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A.I.C. introducing Napoli 16 settembre 2010. Prof. Cleto Corposanto AIC - Italy. Our first thirty years. 1. Thirty years in numbers. 2. 3. Rules. “5 per mille” contribution from tax income declaration. 4. 2. 1979. Which are the needs?. What is this disease about? What can be eaten?
A.I.C. introducing Napoli 16 settembre 2010 Prof. Cleto Corposanto AIC - Italy
Our first thirty years 1 Thirty years in numbers 2 3 Rules “5 per mille” contribution from tax income declaration 4 2
1979 Which are the needs? What is this disease about?What can be eaten? Where to find products?
needs • The right “eating out” • “Demedicalication” of coeliac disease • “Get back” to family life • The “ready to eat” gluten-free meal • Gluten-free holiday • Gluten-free “Sociality” • Early diagnosis TODAY
On what does the coeliac person can count on? • Free foodstuff allocation (from 1982) • Safeguard rare / chronic disease • Having granted the right to gluten-free meal in public structures • More than 2.000 products in RNA (Registro Nazionale Alimenti: Food National Register) • More than 10.000 products in the Food and Drinks Directory, so called “Prontuario” • More than 2.000 venues to eat and sleep out • More effective labels, the trademark • 19 local AIC societies TODAY
Ethic and Disciplinary Committee AIC FEDERATION National Scientific Committee External Auditors’ Board Fund Raising Events’ management Public Financing Projects External Relations International Relations Companies’ relations Education Medical Scientific Education Local Activites’ Development Alimentazione Fuori Casa/ Eating out Project Restaurants, Pizzeria and Ice-cream parlours Catering for those whose travel Public Catering Bed & Breakfast Special Projects Foodstuff Product certification and Food and Drinks Directory Food Technology Research Food Education
Our first thirty years 2 Thirty years in numbers 3 The Rules 4 “5 per mille” contribution from tax income declaration 1 10
Data updating Members : 56.895 on Dec. 31° 2009, with an increase of 6% increase to year 2008
Coeliac population in Italy: more than 100 thousand people - as per advanced information from the “Relazione annuale al Parlamento sulla Celiachia – anno 2009” (annual Coeliac Parliament Relation – 2009 edition), to be shortly presented by Health Ministry- Data updating
Food and Drinks Directory, the “Prontuario” * Plus 20% compared to 2009, with a 15% increase in terms of companies
“Registro Nazionale degli Alimenti”* (Italian Foodstuff National Register) Updating2001: 281 products2010: more than 2500 products and 143 companies *Introduced by Veronesi’s Decree in 2001
AIC’s Projects AFC Eating Out Project 2010: more than 2000 venues
ALIMENTAZIONE FUORI CASA THE “EATING OUT PROJECT” • - Precise guidelines for: • Provisioning • Storage • Production • Food supply • Educational and refresher courses • monitoring system with recurrent visits
Visitors’ number www.celiachia.itEach visitor is counted per session (in a month period)
“In fuga dal glutine”/”Running away from gluten”’ Project OBJECTIVES • Inform and Educate “SENSITIVE” people on: • coeliac disease • gluten-free nourishment Inform and increase COMMUNITY awareness on: what Coeliac disease is the problems referring to this disease the therapy = the requirement to follow a strict diet peculiarities of the diet itself To encourage - amongst STUDENTS a strong relationship foundation - within the SCHOOLS the safeguard of different needs, striving in order to reduce and avoid any discomfort arising from this diversity
Eurispes*: AIC is amongst the 100 Italian excellences On October 2° 2008, the third “Rapporto di Eccellenza” (Excellence Report) was presented: 100 successful episodes in Italy *Political, economical and social studies Institute
Our first thirty years 3 Thirty years in numbers 2 The Rules “5 per mille” contribution from tax income declaration 4 1 26
CURRENT STATUS ON REGULATIONS 1982: Ministerial Decree dated July 1°, 1982 Introduction of Free Foodstuff Allocation 1992: Decree 111, dated January 27°, 1992 Particular Nourishment 2001: Decree 279, dated May 18°, 2001 Rare Diseases 2001: Decree, dated July 5°, 2001, so called Veronesi Free Allocation and Products Register 2003: Community Directive n. 89, indication of allergens in labelling 2005: Law 123, dated July 4°, 2005 Coeliac population’s prophylaxis regulation 2008: Prime Minister Decree 23/04/08 “LEA” Minimum level of service in Health provision – Rare and Chronic Disease’s listing
Law nr. 123/05 and the right for GF meal • Summary: • Coeliac disease, social disease, art 1 • Confirmation of free foodstuff allocation, art 4 • Objectives: early diagnosis and prevention: medical professional trainings and refresher courses, centers and network structures’ confirmation, diagnosis’ protocols, prevention of complication and monitoring of linked diseases, test definition, art 3 Gluten free meal in schools and hospitals’ restaurants as well as in public offices, art 4 Coeliac disease information at professional training and refresher courses for restaurateurs and hotelkeepers, art 5 • Parliament report on new scientific outcome referring to early diagnosis and complication monitoring, art 6 • “Legge bianca”,which is a law with no provision in case of clauses’ lack of implementation, and its application: Medical professional training Professional training for catering operators (report on art. 5) Complication Interpretation (art.4’s emendment) 28
Law nr. 123/05, art 4 Art. 4. 1. (…..) 2. (…..) 3. Gluten free shall be given out, upon anticipated request by the interested people, in school and hospital premises, as well as in public offices’ refectories. 4. The burden outcoming from the implementation of paragraph 3 is evaluated in 3.150.000 euros per year as of 2005. Non official article translation 29
Law nr.123/05, art 5 Art. 5. 1. (…) 2.Regions and self-governing districts of Trento and Bolzano to provide ad hoc coeliac disease information pamphlets at professional trainings and refresher courses for restaurateurs and hotelkeepers. 3. The burden outcoming from the implementation of paragraph 2 is evaluated in 610.000 euros per year as of 2005. Non official article translation 30
I nostri primi trent’anni 4 Trent’anni in cifre 2 3 Le norme The first communication campaign 1 31
AIC Coeliac disease
Thanks! • For queries and information: • E-mail • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx • xxxxxxxxxxxxstreet • Town • www.celiachia.it