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Engineering for Transportability Program. John D. Newman. 19 October 2012. What is Transportability?. Transportability is the inherent capability of an item or system to be effectively and efficiently moved by required transportation assets and modes.
Engineering for Transportability Program John D. Newman 19 October 2012
What is Transportability? Transportability is the inherent capability of an item or system to be effectively and efficiently moved by required transportation assets and modes. Deployability is the ability to move forces and materiel anywhere in the world in support of a military operation. Unfortunately, many CAPDEVs and MATDEVs are not fully aware of their responsibilities under Army Regulations that cover the Army’s Transportability Engineering Program (ARs 70-1, 70-47, 71-9, 73-1, 700-127, and 700-142).
Current Regulations Origin – DoD Instruction 3224.1: (25 March 1958) DoD Engineering for Transportability Program, directs the establishment of a DoD Engineering for Transportability Program. DoD Directive 4510.11: Establishes the Highways, Railroads, and Ports for National Defense Programs. The Secretary of the Army shall promote a coordinated transportability program between DoD components through providing transportability engineering advice and assistance, and ensuring publication of a multi-service regulation to implement the Engineering for Transportability program. Transportability is in 4510.11 because DoDI3224.1 was cancelled by one of the rewrites of DoDD 5000.1. There are two documents as the DoDD can contain policy only. Procedures have to go in the DoDI. DoDI 4540.07: The Heads of the DoD Components shall establish Engineering for Transportability and Deployability programs to ensure that they are considered in the design and development of new or modified defense materiel and equipment. They also shall designate component and mode transportability agents.
DoDI 4540.07 (11 Sep 07) Implements the Engineering for Transportability Program • SDDCTEA is the DoD Secretariat for the Engineering for Transportability program. • SDDC is the Army’s Transportability Agent & DoD Agent for multi-service. • Secretary of the Army, through ASAALT, provides policy guidance. Army G-4 provides general staff oversight. • Army Natick Soldier Research, Development, and Engineering Center (NSRDEC) provides rotary/tilt wing sling load, air drop guidance and approvals, and shelter certifications. • The USAF’s Air Transportability Test Loading Activity (ATTLA), provides air transport certifications. • SDDCTEA Transportability Approvals, required for Milestone C, incorporate all certifications in one document. (Currently being updated) (SDDCTEA – Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Transportation Engineering Agency)
Transportability in the Acquisition Process The Earlier Transportability Is Considered the Better Transportability Report Air Cert Internal HT /HSL Cert Air Drop Cert JOCOTAS Waiver / STC Final Test Report Transportability Approval Is Required Before Milestone C Transportability Approval Countdown 45 Days SSB CDD TEMP CPD PD SDDCTEA PAMs SDDCTEA will review/comment on transportability requirements TRANSPORTABILITY EARLY BETTER TRANSPORTATION
AR 70-1 (22 Jul 11) Army Acquisition Policy • Commanding General SDDC will provide transportability engineering and deployability advice and analyses. Will also provide transportability approval or identify corrective actions required to obtain approval for all transportability problem items. (p. 22) • All new systems, major modifications, upgrades to current systems, NDI’s, commercial items, and re-procurements designated as transportability problem items must obtain transportability approval from the Commander, SDDC, in accordance with DoDI 4540.07 and AR 70-47. (p. 35) • Transportability and deployability will be considered for all decision reviews of transportability problem items. (p.35) • Transportability approval from SDDC will be required before Milestone C. (para4-5.d.) 22 Jul 11
