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Class: 140H. VA Filemanager I for Clinical Informatics Support. FILEMANAGER: The VA’s database program. 9 Options. Enter or Edit File Entries Print File Entries Search File Entries Modify File Attributes Inquire to File Entries Utility Functions ... Data Dictionary Utilities ...
Class: 140H VA Filemanager I for Clinical Informatics Support
FILEMANAGER: The VA’s database program
9 Options • Enter or Edit File Entries • Print File Entries • Search File Entries • Modify File Attributes • Inquire to File Entries • Utility Functions ... • Data Dictionary Utilities ... • Transfer Entries • Other Options ...
Enter/edit Print Search Modify Inquire Utility Data Dictionary Transfer Other Options
Print Search Inquire List File Attributes Which really means: Sort:Pull entries out of the file in a list in a certain order Search:Look through the file for individual entries that match a filter pattern. Print:Output individual or multiple entries in a standard format or a specialized format chosen by the user. List File Attributes:Show the fields of the file, how they are set up and what gets entered into them.
List File Attributes We will only play with List file attributes for now so we can look at field types and file information.
1 Print File Entries 2 Search File Entries 3 Inquire to File Entries 4 List File Attributes Select Filemanager Options Option: 4 List File Attributes START WITH WHAT FILE: PATIENT// GO TO WHAT FILE: PATIENT// Select SUB-FILE: Select LISTING FORMAT: STANDARD// ? Answer with LISTING FORMAT NUMBER, or NAME Choose from: 1 STANDARD 2 BRIEF 3 CUSTOM-TAILORED 4 MODIFIED STANDARD 5 TEMPLATES ONLY 6 GLOBAL MAP 7 CONDENSED 8 INDEXES ONLY 9 KEYS ONLY Select LISTING FORMAT: STANDARD//
CONDENSED DATA DICTIONARY---PATIENT FILE (#2) UCI: DVA,ROU VERSION: 4.0 STORED IN: ^DPT( 04/21/06 PAGE 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILE SECURITY DD SECURITY : @ DELETE SECURITY: Dd READ SECURITY : d LAYGO SECURITY : Dd WRITE SECURITY : Dd (NOTE: Kernel's File Access Security has been installed in this UCI.) CROSS REFERENCED BY: ICN HISTORY(AAICN) ATTENDING PHYSICIAN(AAP) … FIELD FIELD NUMBER NAME .01 NAME (RFXa), [0;1] .02 SEX (RSa), [0;2] .03 DATE OF BIRTH (RDXOa), [0;3] .033 AGE (CJ3X,0), [ ; ] … 1100.05 FFF DATE REMOVED (D), [FFP;5] 1100.09 FFF REMOVAL REMARKS (F), [FFP;9] 1900 APPOINTMENT (Multiple-2.98), [S;0] .001 APPOINTMENT DATE/TIME (D), [ ] .01 CLINIC (MP44'X), [0;1] .02 TELEPHONE OF CLINIC (CJ14), [ ; ] 3 STATUS (S), [0;2] … 28 FOLLOW-UP VISIT (S), [1;2] 100 CURRENT STATUS (CJ35), [ ; ] 1901 VETERAN (Y/N)? (RSXa), [VET;1] 1903 ARCHIVED DATA (Multiple-2.12), [ARCH;0] .01 DATA TYPE (S), [0;1] 1 DATE OF ARCHIVE (Multiple-2.13), [1;0] .01 DATE OF ARCHIVE (D), [0;1] 1 TAPE # (F), [0;2] 2 BEGIN ARCHIVE DATE (D), [0;3] 3 END ARCHIVE DATE (D), [0;4] 4 NUMBER OF RECORDS ARCHIVED (NJ6,0), [0;5] 11500.01 INITIAL ODS TREATMENT RECEIVED (D), [ODS;1] 11500.02 RECALLED TO ACTIVE DUTY (S), [ODS;2] 11500.03 RANK (*P25002.1'), [ODS;3]
Definitions Database File Record Field
Database A collection of files. Can be relational or non-relational. Vista.
