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Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Happy St. Patrick’s Day.

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day

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  1. Happy St. Patrick’s Day Saint Patrick's Day (Irish: Lá Fhéile Pádraig) is a yearly holiday celebrated on 17 March. It is named after Saint Patrick (circa AD 387–461), the most commonly recognized of the patron saints of Ireland. It began as a purely Christian holiday and became an official feast day in the early 1600s. However, it has gradually becomemore of a secular celebration of Ireland's culture.

  2. Research for Peace and SocialJustice Diane Ross, USA Otterbein University Westerville, Ohio

  3. Who am I? What do I bring to the table Mom Teacher Researcher Scholar Peace Activist

  4. Who are you? What do you bring to the table?

  5. How do I come to be here? • Dissertation Topic • SOCIAL JUSTICE AND EQUITY: A MIDDLE CHILDHOOD EDUCATOR’S JOURNEY • The researcher, a middle childhood teacher educator operating under the assumption that teacher educators must examine their own dispositions to practice social justice and equity in order to model them for teacher candidates, applied heuristics, an autobiographical phenomenological method, to explore this issue. She concluded that middle childhood teacher educators must spend their own lives acquiring dispositions to practice social justice and equity if the pre-service educators they instruct are to have any possibility of acquiring these dispositions themselves.

  6. Student response…. What causes you to “show up” today? How do you come to this place? What hopes do you have for this class time together? This time together will be successful if…….

  7. What do you know?What questions do you have? • Philosophical perspectives • Positivist/Post-positivist • Social Research • Quantitative/ Qualitative • Action Research • Appreciative Inquiry • Research Proposal

  8. I. What is research? (Pair and share….)

  9. What is research? Research is a frame of mind….a perspective that people take toward objects and activities (Bogdan and Biklen 1992: 223)

  10. What is research? organized study: methodical investigation into a subject in order to discover facts, to establish or revise a theory, or to develop a plan of action based on the facts discovered

  11. What are your experiences with research? Have you felt good about these…? (Pair and share…)

  12. II. What is Social Research?

  13. What is social research? The social sciences are the fields of academic scholarship which explore aspects of human society.

  14. Social Research disciplines…. anthropology archaeology comparative musicology communication studies cultural studies Demography Economics History human geography international development international relations linguistics, media studies, philology political science psychology (at least in part) social work social policy sociology

  15. Research for Peace and Social Justice

  16. Social Justice and Research….Basic premise for the class… Social justice is not static or timeless. The theory of justice is understood as an attempt to understand what a society’s actions, practices, and norms mean and to elucidate what a community’s shared understandings are so that they are agreed upon principles of social justice.

  17. II. What is Peace Research? (Galtung article) In small groups, respond to the sentences on your table. How does this phrase inform your definition of peace research?

  18. To move towards social justice, one must be in a constant state of social research.

  19. Because all change processes begin with framing an issue and collecting data, we become aware that in the very act of doing these preliminary activities, we are socially constructing our future through choices we make and dialogue we use.

  20. Elements of Peace Research Dialogic Explicit value Inter-disciplinary…..Intra….Trans-disciplinary Inter-national….Intra…..Trans-national…. Holistic Global

  21. Forming personal research questions…

  22. One of the most important things a change agent does it to articulate the questions…

  23. Human beings and organizations move in the direction of what they inquire about….

  24. Student response What are the most pressing questions that you have had in the past few weeks…in your lifetime?

  25. Inner/ Outer circle…. Sharing strategy

  26. Inquiry and change are not separate, but are simultaneous. Inquiry is intervention. The seeds of change – the things people think and talk about, discover and learn, and that inform dialogue and inspire images of the future- are implicit in the very first questions that we ask.

  27. Articulate your three top questions

  28. Share biggest question

  29. Brainstorm a list of peace and justice issues closest to you. • What questions do you have? • Rotate….. • Share list….

  30. You will learn what you already know. You need to learn how to generalize significantly what you know.

  31. Pare this list down to your top three questions or concerns. Rotate…. Share this list…..

  32. Pare this down to the most important question that you have right now. • Why is this important to you? • What do you know already about this. • Rotate…. • Share…..

  33. We come to know ourselves by bringing to consciousness the process by which our view points are formed…

  34. We can undress our souls with the pen…..

  35. It is through language that we create the world, because it is nothing until we describe it. And when we describe it, we create distinctions that govern our actions. To put it another way, we do not describe the world we see, but we see the world we describe…. Joseph Jaworski, Synchronicity

  36. Goals for the week Monday Introduce Social Science field and tools and their alignment to Peace Studies Monday Afternoon Introduce Research Process Introduce Action Research Paradigm Tuesday Morning Introduce Appreciative Inquiry Paradigm Tuesday Afternoon Introduce structure of paper and research tools (including online databases) Wednesday Morning Share personal research protocol with the class/ Graded assignment

  37. Format of research at WPA Research question… (Work on this tonight/ butcher block paper) Why do you want to know this? What do you already know? Literature review What do others know? ProposalWhat do you propose to do? Conclusion- What do you know differently now…and what will you do differently?

  38. Readings Action Research http://www.infed.org/research/b-actres.htm Working with Unattached Youth: Problem, approach, method (Goetschius and Tash 1967)

  39. Ending project/ Grade…. Attendance in class Blueprint for a research project

  40. Monday Afternoon Research Process

  41. Define problem…

  42. Highlight words that define problems…

  43. Find critical colleague

  44. Sharing your research question and explanation with a Critical Colleague…. 20 min. per person

  45. Research process.. You lost your pair of shoes…. (Question “Where could my shoes be….”) Reflect on where you put them (Background Knowledge/ Literature Review) Act to go and find them…. (Proposal for Action) Observe that they are not there (Data Collection) Reflect again…. (Data Analysis) Act upon new evidence… (Proposal for new action based on data collection and analysis)…….

  46. From positivism to post-positivism…. From positivism to relativism..

  47. Post-positivist The knower and known cannot be separated Not a single reality Human knowledge is not based on unchallengeable, rock-solid foundations; it is conjectural.

  48. Research Paradigms Positivist/ Modernist Rationalism Science Stable Consistent Coherent self Post-positivist/ Postmodernist Rising of the nuclear age Gap between rich and poor Global threat to the environment Interpretation Perspective

  49. Supporters of Post-Positivism.. John Dewey- constructivism.. it is in experience that one finds patterns of inquiry and logic useful for ordering and directing future events

  50. Social Research

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