AR 70-47 (11 Sep 12) Engineering for Transportability Program • Just completed a MAJOR revision (1985). • Implements requirements set forth in DoDD 4510.11, DoDI 4540.07, DoDD 5000.01 and DoDI 5000.02. • Provides Army CAPDEV and MATDEV guidance and procedures for use during the materiel acquisition process. Assures that all Army materiel (major end items, components, and spare parts) is acquired, designed, engineered, and constructed so that required quantities can be moved efficiently by existing and planned transportation assets. (p. 1) • CAPDEVs ensure that strategic and tactical transportability requirements are adequately stated in materiel capability documents and coordinated with SDDCTEA. (p. 3) • MATDEVs are responsible for ensuring transportability requirements are considered in all phases of development. (p. 4) 11 Sep 12
AR 70-47 (11 Sep 12) Engineering for Transportability Program (Continued) • MATDEVs ensure that systems are designed, engineered, and constructed IAW the Engineering for Transportability Program. (p.7) • Defines a Transportability Problem Item, Non-Problem Item, and Transportability Report. • SDDC is the Army’s transportability agent. (p.2) • SDDCTEA provides an Army transportability expert for Source Selection and Evaluation Boards. (p. 3) • SDDCTEA reviews all requirements documents and test plans to ensure transportability is covered. (p. 3) • SDDCTEA must be notified prior to transportability testing and they (or their agent) should attend. (p. 7) • SDDCTEA will provide transportability approval within 45 days of receipt of final test reports in support of the Milestone C Decision. (p. 7) 11 Sep 12
Other Army Regulations Mentioning Transportability • AR 71-9 Warfighting Capabilities Determination28 December 2009 • 2–20. Commanding General, U.S. Army Materiel Command • The CG, AMC will— • i. Provide transportability engineering advice and analyses to the MATDEV, CBTDEV and TNGDEV. • j. Provide item, unit, and system transportability assessments for Milestone Decision Review (MDR). • k. Provide transportability approval or identify corrective actions required to obtain approval for all transportability problem items. • l. Review all materiel requirements documents to assess adequacy of transportability. • AR 73-1 Test and Evaluation Policy1 August 2006 • 2–18. Commanding General, Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command • The CG, U.S. Army SDDC will— • a. Execute the Army Transportability Agent mission. • b. Review and analyze the transportability and engineering aspects of test related documents. • c. Ensure that appropriate transportability testing is planned, conducted, and reported by the MATDEV. • d. Provide a transportability assessment to the MATDEV and to USATEC. • e. Provide a transportability functional expertise in the planning and conduct of T&E, including modeling and simulation support.
Other Army Regulations Mentioning Transportability • AR 700-127 Integrated Logistics Support 26 March 2012 • 2–14. Capability developers • r. Define transportability and mobility requirements in coordination with the PEO/PM and the Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Transportation Engineering Agency (SDDCTEA) of the materiel system and assess the unit mobility impact during the development process. • 2–16. Director, Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Transportation Engineering Agency • The Director, SDDCTEA will— • a. Provide transportability engineering assistance, deployability analysis assistance, design guidance, and required approvals to PMs, CAPDEVs, and other participants during system acquisition. • b. Provide transportability and deployability assessments for CAPDEV and PM throughout the acquisition process. Provide assessments and transportability approvals to the ILS manager for incorporation into the single supportability assessment. • c. Ensure liaison with all services and DLA in all transportability matters. • d. Participate in SIPTs, as required. • e. Ensure transport procedures for new systems are covered in SDDCTEA guidance. • f. Participate in HQDA ILSRs, as requested. • g. Provide a representative to the AILSEC. • h. Provide final transportability approval, or provide corrective actions needed to obtain approval, prior to Milestone C. Transportability approval from SDDCTEA is required before Milestone C.
