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Who are we?. The Carolina Environmental Program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and King Mongut’s University of Technology Thonburi. Exchange Program Environmental classes with Thai and UNC students
Who are we? The Carolina Environmental Program at theUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel HillandKing Mongut’s University of Technology Thonburi • Exchange Program • Environmental classes with Thai and UNC students • UNC students engage in independent research projects addressing environmental issues in Thailand. • Opportunity for Thai students to take a semester of masters’ classes at UNC and participate in graduate level research.
Introduction – Energy in Thailand • Trend of Increasing Energy use1: • total energy demand in 2003 was 56,289 ktoe, an increase of 6.2% • 400,000 million baht was spent on imported oil • Almost 85% of the 55 million liters of diesel consumed per day is imported • Roadmap for Biodiesel Development and Promotion2 by 2011: • Increase consumption of alternative energies from 0.5% to 8% • Use 2.4 million liters of biodiesel per day nationwide • Tax incentives Table 4: Chart of Current Biodiesel Production Plants in Thailand 1 "Thailand Energy Situation." Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE), Ministry of Energy Thailand. 2003. available online at: http://www.dede.go.th/dede/statpage/energy2003/eneintroeng03.htm. 2 Renewable Energy In Thailand: Ethanol and Biodiesel. Department of Alternative Energy and Development and Efficiency, Ministry of Energy. Bangkok 2004.
Current Production Business Research
What is Biodiesel? “A domestic, renewable fuel for diesel engines derived from natural oils like soybean oil, and which meets the specifications of ASTM (American Society Testing and Materials) D 6751” 1 Benefits: Environmentally friendly feedstocks blend with diesel in normal engines Low emissions Positive energy balance2 Glyceride + Alcohol Glycerol + Esters (oil) (catalyst) Biodiesel Basics Transesterification 1National biodiesel board. 2 Sheehan, John, et al. “Life Cycle Inventory of Biodiesel and Petroleum Diesel for Use in an Urban Bus Final Report.” National Renewable Energy Laboratory. May 1998
Economics: Prices of creating biodiesel from each feedstock & Analysis of creating a market for biodiesel Research Design Energy Analysis Waste Vegetable Oil: Collection in Bangkok &Pre-processing Transesterification: Reaction to create biodiesel from feedstock oils Jatropha: Agricultural production &Oil purification
Feedstock Option #1: Jatropha Curcas
Value of Jatropha • Jatropha grows wild and in infertile soil • Oil can be extracted from the nuts after just 6 months (as opposed to 3 for palm nuts) • The nuts are about 60% oil by weight • It is not presently used in any other ways • The biodiesel has favorable ignition qualities
ENERGY INPUTS: Labor Fertilizer Transportation CULTIVATION: Propogation Fertilization Harvesting Deshelling Crushing Pressing Filtering Jatropha cultivation for biodiesel appears ideal; it is energy positive?
Transportation emissions Bags 2 month seedlings Fertilizer groundwater Transportation emissions Kernals Press cake 88-334l/day 4.4%-16.7% 1,666-1,912l/day 83.3-95.6% Crude oil
APPROACH • Land productivity varies widely between the research level oil production in Thailand and longer established cultivation in other countries. Literature ranges of 1200 to 2400 liters of oil per hectare can be expected, therefore 3 land area scenarios were considered; 1200l/ha, 1750l/ha, and 2000l/ha.
LABOR:For the 30 year productivity lifespan of jatropha, approximately 5,000,000 MJ of labor energy are needed for farming per square kilometer and 7,400,000 MJ are needed for oil extraction per square kilometer
LABOR:Depending on productivity land area scenario, this totals to 75,400,000 MJ; 51,700,000 MJ; or 45,300,000 MJ (45-75 terajoules) for the 30 year production cycle.
TRANSPORTATION:Diesel energy needs for running the tractors include establishing the field, spreading fertilizer, and harvesting in each of the different scenarios and with variable plot shape. This is assumed to be an internal flux because the tractors can run on the crude oil produced. The range is 35-133 terajoules.