File Individual groupings of data that are relatively egocentric, in that they are concerned about their own data area. Files are made up of records. Example of files:Patient fileConsult fileOrder filePrescription file
Record An individual entry in a file. Made up of fields. Patient IMAGpatient,One’s patient record: Name: IMAGpatient,One SSN: 000-00-0001 Street Address: Any Street City: Any town State: Vermont
Field NAME: A data element in a record. Example of fields: Name SSN Street Address City State
Mandatory field • A field that you must enter data into • The record must have this data to be complete
Non Mandatory field • A field that is not needed for the record to exist. • Example; • Name: mandatory • Occupation: non mandatory You can’t have a record without a name, but you can have a record without an occupation.
Field types for files 1. Free Text:Can be a mix of numbers and letters within a fixed length. 2. Numeric:Numbers within fixed guidelines ergo: from 1 to 9999 no decimal places. 3. Set of codes: Fixed codes that a user can select from for that field 4. WP:Word processing. That is you can type in as much as you want. 5. Pointer:Allows you to pick entries from another file. 6. Variable pointer:Allows you to pick entries from a file and if there is nothing in that file you like you get presented with another file to choose from. 7. Computed:Example: Age. It changes from day to day therefore there is no way to make it a regular field so when someone asks for age the computer subtracts date of birth from today’s date. 8. Mumps:Special fields for programmers. 9. Multiple field: Like a file inside a file.
Free Text fields.Any allowable text up to a certain length limit • STANDARD DATA DICTIONARY #2 -- PATIENT FILE MAY 12,2006@13:55:20 PAGE 1 • STORED IN ^DPT( (1210 ENTRIES) SITE: IMGDemo UCI: DVA,ROU (VERSION 4.0) • DATA NAME GLOBAL DATA • ELEMENT TITLE LOCATION TYPE • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • 2,.114 CITY .11;4 FREE TEXT (audited) • INPUT TRANSFORM: K:$L(X)>15!($L(X)<2) X • LAST EDITED: JUN 09, 2003 • HELP-PROMPT: Answer must be 2-15 characters in length • DESCRIPTION: Enter the city in which this applicant resides [2-15 characters]. If the space provided is not sufficient please abbreviate the city to the best of your ability. • WHITE RIV JCT • WHITE RIVER JCT • WHITE RIVER JUN • WRJ • WHITE RIVER • WH. RIVER JCT • HARTFORD • WHITERIVER JCT • WR JCT • ........ • White River Jct • WHIRE RIVER JCT • White River JCT • WHITE RIVER,JCT • WHITE RVR.JCT.
STANDARD DATA DICTIONARY #2 -- PATIENT FILE APR 21,2006@09:38:25 PAGE 1 STORED IN ^DPT( (1210 ENTRIES) SITE: IMGDemo UCI: DVA,ROU (VERSION 4.0) DATA NAME GLOBAL DATA ELEMENT TITLE LOCATION TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,.09 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER0;9 FREE TEXT (Required) (audited) SSN INPUT TRANSFORM: K:X[""""!($A(X)=45) X I $D(X) S:'$D(DPTX) DFN=D A D SSN^DGINP Q I $L(X)>10 OUTPUT TRANSFORM: S:$L(Y)=11 Y=$E(Y,10,11)_$E(Y,1,9) STANDARD DATA DICTIONARY #2 -- PATIENT FILE APR 21,2006@09:41:25 PAGE 1 STORED IN ^DPT( (1210 ENTRIES) SITE: IMGDemo UCI: DVA,ROU (VERSION 4.0) DATA NAME GLOBAL DATA ELEMENT TITLE LOCATION TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,.116 ZIP CODE.11;6 FREE TEXT INPUT TRANSFORM: K:X[""""!($A(X)=45) X I $D(X) K:$L(X)>5!($L(X)< 5)!'(X?5N) X
