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Kristian Teiter

Geoportal and Web Map Server of the Estonian Land Board 17th Conference of the LIBER Groupe des Cartothécaires, Estonia 15-19 June 2010. Kristian Teiter. Introduction. Estonian Land Board is a National Mapping and Cadastral Agency Governmental institution 279 employees. Our g oal.

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Kristian Teiter

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  1. Geoportal and Web Map Server of the Estonian Land Board17th Conference of the LIBER Groupe des Cartothécaires, Estonia 15-19 June 2010 Kristian Teiter

  2. Introduction Estonian Land Board is a National Mapping and Cadastral Agency Governmental institution 279 employees

  3. Our goal To make land related information available to public

  4. Geoportal • Gateway to land related information • Available to public from December 2009 • Content is Land Board centric • Services, maps and data (metadata), map server

  5. Geoportal

  6. Web Map Server Web Map Server was created for publishing land related data (maps, cadastral data, etc) In 2001 first map application were made available for public In 2008 first WMS service were made available for public

  7. Web Map Server Web Map Server is consisting of different web map applications and services Some applications and services are public, some are “targeted applications”, made for special user groups and co-operation partners

  8. Public applications Usage of the public applications and services is free of charge for everybody No payment No login, no username, no password Just open the application and use it

  9. Targeted applications Access is restricted Login in necessary Certain user groups have rights to use certain services (co-operation partners from public sector)

  10. How to access • Public Web Map Server in English is available: http://geoportaal.maaamet.ee/eng/ • Public WMS service containing our maps is available: http://xgis.maaamet.ee/wms-pub/alus-geo? • You can view our maps and cadastral data using Google Earth, KMZ fail can be downloaded at: http://geoportaal.maaamet.ee/docs/WMS/maaxamet_wms_geo.kmz

  11. Land information application

  12. Land information application

  13. Land information application

  14. Land information application

  15. Land information application

  16. Land information application

  17. Historical maps

  18. Historical maps

  19. Historical Maps

  20. Historical Maps

  21. Historical Maps

  22. Historical Maps

  23. Historical Maps

  24. Historical Maps

  25. Geological Maps (bedrock geology)

  26. Soil Map

  27. Detail plan management

  28. Usage • 0.5 million different computers (different IP addresses) were using xgis.maaamet.ee every month • WMS service is satisfying more than 2,3 million queries every month

  29. Thank you! Kristian.Teiter@maaamet.ee

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