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Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal ?

Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal ?. By Jeanette Winterson.

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Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal ?

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  1. Why Be Happy WhenYouCouldBe Normal? By Jeanette Winterson

  2. Why Be Happy WhenYouCould Be Normal? Is a memoir by J.Winterson the writertellsabouther life with no chronologicalorderConstanceWintersonthe book isdedicated to herthreemothers: Ruth RendellAnn S.ConstanceWintersonisherfostermotherRuth Rendellisher ‘writer and literary’ motherAnn S. isherbiologicalmotherThe structure of the noveliscomposed with the title: whatexpectationiscreated? Whatdoes ‘be normal’ mean and whatdoes ‘be happy’ mean? J. Wintersonwants to pave the way of whatsheisgoing to tellus.The memoireisdividedinto 15 chapters and a final coda

  3. SETTING MANCHESTER Was the city whereJ.Wintersonwasborn in 1959. Manchester was the world’s first industrial city; itwas radical – Marx and Angelswereher. Itwas repressive – the PerterlooMassacres and the CornLaws. ItwasUtilitarian and Utopian – itsQuakerism, feminism, anty-slaverymovement, socialism, comunism ACCRINGTON Was the city whereJ.Wintersongrew up and spentherchildhood with herfosterparents. ‘I LIVED ON A LONG stretchystreet with a townat the bottom and a hillat the top’ from Why Be Happy WhenYouCould Be Normal

  4. CHARACTERS MAIN CHARACTERS • Jeanette Winterson: protagonist and novelist • MrsWinterson: Jeanette’ s adoptivemother • MrWinterson: Jeanette’sadoptivefather OTHER CHARACTERS • Helen: Jeanette’s first girlfriend • SusieOrbach: Jeanette’s girlfriend • Ruth Rendell: ‘writer and literarymother’ • Ann S: biologicalmother • Gary: brother

  5. STRUCTURE AND ANALYSIS 1° CHAPTER: THE WRONG CRIB The first chapteris an introductorychapterwhere the novelistnarratesaboutherdifficulties in being an adoptivechild and the difficulty in taking part of a new family: that’swhyshefelt in a wrongcrib 2° CHAPTER: MY ADVICE TO ANYBODY IS: GET BORN The secondchapterdescribes the townwhere the writerwasborn. It shows Manchester during the Industrial Revolution

  6. STRUCTURE AND ANALYSIS 3° CHAPTER: IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD The thirdchaptertellsabout the life in Jeanette’s family spherewhere the Biblehad an importantrolebecauseitwas a religious family 4° CHAPTER: THE TROUBLE WITH A BOOK The fourthchapterunderlines the importantrole of the books in Jeanette’s life and the conservatory and austerity believeabout life of heradoptivemother

  7. STRUCTURE AND ANALYSIS 5° CHAPTER: AT HOME The fifthchapterexplainshowreading books makes the novelistfeelasifshewasat home 6° CHAPTER: CHURCH The sixthchaptertellsabout the relationshipbetween Jeanette and the Church. It shows also the first omosexual love for a girl named Helen

  8. STRUCTURE AND ANALYSIS 7° CHAPTER: ACCRINGTON The seventhchaptertellsabout the townwhere Jeanette spentherchildhood 8° CHAPTER: THE APOCALYPSE The Apocalypseis a part of the Bible and itisassociated to MrsWinterson. In thischapter Jeanette discoversheromosexuality and MrsWinsterson’sdisapprovalisshown

  9. STRUCTURE AND ANALYSIS 9° CHAPTER: ENGLISH LITERATURE A-Z The ninethchapterfocuses the reader’sattention on Jeanette’sattitude in readingall the English Literature in order to excape from the real life and to take refuge in the literature world 10° CHAPTER: THIS IS THE ROAD The tenthchapter shows the women’sconditionsduring the Industrial Revolution and Jeanette’sattitude to make the society homophobicless

  10. STRUCTURE AND ANALYSIS 11° CHAPTER: ART AND LIES INTERMISSION The eleventhchaptertellsaboutJeanette’s life duringheruniversity and herpoint of viewaboutliterature 12° CHAPTER: THE NIGHT SEA VOYAGE The title of the chapterreminds of a dark atmosphere night The Sea Voyage  Jeanette’swalk of life

  11. STRUCTURE AND ANALYSIS 13° CHAPTER: THIS APPOINTMENT TAKES PLACE IN THE PAST The thirteenthchaptertellsaboutJeanette’smemoriesregardingherparents and the death of herfather 14° CHAPTER: STRANGE MEETING The fourteenthchapterdescribesJeanette’s meeting with herbiologicalmother and heremotions and feelings are shown

  12. STRUCTURE AND ANALYSIS 15° CHAPTER: THE WOND The title of the last chapterrefers to the painslinked to the neglet and to the adoptionthat Jeanette hadsufferedduringher life CODA Coda is a brief conclusion of the memoirwhere Jeanette explainshow the book wasborn and how the relationship with herbiologicalmotherfollowed

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