STORED IN ^DGPM( (221 ENTRIES) SITE: IMGDemo UCI: DVA,ROU (VERSION 5.3) DATA NAME GLOBAL DATA ELEMENT TITLE LOCATION TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 405,.1 DIAGNOSIS [SHORT] 0;10 FREE TEXT (Required) INPUT TRANSFORM: K:$L(X)>30!($L(X)<3)!(X[";") X LAST EDITED: FEB 04, 1992 HELP-PROMPT: Enter a 3-30 character description of the diagnosis associated with this movement excluding semi-colons. DESCRIPTION: When admitting a patient, you will be asked to provide a brief description of the diagnosis of this patient upon admission. PATIENT MOVEMENT LIST APR 21,2006 08:42 PAGE 1 NUMBER DIAGNOSIS [SHORT] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 PSYCHOTIC 4 PSYCHOTIC 6 UNKNOWN 8 CONVULSIONS 10 UNKNOWN 12 PSYCHOTIC 17 PSYCH 19 CRAZY 21 ADMIT DIAGNOSIS 23 WAIT AND SEE 27 CRA 29 CRAZY 31 CRAZY 33 PERICARDITIS 36 APPENDICITIS 39 PSYCHOTIC
2. Numeric fields:Composed of numbers from fractional to what ever you like. STANDARD DATA DICTIONARY #2 -- PATIENT FILE APR 21,2006@10:05:51 PAGE 1 STORED IN ^DPT( (1210 ENTRIES) SITE: IMGDemo UCI: DVA,ROU (VERSION 4.0) DATA NAME GLOBAL DATA ELEMENT TITLE LOCATION TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,.302 SERVICE CONNECTED PERCENTAGE .3;2 NUMBER (audited) INPUT TRANSFORM: S DFN=DA D EV^DGLOCK Q:'$D(X) K:+X'=X!(X>100)! (X<0)!(X?.E1"."1N.N) X I $D(X),$D(^DPT(DA,.3)), $P(^(.3),U,1)'="Y" W !?4,*7,"Only applies to service-connected applicants." K X STANDARD DATA DICTIONARY #408.31 -- ANNUAL MEANS TEST FILE STORED IN ^DGMT(408.31, (10 ENTRIES) SITE: IMGDemo UCI: DVA,ROU (VERSION 5.3) DATA NAME GLOBAL DATA ELEMENT TITLE LOCATION TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 408.31,.05 NET WORTH 0;5 NUMBER INPUT TRANSFORM: S:X["$" X=$P(X,"$",2) K:X'?.N.1".".2N!(X>999999999)!(X<0) X LAST EDITED: DEC 06, 1994 HELP-PROMPT: Type a Dollar Amount between 0 and 999999999, 2 Decimal Digits DESCRIPTION: This field is computed by the system. Is a summation of the veteran and spouse (If applicable) net worth minus any debts in the Individual Annual Income file (#408.21) for the previous calendar year from date of test.
3. Set Of Codes:Fixed codes that a user can select from. STORED IN ^DPT( (1210 ENTRIES) SITE: IMGDemo UCI: DVA,ROU (VERSION 4.0) DATA NAME GLOBAL DATA ELEMENT TITLE LOCATION TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,.02 SEX 0;2 SET (Required) (audited) 'M' FOR MALE; 'F' FOR FEMALE; LAST EDITED: JAN 05, 1999 HELP-PROMPT: Enter 'M' for MALE, or 'F' for FEMALE. DESCRIPTION: Enter 'M' if this applicant is a male, or 'F’ if female. STORED IN ^DPT( (1210 ENTRIES) SITE: IMGDemo UCI: DVA,ROU (VERSION 4.0) DATA NAME GLOBAL DATA ELEMENT TITLE LOCATION TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,.12105 TEMPORARY ADDRESS ACTIVE? .121;9 SET (Required) WANT TO ENTER TEMP ADDR 'Y' FOR YES; 'N' FOR NO; INPUT TRANSFORM: S DFN=DA I X="N" D TADD^DGLOCK LAST EDITED: JAN 08, 2001 HELP-PROMPT: Enter 'Y' if you want to enter/edit Temporary address data, 'N' if not.
