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Towards Establishing a Local ORCA Instance

Towards Establishing a Local ORCA Instance. 7th GENI Engineering Conference. 03/16/2010 GEC7 – ORCA-D. EL-Hadik, LEARN. Shade EL-Hadik Deniz Gurkan University of Houston. Outline. Objective Installing an isolated ORCA instance Testing Node agent Work till date What is next.

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Towards Establishing a Local ORCA Instance

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  1. Towards Establishing a Local ORCA Instance 7th GENI Engineering Conference 03/16/2010GEC7 – ORCA-D. EL-Hadik, LEARN Shade EL-Hadik Deniz Gurkan University of Houston

  2. Outline • Objective • Installing an isolated ORCA instance • Testing • Node agent • Work till date • What is next 03/16/2010GEC7 – ORCA-D. EL-Hadik, LEARN

  3. Objective • Create an isolated ORCA instance in the lab with a Cisco 3750 switch • Integrate the LEARN, regional optical network, located in Texas, into the ORCA control framework (GENI Cluster D) by GENI Engineering Conference 8 (July 2010) 03/16/2010GEC7 – ORCA-D. EL-Hadik, LEARN

  4. Towards an Isolated ORCA Instance PRE-REQUISITES • ORCA software Release: Anacortes (1.1-alpha) • Ubuntu-9.0 • Java version 1.5 • Ant 1.7 • Maven 2.2.1 • Subversion Client with https support • SSH client 03/16/2010GEC7 – ORCA-D. EL-Hadik, LEARN

  5. Building ORCA Create Work Directory Install all artifacts to the local repository Retrieve bootstrap directory from Subversion Prepare Source Tree for building 03/16/2010GEC7 – ORCA-D. EL-Hadik, LEARN Soft link to build.xml file Prepare GENI-ORCA for Use Use ant to get the source 1.1-alpha release version First Time User : Register the Certificate of Web server Web server Certificate is installed in the Key store of Java Installation

  6. Building ORCA : Successful Setup Tomcat container to allow ORCA run in Emulation mode Create mysql database and populate it Deploying ORCA Give ant more heap space Create the webapp with the new information 03/16/2010GEC7 – ORCA-D. EL-Hadik, LEARN Deploy into an already running tomcat instance on the local machine Generating GENI-ORCA Web Application Wait until the actors start ticking before logging into the portal. Log into portal : http://localhost:8080/orca

  7. Automat – Web app 03/16/2010GEC7 – ORCA-D. EL-Hadik, LEARN

  8. Node Agent • Create ORCA instance to use real resources • Steps: • Installing Node Agent Host - The node agent host is a axis server that hosts and runs our drivers • Install Node Agents - This installs the node agents themselves into the running axis server • Install the drivers - Register the previously generated admin certificate with the newly installed node agent 03/16/2010GEC7 – ORCA-D. EL-Hadik, LEARN

  9. Work till date • The ORCA Master is now equipped with handlers. • The node agent has drivers installed. • Drivers for accessing the Cisco 6509 switch are available, which we need to modify for Cisco 3750. 03/16/2010GEC7 – ORCA-D. EL-Hadik, LEARN

  10. Next step • To test if the handlers of the ORCA master are suitable for the existing drivers of the node agent. • If successful, the Cisco 3750 switch needs to be accessed by node agent for our lab • Finally to set up a VLAN using the switch, node agent, and the ORCA Master. 03/16/2010GEC7 – ORCA-D. EL-Hadik, LEARN

  11. Questions? 03/16/2010GEC7 – ORCA-D. EL-Hadik, LEARN

  12. 03/16/2010GEC7 – ORCA-D. EL-Hadik, LEARN

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