FERTILIZER:This is according to the energy requirements described by Sima Pro of the fertilizer used at Kaseasart University (15:15:15). An estimated .4-.7 terajoules are required
SUMMARY:A total input of 81 to 209 terajoules is required for the 30 year production cycle of jatropha oil, depending on the productivity of the land and plot dimension. This can be compared to the energy obtained from the oil; at an average of 37.5MJ/l, 821.3 terajoules is expected. This is a significantly positive energy balance
SUMMARY • Transportation is the largest energy sink but is an internal flux if the trucks are run on crude oil. The demand is 4.4%-16.7% of the total oil produced. • Labor is generally not considered in an energy balance but has been here because of the absence of other energies in the production process in Thailand. • Fertilizer can be internalized if the waste press cake is used as fertilizer.
SUMMARY Looking at the most logical rectangular scenario 3, the total energy input is 95.1 terajoules, or 50.2 terajoules not including manual labor. This energy input can be expected to yield 821.3 terajoules of product energy. Since one MJ of energy input can produce about 8.64 MJ of product, the energy efficiency is calculated to be 864%. This indicates a highly energetically productive process. The fossil fuel energy ratio is 2068, signifying that 2068 MJ of energy are produced for every MJ fossil fuel energy input (assuming the tractors run on crude jatropha oil). Although these values are very energy positive one must keep in mind the anticipated progression of the energy produced into transesterification which will likely be more energy demanding.
LARGE SCALE PRODUCTION • This can be compared to more well established cultivation and oil extraction energy needs obtained from literature. • Here is a summation of rapeseed energy inputs for agriculture and oil extraction that are applicable to jatropha.
RAPESEED ENERGIESLooking at the 3 scenarios and 2 fertilizer options an estimated 123 to 368 terajoules of energy are needed for 30 years of industrial style production of crude jatropha oil.
SUMMARY:Comparably, energy efficiency in this case ranges from 667%-223%, still highly positive although not as efficient as the labor intensive operation. Fossil fuel energy ratio ranges from 3-18, certainly still positive but in need of closer examination when transesterification is factored in.
Feedstock Option #2: Waste Vegetable Oil (WVO)
Waste Vegetable Oil (WVO) Background • Thai cooking often uses waste vegetable oils • Produced from street vendors, restaurants, fast food, and food processing plants • Cooking oils are often overused in Bangkok and can be dangerous to human health (1) • Food vendors and restaurants will be fined 50,000 Baht for using substandard vegetable oils by the Ministry of Public Health (2) Pad Thai Cooking!!! 1 Siegmann K. and Sattler, K. “Aerosol from Hot Cooking Oil, A Possible Health Hazard.” Journal of Aerosol Science. 27(1): S493-S494. 19962 “B50,000 on use of bad cooking oil.” Bangkok Post. 7 December 2004. Available online at: http://www.bangkokpost.com/News/07Dec2004_news05.php
WVO is most commonly used as an ingredient in animal feed, also used with oil based paints PAH’s and other toxic chemicals found in WVO can bioaccumulate in an animal’s body and can harm humans (3) Biodiesel can be produced from WVO Currently WVO is used to produce in many areas around the world, most commonly known for by the “fish and chips” emissions of some cars in the UK WVO Collection Process WVO Uses 3 Scottish Environmental Protection Agency [Online]. “European Pollutant Emission Registrar (EPER): Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.” http://www.sepa.org.uk/data/eper/contextual_info.aspx?si=41. Accessed Nov. 25, 2004.
Liz and Andy sucking up WVO at Chitralada Palace Two Major WVO Questions 1) How much waste vegetable oil (WVO) is in Bangkok? 2) Energy Analysis: How much energy is required for: • What is the best way to collect WVO? • What pre-processing steps are required for biodiesel production from WVO?