4. WP:Word processing. Type in as much as you need.STORED IN ^DPT( (1210 ENTRIES) SITE: IMGDemo UCI: DVA,ROU (VERSION 4.0) DATA NAME GLOBAL DATA ELEMENT TITLE LOCATION TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,.16 MISSING OR INELIGIBLE .16;0 WORD-PROCESSING #2.16 DESCRIPTION: This is a word processing field to contain information on the patient's ineligibility or information about this missing patient.
5. Pointer:Allows you to pick entries from another file(but only those entries).STANDARD DATA DICTIONARY #2 -- PATIENT FILE APR 21,2006@13:52:46 PAGE 1 STORED IN ^DPT( (1210 ENTRIES) SITE: IMGDemo UCI: DVA,ROU (VERSION 4.0) DATA NAME GLOBAL DATA ELEMENT TITLE LOCATION TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,.115 STATE .11;5 POINTER TO STATE FILE (#5) (audited) LAST EDITED: JUN 09, 2003 HELP-PROMPT: Select from the available listing the state in which this applicant resides. DESCRIPTION: From the available listing choose the state in which this applicant resides. STATE LIST APR 21,2006 13:56 PAGE 1 NUMBER NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ALABAMA 2 ALASKA 4 ARIZONA 5 ARKANSAS 6 CALIFORNIA 8 COLORADO 9 CONNECTICUT 10 DELAWARE 11 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 12 FLORIDA 13 GEORGIA 15 HAWAII
STORED IN ^GMR(123, (118 ENTRIES) SITE: IMGDemo UCI: DVA,ROU (VERSION 3.0) DATA NAME GLOBAL DATA ELEMENT TITLE LOCATION TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 123,.03 OE/RR FILE NUMBER 0;3 POINTER TO ORDER FILE (#100) LAST EDITED: NOV 03, 1998 HELP-PROMPT: Enter the File 100 internal entry number of this record.
STANDARD DATA DICTIONARY #55 -- PHARMACY PATIENT FILE APR 21,2006@14:10:48 PAGE 1 STORED IN ^PS(55, (33 ENTRIES) SITE: IMGDemo UCI: DVA,ROU (VERSION 1.0) DATA NAME GLOBAL DATA ELEMENT TITLE LOCATION TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55,.01 NAME 0;1 POINTER TO PATIENT FILE (#2) (Required) INPUT TRANSFORM: S DINUM=X LAST EDITED: MAR 08, 1989 DESCRIPTION: This is the name of a patient that has some type of pharmacy order.
7. Computed Field:Why figure something out for yourself when you have a computer?STORED IN ^DPT( (1210 ENTRIES) SITE: IMGDemo UCI: DVA,ROU (VERSION 4.0) DATA NAME GLOBAL DATA ELEMENT TITLE LOCATION TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,.033 AGE ; COMPUTED MUMPS CODE: X ^DD(2,.033,9.5) S X=$E(Y(2,.033,15),Y(2,.033, 16),X) S Y=X,X=Y(2,.033,13),X=X<Y,Y=X,X=Y(2,.03 3,8),X=X-Y YADA,YADA,YADA…… Basically this means: Take date of birth and subtract it from todays date, unless the person has a date of death and then subtract date of birth from date of death. Remember, fileman uses CYYMMDD format where C is 0 for 1800’s, 1 for 1900’s, 2 for 2000’s … c yymmdd $H (Number of days since 1841) 3 06 04 21 60376 - 2 55 03 02 41698 --------------------------- -------------- 51 01 19 18678 51 YEARS 18678 / 365.25 = 51.14 1 MONTH 19 DAYS
6. Variable Pointer:Allows you to select entries from a number of files. STANDARD DATA DICTIONARY #100 -- ORDER FILE MAY 8,2006@15:35:32 PAGE 1 STORED IN ^OR(100, (1226 ENTRIES) SITE: IMGDemo UCI: DVA,ROU (VERSION 3.0) DATA NAME GLOBAL DATA ELEMENT TITLE LOCATION TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100,.02 OBJECT OF ORDER 0;2 VARIABLE POINTER (Required) FILE ORDER PREFIX LAYGO MESSAGE 2 1 P n PATIENT 67 6 R n REFERRAL
