Nuclear Safety
September 22, 2005
William E. Burchill
Department Head & HTRI Professor
Department of Nuclear Engineering
Texas A&M University
14. Reactivity Factors Geometry
Fuel composition
fissile isotopes
fission products
burnable poisons
Moderator/coolant composition
soluble boron
coolant additives, e.g., mat’l. degradation inhibitors
Power distribution
Control rods positions
16. Fuel Temperature (Doppler) Coefficient As TF increases, epithermal capture cross section resonances broaden – hence, - ??
mostly U-238 at BOL
add Pu-240 at EOL
As TF increases, decreased thermalization due to reduction of fuel scattering cross sections – about 10% of - ?? effect
As TM increases, absolute magnitude of - ?? decreases
As void fraction increases, absolute magnitude of - ?? increases
18. Moderator Temperature Coefficient Increased TM reduces ?M which reduces thermalization – hence, - ??
However, in PWR with soluble boron, increased TM reduces boron concentration giving reduced neutron absorption – hence, + ??
Thus, soluble boron concentration must be limited to keep MTC negative (limit on boron concentration produces need for burnable poisons in fuel)
MTC changes over fuel cycle due primarily to boron concentration with small secondary influence of fuel isotopic composition and neutron spectrum
19. Moderator Temperature Coefficient Increased TM also reduces the hydrogen scattering cross section which hardens the neutron spectrum – impact depends on fuel isotopic composition
U-235 has 1/v fission cross section, so increased TM reduces fission rate - hence, - ??
Pu-239 has a fission cross section resonance near top of thermal energy range (~ 0.65 ev), so increased TM increases fission rate - hence, +??
These “spectral” effects are much smaller than those due to moderator density changes
22. Isothermal Moderator Density Coefficient As ?M increases, thermalization increases – hence, + ??
In PWR with soluble boron, increased ?M increases boron concentration giving increased neutron absorption – hence, - ??
Magnitude of thermalization effect is usually much larger than magnitude of boron concentration effect – hence, magnitude of + ?? decreases with increased boron concentration
At very high boron concentration (BOC), coefficient can be slightly negative
24. Reactivity as f(moderation)
27. Reactivity Control Design Basis The reactivity control system must be able to make the core subcritical from any power operating condition with the highest worth control rod stuck out.
(See 10CFR50 App. A GDC 27)
34. Reactivity Temperature Defect Temperature defect = reactivity change from room temperature to hot standby
About 4% ˜ $6 (ß = .007) or $10 (ß = .004)
38. LWR Nuclear Characteristics LCOs Power distribution
Core reactivity
Boron concentration (PWR)
Void coefficient (BWR)
Power coefficient
Single control rod (bank) worth
Allowable control rod (bank) insertion f(power level)
Allowable control rod insertion rates
SCRAM time
Shutdown worth