WVO in Bangkok • I conducted a survey to determine the amount and status of WVO in BKK • Areas Surveyed: • MBK Mall • Tesco/Lotus and Big C • Street Restaurants and Stalls in the Bangmod area • Notable Limitations: 1) Small survey: results are not statistically significant 2) I can’t speak Thai Findings: • WVO from chain restaurants and fast food is often already collected • Most street vendors and street restaurants do not have their WVO collected • I could not contact or communicate with WVO collection businesses
WVO Amounts in Bangkok To Summarize: • Malls produce 500-800 liters/day • Supermarkets produce 20-70 liters/day • Small Street Restaurant / Stalls produce up to 2 liters/day • Large Street Restaurants produce up to 10 liters/day Estimates for number of shops in BKK: • 10 small street stalls and restaurants per square kilometer in BKK • 65 supermarkets (Tesco, Big C, Carrfour, etc) • 20 large malls in BKK Max Amount of Biodiesel Produced: • Current Mandate B2 (2% biodiesel): 250,000 tanks/day (80 liter fuel tank capacity) • B20 Fuel (20% biodiesel): 25,000 tanks/day • Pure Biodiesel B100: 5,000 tanks/day How much energy does WVO collection require?
Energy Required for WVO Collection • Two Scenarios: Pickup Truck vs. Large Collection Van • Pickup truck requires more energy (1.7 MJ/liter of biodiesel) but is also more smaller and more accessible to BKK city streets (street stalls and restaurants) • Large Collection van requires less energy (0.9 MJ/liter of biodiesel) but is less mobile and suitable for areas of high WVO density (malls & supermarkets) • Between 2-5% of the energy in biodiesel is required for collection and transportation of WVO After collection, what steps are needed to process WVO for biodiesel production?
Preprocessing of WVO • Cooking with oils create forms contaminants in oil • Free fatty acids and water can disrupt biodiesel production • Preprocessing can destroy the free fatty acids and water Inputs Outputs Settling Tank Purpose: Remove large particles andwater by gravity separation Filtered Waste vegetable oil Wastewater and solid wastes Esterification Reaction Purpose: Reduce FFA content 70C, 400 kPa Recovered Methanol Methanol, Electricity, & H2SO4 Glycerine Washing Column Purpose: Remove water and acid25 C, 200 kPa Glycerine & Electricity Treated Waste Vegetable Oil Methanol Recovery Column Purpose: Recover methanol70 C, 30 kPa Waste Stream (glycerol, water, and H2SO4) Electricity Zhang Pre-processing of Waste Vegetable Oil, 2003 (4) 4 Zhang, Y. et al. "Biodiesel production from waste cooking oil: 1. Process design and technological assessment." Bioresource Technology. 89(1): 1-16. 2003.
Preprocessing Energy of WVO • Largest energy sink in pre-processing is the production of methanol • Almost 1/3 of the energy in biodiesel is required to pre-process WVO Alternative: • Don’t Pre-process the oil! • The Royal Chitralada Plant does not process their oil and maintains very high yields (98.4%) 5 Chemlink Australia. “Methanol (methyl alcohol).” Available at: www.chemlink.com.au/methanol.htm. Accessed Dec 9, 2004. 6 Rasheva, D. et al. "Energy efficiency of the production of sulfuric acid from liquid sulfur," Energy: An International Journal. 2(1). 51-54. 2002.
Waste Vegetable Oil Conclusions To Transesterification WVO Generation WVO Collection WVO Processing Preprocessing to remove Free Fatty Acids and Water requires a significant amount of energy 1/3 of the energy contained in biodiesel must be used for WVO processing Preprocessing of WVO may not be a mandatory step, as observed at the Royal Chitralada Palace Larger vehicles are collecting larger load of WVO require less energy than smaller vehiclesSmaller vehicles may have better access to some areas in Bangkok Overall a small amount of energy is consumed to collect WVO in Bangkok Malls: 500-800 lit/daySupermarkets: 30-70 lit/dayStreet Restaurants: 2 lit/day Some WVO is already collected at many chain and fast food restaurants Enough WVO is found in BKK to fill up 250,000 tanks of B2 biodiesel per day
Biodiesel Formation Process: Transesterification
Current Production of Biodiesel Thailand – Chitralada Palace Plant • 2 started in May 2004 • Has produced about 13 batches • 280 liters/batch • WVO, ethanol, NaOH Khun Nititporn, engineer.Royal Chitralada Projects, Bangkok. Biodiesel Research Project Plant located at the Chitralada Palace, central Bangkopk, Thailand. October and November 2004.Website: http://kanchanapisek.or.th/kp1/index.html
Current Production of Biodiesel Thailand – Naval Dockyard Plant • Royal Navy • 500 liters/batch (5-6 hours) • 2000 liters/day • Palm oil, methanol, KOH • December 2004 plant analysis to determine material and electricity used • Biodiesel used in Navy boats, cars, and buses at various blends • Also conducted quality tests for emissions and effects on engines 1 Captain Somai Jai-In.Royal Thai Navy.Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand. November 2004.Website: http://www.navy.mi.th/. 2 Padkuntod, Pathomkanok. “Royal Navy experiments with running on the fats of the land.” The Nation. July 18, 2004. Available online at: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/page.arcview.php3?clid=11&id=102645&usrsess=1.
