy

  9. OMEGA Risk Analysis

  10. OMEGA Risk Analysis

  11. OMEGA Risk Analysis

  12. OMEGA Risk Analysis

  13. OMEGA Risk Analysis

  14. OMEGA Risk Analysis • OMEGA has two probes at each vertex of the detector • OMEGA provides Class A mission reliability using Class C spacecraft

  15. Why Six OMEGA Probes? • Redundancy • Cost: - one set of non-recurring engineering costs - standard discounts for multiple builds • No major moving parts • Continuous smooth pointing

  16. Orbit Stability

  17. OMEGA Orbit Stability • OMEGA orbits are long-term stable  Extended mission

  18. OMEGA Orbit Stability • OMEGA orbits are long-term stable  Extended mission • Orbit analysis gives

  19. OMEGA Orbit Stability • OMEGA orbits are long-term stable  Extended mission • Orbit analysis gives • So we design for it

  20. far laser 100-300 MHz 100-300 MHz phase meter <10 kHz PD local laser Synthesizer OMEGA Orbit Stability • OMEGA orbits are long-term stable  Extended mission • Orbit analysis gives • So we design for it

  21. Sun Filter

  22. OMEGA Sun Filter The problem sun shield telescope tube sunlight

  23. OMEGA Sun Filter The problem sun shield telescope tube sun filter sunlight

  24. OMEGA Sun Filter The problem sun shield telescope tube sun filter sunlight

  25. A C 32(MgF2,Al2O3) A B C 25(cryo,ZnS) B 200 350 1000 5000 25(MgF2,TiO) narrow band OMEGA Sun Filter Goal: reflect 98% of total insolation / pass 10245 nm

  26. OMEGA Sun Filter Path Noise The change in optical path length is w

  27. OMEGA Sun Filter Path Noise The change in optical path length is w We use a glass (e.g., Schott AK51) with G = (2)107

  28. OMEGA Sun Filter Path Noise The change in optical path length is w We use a glass (e.g., Schott AK51) with G = (2)107 We isolate the filter so that its temperature is determined by insolation balance only, i.e. Absorptivity of the filter

  29. OMEGA Sun Filter Path Noise For fluctuations in insolation at 1 mHz,

  30. OMEGA Sun Filter Path Noise For fluctuations in insolation at 1 mHz,  = 2% and the temperature of the spacecraft is 240K, so

  31. OMEGA Sun Filter Path Noise For fluctuations in insolation at 1 mHz  = 2% and the temperature of the spacecraft is 240K, so and the variation in the optical path length in 2 cm of glass is

  32. OMEGA Sun Filter Path Noise For the slow absorption of the total insolation,

  33. OMEGA Sun Filter Path Noise For the slow absorption of the total insolation, The orbital-period change in the sun filter temperature is

  34. OMEGA Sun Filter Path Noise For the slow absorption of the total insolation, The orbital-period change in the sun filter temperature is and the change in optical path length through the filter is

  35. OMEGA Sun Filter Path Noise 1K 27 days = 2.5106 s The ability to model and then high-pass filter this signal below 103 Hz may be tested in the laboratory.

  36. Utah State University Science Shane Larson Engineering – SDL Scott Jensen Chad Fish UT-Brownsville Matt Benacquista Washington University Ryan Lang OMEGA Montana State Ron Hellings Neil Cornish

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