Other Army Regulations Mentioning Transportability • AR 700-142 Type Classification, Materiel Release, Fielding, and Transfer 16 October 2008 (currently under revision) • 2-15. Program manager • The PM has the responsibilities for each of the following areas: • (3) To ensure suitability— • (h) Obtain the transportability approval from Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC) Transportation Engineering Agency. • 2–20. Commander, Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command • The Commander, SDDC will— • a. Provide transportability policy and guidance in support of Type Classification (TC) and Materiel Release (MR). • b. Provide transportability engineering analysis and evaluation in support of TC and MR. • c. Provide transportability approval in support of the MR process. • Type Classification – the process used to establish the degree of acceptability of materiel for Army use. • Standard – Materiel is acceptable for mission intended; Limited Procurement – Materiel is required for a limited time • Materiel Release – the process used to ensure that materiel is suitable, has been fully tested, meets operational performance requirements, and can be supported logistically as intended to operate. • Full – certification that the materiel is safe, suitable (meets its requirements) and supportable. (FMR) • Conditional – when all criteria for a Full Materiel Release are not met. (CMR) • Urgent – a limited certification that materiel meets minimum safety requirements and is supportable. (UMR)
Why Transportability? • Establish transportability requirements based on operational mission • SDDCTEA participates in Source Selection and Evaluation Boards • Transportability design considerations • Weight and dimensions • Lifting and tiedown provisions • Interface with DTS/DTS Assets • Structural integrity • Ensure that the equipment meets requirements • SDDCTEA oversees transportability testing • SDDCTEA provides transportability approval for Milestone C; or provides corrective actions required to obtain approval
Transportability Testing • SDDCTEA is directly involved in two types of transportability testing: • MIL-STD-209 Lifting and Tiedown Testing • MIL-STD-810 Rail Impact Testing • We help support ATTLA (USAF) and NSRDEC in any testing requirements they might have for their certifications that might be needed for the system/vehicle.
MIL-STD-209 Tiedown Pull Test Failure MRAP pull test to 150,000 lbs. Failure of the vehicle occurred at 147,000 lbs.
MIL-STD-810 Rail Impact Test The 4, 6, and 8 forward, and the 8 mph reverse rail impact test is based on the Association of American Railroad (AAR) transport requirement to move on commercial rail lines in CONUS.
MIL-STD-209 Equipment Lift Test • HEMTT LET Lift Test • Because of poor design considerations, the front two lift provisions carry ~95% of the vehicle’s weight when following proper MIL-STD-209 lifting guidance (equal length slings). • This is not a safe lift! ~
Highway Transportability Know Your Payload and Route!! • Lloydminster, Canada, October 2011 • Backhoe on trailer was too tall for the bridge • Highway closed for days, rail line much longer
Highway Transportability • Accident took place on 14 Mar 12 in Spartanburg, SC on I-585. • HEMTT LHS carrying a 20-foot ISO Container and towing a PLS Trailer. • Driver was not aware of the height limitations of the interstate and height of the combined load. • Rebar was exposed under the bridge. Published procedures and guidance are not always followed in the field!
Rail Transport Ft. Hood, TX, July 2010 Runaway railcar estimated to have hit 86 mph before jumping the track. One M1 still tied down on the railcar!
Rail Transport Improperly Secured Load Temple, TX (4 Mar 11) Doors Opened During Transit Published procedures are not always followed.
Rail Transport Coffeyville, KS (1 Aug 12) Train stopped as doors opened on 4 vehicles. A tire strapped to a vehicle was hanging from a railcar. The strap was cut and the tire was too heavy to place back on the railcar. Published procedures are not always followed.
Rail Transport Herlong, CA (15 Oct 12) The Train was received with many vehicle doors open. Straps and wires had been used on the doors and even chains in some cases. It appears the mirrors and doors were struck during transport. Published procedures are not always followed.
Sea Lift Roll On…Roll Off? • This was at low tide, so things were not going to get any better. • All equipment must be capable of crane lift.
Sea Lift Published procedures are not always followed.
Sea Lift – Missing Shackles SDDC spends hundreds of thousands of dollars every year to buy replacement shackles.
Stryker on a C-130 A VERY Tight Fit!! Air Transportability is more than “it will fit.” Things such as atmospheric conditions, flight distance, and fuel available matter!
MILITARY SURFACE DEPLOYMENT AND DISTRIBUTION COMMAND TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING AGENCY John D. Newman Deployability Engineering Chief COMM: (618) 220-5263 DSN: 770-5263 FAX: (618) 220-5551 ATTN: SDTE-DPE 1 Soldier Way, Building 1900W Scott AFB, IL 62225-5006 Email: john.d.newman.civ@mail.mil WEB PAGE: www.tea.army.mil Questions?