This is another example of a computed field. In this case, it pulls the information from the pointed to file when you look at the field. CONDENSED DATA DICTIONARY---PHARMACY PATIENT FILE (#55)UCI: DVA,ROU VERSION: 1.0 STORED IN: ^PS(55, 05/19/06 PAGE 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 PRESCRIPTION PROFILE (Multiple-55.03), [P;0] .01 PRESCRIPTION PROFILE (P52'), [0;1] 1 DRUG (CJ32), [ ; ] 2 STATUS (CJ9X), [ ; ] 3 ACTIVE (BC), [ ; ]
A: GOOD: 1.Pointers: a. Always point to the same thing b. You are limiting the user to what they can pick 2.Sets of codes a. Totally limited to certain items b. Search results are predictable 3.Numeric, Date/Time or Computed fields a. Numbers are logical, you can use them like math b. Numbers are locked in; also, user has to choose numbers according to rules which makes them predictable
B: NOT GOOD 1.Free Text a. Too much freedom given to user; too hard to predict what they can put in b. Can be used only if you use rules to limit what a user can put in 2.Word processing a. Too much freedom given to user when inputting data b. Just forget it; you can’t sort on WP text. You can search it, but it is time consuming. 3. Variable pointer a. where does it go?
CONDENSED DATA DICTIONARY---PATIENT FILE (#2) UCI: DVA,ROU VERSION: 4.0 STORED IN: ^DPT( 06/08/06 PAGE 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILE SECURITY DD SECURITY : @ DELETE SECURITY: Dd READ SECURITY : d LAYGO SECURITY : Dd WRITE SECURITY : Dd (NOTE: Kernel's File Access Security has been installed in this UCI.) FILE STRUCTURE FIELD FIELD NUMBER NAME ONE .01 NAME (RFXa), [0;1] ONE… .02 SEX (RSa), [0;2] .03 DATE OF BIRTH (RDXOa), [0;3] .033 AGE (CJ3X,0), [ ; ] .04 *EMPLOYMENT STATUS (SX), [0;4] .05 MARITAL STATUS (RP11'a), [0;5] .06 RACE (P10'IX), [0;6] .07 OCCUPATION (F), [0;7] .08 RELIGIOUS PREFERENCE (P13'a), [0;8] . .092 PLACE OF BIRTH [CITY] (F), [0;11] .093 PLACE OF BIRTH [STATE] (P5'), [0;12] . .105 CURRENT ADMISSION (*P405'), [.105;1] . .5291 COMBAT SERVICE INDICATED? (RSX), [.52;11] .5292 COMBAT SERVICE LOCATION (RP22'X), [.52;12] .5293 COMBAT FROM DATE (RDX), [.52;13] .5294 COMBAT TO DATE (RDX), [.52;14] .5295 COMBAT VETERAN END DATE (D), [.52;15] . 1010.15 RECEIVED VA CARE PREVIOUSLY? (RS), [1010.15;5] . 1900 APPOINTMENT (Multiple-2.98), [S;0] .001 APPOINTMENT DATE/TIME (D), [ ] MANY .01 CLINIC (MP44'X), [0;1] .02 TELEPHONE OF CLINIC (CJ14), [ ; ] 3 STATUS (S), [0;2] . 1901 VETERAN (Y/N)? (RSXa), [VET;1]
One to one One to many One to one
One to One Many toOne