Production steps 1 2 Mix Alcohol + catalyst Heat VegetableOil 3 Transesterification 5 4 AlcoholRecovery Separation ofCo-products 6 Crude Glycerin Refining 7 Biodiesel Water Washing 8 WasteWater Treatment Glycerin Biodiesel
INPUTS OUTPUTS Materials WVO 300 liters Ethanol 175 liters NaOH 1.73 kg Water 250 liters Transesterification Biodiesel 280 liters Glycerin 24 liters Electricity 29.2 MJ Waste Water 299kg Chitralada Palace Plant: Energy and Material flows for 1 batch biodiesel
Royal Navy Plant: Energy and Material flows for 1 batch biodiesel INPUTS OUTPUTS Transesterification Materials Palm Oil 500 liters Methanol 100 liters KOH 5.00 kg Water 1000 liters Biodiesel 500 liters Glycerin 100 liters Waste Water Quantity unknown Electricity 55.8 MJ (estimate) Recovered Methanol Quantity unknown
Energy Balance for 1 liter biodiesel Navy Chitralada Energy number for Biodiesel from Al-Widyan, Mohamad I., and Ali O. Al-Shyoukh. “Experimental evaluation of the transesterification of waste palm oil into biodiesel.” Bioresource Technology 85:253-256. December 2002.
Energy balance for biodiesel production Waste Vegetable Oil Jatropha
Supports to government energy policies The greatest concerns for Thailand are: increase of energy security through the reduction of reliance on outside imports the strengthening of the agricultural sector. Why Biodiesel-Economically?
Production Costing Analysis Looks at the costing of : • Inputs: What is used in operation of each production phase • Equipment • Materials • Outputs: What is produced after the completion of each phase • Products, co-products, and wastes
The basis of this costing was: feedstock • Contribute to the majority of the cost • Picking the proper feedstock is based on five items: • the actual “per unit” price or the cost • the variability in quality or chemical content of the feedstock • regular availability • flexibility to increase supply to meet demand • the cost of transportation and pretreatment Ginder, Roger. “Evaluating Biodiesel As A Value Added Opportunity.” Agricultural Marketing Center. Ohio State University. 2004. Available online at: http://www.me3.org/issues/ethanol/
Jatropha-Plantation Process Outputs Inputs Plantation Trucks Seedlings Fertilizer Water Propogation/ Harvesting Labor Pesticide Oil Seeds
Transport to Crushing Mill Inputs Process Outputs Transportation Trucks diesel crew None
Deshell/Crush/Press Inputs Process Outputs Mill Jatropha Oil Labor Tools
Refining Process Outputs Inputs Refinery Equipment Tools Crew Refined Jatropha Oil
Transporation from Crushing Mill to Transesterification plant Process Outputs Inputs Transportation Trucks Pumps Electricity Diesel fuel None
Transesterification • mixing tank • Reaction tank • motor, heater • Washing tank (2) • Centrifuge Separator • Pump • storage tanks (3) Process Inputs Outputs Transesterification Biodiesel Glycerol Jatropha Oil electricty Water, crew of1 Menthanol (ethanol) NaOH
Economics of Jatropha • ADVANTAGES • Not much fertilizer, water consumption etc. • No competition with food industry • Disadvantages • Labor intensive • May be transporation intensive