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Classical and operant conditioning, reinforcement procedures and punishment
What is Learning? • A Relatively Permanent Change in Behavior as the Result of Practice or Experience. Learning is only through observation. Psychologists main concern is conditioning. • Limits to Learning The Limitations of the Organism 1. Biological Predispositions No activity can be learned that the organism can’t & doesn’t have the capacity to learn. 2. Learning Experiences Human Choice Ignorance
Learning & the Brain • 4 Levels of Complexity for Learning in the Brain 1. Molecular changes within the single neuron. 2. Communication among the neurons at the synapses. 3. The higher circuits of interconnected neurons (neural pathways). 4. The activity within whole assemblies of neurons that might control complex behavior patterns.
Classical Conditioning • Ivan Pavlov’s Conditioning Experiments Conditioned the Salivation Response in Dogs The Pairing of Stimuli over Time
Elements of Classical Conditioning • Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) • Unconditioned Response (UCR) • Conditioning (Neutral) Stimulus (CS or NS) • Conditioned Response (CR) When enough pairings of the UCS & CS occur, this response is created. Classical Conditioning uses pre-existing natural responses (e.g. reflexes) and makes them respond on cue.
Pavlov’s Experiment • The natural response is: • UCS > UCR • Paired the CS (NS) with the UCS and got the UCR • After enough pairings the CS or NS produced the CR Repeated pairings over time establishes responses.
Classical Conditioning in Humans • Emotional responding Loving, liking, & disliking • Immune system responding T-cells’ response • Desentization Therapy Relief from phobic responses • Hunger Pangs Time, smell, & appearance of food
Operant Conditioning • J.B Watson & B.F. Skinner • The Main Law of Behavioristic Psychology: What you reinforce, you’re going to get more of. Thorndike’s Law of Effect Rewards increase a rewarded response Creates a C/E relationship in the environment
Important Terms • Stimulus Generalization • Stimulus Discrimination • Extinction (Extinguishing) • Secondary Reinforcement • Spontaneous Recovery • Superstition
Reinforcement • Increases The Strength of a Response • Positive & Negative Reinforcement • Primary & Secondary Reinforcement
Shaping Behavior • Use of Successive Approximations • 8 Steps: • Decide on the goal • Decide which behaviors there are to build from • Decide on a reinforcer • Plan the program • Begin the program • Decide when to shift criteria for reinforcement • If the program is lost, go to an earlier step or add a new one and go on • Continue to the goal
Reinforcement Procedures • Reinforcement Schedules 1. Continuous Reinforcement
Punishment • The use of anything that will decrease the strength of a response Used to stop a behavior • Conditions for Punishment to work: It must be quick, appropriate, & useful. • Doesn’t work as well as reinforcement • Can produce Learned Helplessness
Comparing Classical & Operant Conditioning • Reinforcement is important in both Classical Operant Reward Response Reward In Classical, a C/E relationship must be established between the UCS & CS (NS) In Operant, reinforcement schedules make the response resistant to extinction Non-rewarding produces extinction in both Spontaneous recovery can occur even after an appropriate response has been established • Stimulus generalization & stimulus discrimination Occur in both • New learning can be based on old learning Assimilation – fitting new information into what is already known Accommodation – refining the data into the current schema
Cognitive Learning • Latent Learning Learning not immediately seen in behavior • Cognitive Maps Hypothetical representation of a learned event A strategy for doing something A series of S-R sequences • Insight Learning The “Ah-ha!” experience 4 Criterion: It appears all of a sudden The first performance is without error The solution is well-remembered The solution is highly transferable
Learning Sets Learning how to learn Learning strategies Observational Learning Bandura’s learning theory Imitation of observed behavior Principles: Vicarious learning, vicarious reinforcement, and vicarious punishment Learning Style Your characteristic approach to a learning situation based on your cultural background & unique pattern of abilities More on Cognitive Learning