OUTPUT FROM WHAT FILE: PATIENT// Select PATIENT NAME: EIGHTEEN,PATIENT 2-3-33 000000001 NO NSC VETERAN 1A ANOTHER ONE: STANDARD CAPTIONED OUTPUT? Yes// N (No) FIRST PRINT FIELD: .01 NAME THEN PRINT FIELD: REQUEST/CONSULTATION: make sure to enter a colon here! By 'REQUEST', do you mean the REQUEST/CONSULTATION File, pointing via its 'PATIENT NAME' Field ("F" Cross-reference)? Yes// (Yes) THEN PRINT REQUEST/CONSULTATION FIELD: .01 FILE ENTRY DATE THEN PRINT REQUEST/CONSULTATION FIELD: THEN PRINT FIELD: Heading (S/C): PATIENT LIST// STORE PRINT LOGIC IN TEMPLATE: DEVICE: TELNET Right Margin: 80// PATIENT LIST JUN 12,2006 15:26 PAGE 1 NAME FILE ENTRY DATE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EIGHTEEN,PATIENT MAR 7,1995 07:51 MAR 7,1995 07:52 MAR 7,1995 07:52 MAR 7,1995 07:53 MAR 7,1995 07:53 MAR 7,1995 07:54 MAY 21,2000 09:50 APR 1,2004 23:43 APR 1,2004 23:43
OUTPUT FROM WHAT FILE: PATIENT// Select PATIENT NAME: EIGHTEEN,PATIENT2-3-33 000000000 NO NSC VETERAN 1A ANOTHER ONE: STANDARD CAPTIONED OUTPUT? Yes// N (No) FIRST PRINT FIELD: REQUEST/CONSULT: make sure to enter a colon here! By 'REQUEST', do you mean the REQUEST/CONSULTATION File, pointing via its 'PATIENT NAME' Field ("F" Cross-reference)? Yes// (Yes) THEN PRINT REQUEST/CONSULTATION FIELD: .01 FILE ENTRY DATE THEN PRINT REQUEST/CONSULTATION FIELD: .03: make sure to enter a colon here! By '#.03', do you mean REQUEST/CONSULTATION 'OE/RR FILE NUMBER'? Yes// (Yes) THEN PRINT ORDER FIELD: .01 ORDER # THEN PRINT ORDER FIELD: THEN PRINT REQUEST/CONSULTATION FIELD: THEN PRINT FIELD: Heading (S/C): PATIENT LIST// STORE PRINT LOGIC IN TEMPLATE: DEVICE: TELNET Right Margin: 80// PATIENT LIST JUN 12,2006 15:30 PAGE 1 FILE ENTRY DATE ORDER # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAR 7,1995 07:51 MAR 7,1995 07:52 MAR 7,1995 07:52 MAR 7,1995 07:53 MAR 7,1995 07:53 MAR 7,1995 07:54 MAY 21,2000 09:50 12292 APR 1,2004 23:43 15499 APR 1,2004 23:43 15500
One to one One to one One to one
FILE SECURITY • LIMITING ACCESS TO FILES IN FILEMAN • Fileman Access codes • Kernel File Access Security (Fileman Part III)
Security note: While we are on the subject of security I would like to make a few points:1. Make sure people get permission to access Fileman data: Fileman allows people to get aggregated information they would normally not have access to.2. Be especially careful about putting SSNS in outputs3. Ask people what they want the data for: If they want to take the data off station, they need to see the Medical Center Director’s office, or more depending on station policy. When in doubt talk to the Privacy Officer.4. Even with all kinds of permission, people need to understand the gravity of what they do with data. When you look at information, that is one thing; when you export it, that is a horse of a different color. Dropping a report or spreadsheet to a floppy or a thumb drive (OR A LAPTOP!) puts you in a whole different world with big time consequences. Make sure the person getting the data understands this and has acquired the requisite permissions. 5. Lists with names, SSNS, diagnoses, ICD9 codes, etc are extremely sensitive. Partake in those kinds of reports with care. Counts and numbers are less sensitive, though you still don’t want to be responsible for letting the outside world know how many of something the VA does. Even just saying the XXX VA had XX numbers of HIV positive patients would likely get you into trouble. Releasing information is the job of the Public relations officer. Tread carefully in these areas!