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American Marketing Association CHAPTER PLAN 2004-2005. P L E A S A N T V I L L E. Table of Contents. Our Vision……………………………..……….….......3 Strengths and Weaknesses………………………….4 Chapter Operations……………………….…………..5 Membership…..……………......................................6
American Marketing Association CHAPTER PLAN 2004-2005 P L E A S A N T V I L L E
Table of Contents Our Vision……………………………..……….….......3 Strengths and Weaknesses………………………….4 Chapter Operations……………………….…………..5 Membership…..……………......................................6 Communication………………………………………..7 Professional Development…………………………...8 Community Service and Fundraising ………....…..10 Calendar of Events………………………………......11 Budget…………………………………..…………….12 www.webpage.pace.edu/pumaplv PLEASANTVILLE
Our Vision • To help the Pace University Marketing Association (PUMA) members better understand the marketing profession, so that they can achieve their professional goals upon graduation. • To introduce and develop students consciousness about the larger communities including Westchester, New York, the United States, and the world. • To provide students with opportunities to interface with professionals who work in various diverse areas of marketing in the Westchester and the Tri-State Area. • To present opportunities for students to develop their professional skills for career and internship opportunities. • To increase membership through building awareness of PUMA to entering freshman, transfer, and commuter students and provide them with an opportunity to become members of the Pace University- Pleasantville community. Note From the President Dear AMA Colleagues, Welcome to the 2004-2005 Chapter Plan of Pace University- Pleasantville! I have been involved with this Marketing Association for nearly three years and am delighted to be the current President. I want our chapter to exceed the level of success attained in the past and I genuinely believe that that the vision our executive board has created will lead our chapter to unsurpassed success. In only our second year as an AMA Chapter we have much to be proud of. PUMA is currently one of the leading organizations on campus for event programming. In addition we have built strong relationships with faculty, staff, and professionals allowing us to place a strong emphasis on helping members better understand the marketing profession so that they will be prepared to attain their professional goals. This Chapter Plan clearly outlines our chapter’s goals and the steps we are taking to achieve those goals. With passionate leaders at the helm of our chapter I believe Pace University- Pleasantville will serve as an exemplary chapter. Sincerely, Christina Gagliardi www.webpage.pace.edu/pumaplv PLEASANTVILLE
Strengths • Located 40 miles outside of NYC, a major hub of business and home to most of the largest advertising agencies in the United States. • Highly motivated executive board with a strong emphasis on teamwork. • Access to many businesses in the county and tri-state area through Pace University- Pleasantville Co-Operative and Career Services Department. • Access to technology including a marketing lab consisting of 7 computer workstations. Weaknesses • Students have many demands outside of the organization and the University: • -Many students work in addition to going to school making it difficult to get involved in • club experiences. • -Many marketing students are involved in the AAF National Student Advertising • Competition and their energies are split between the two organizations. • Students are continually graduating with only 2-4 semesters of membership in the chapter. • Financial limitations have prevented the club from greater participation in AMA given the number of students requiring financial aid. Students are willing to join the club, but not AMA (2 years ago their were no AMA members). • The commuter student population has increased to 65% of the entire student body reducing student willingness to partake in clubs. • Not all executive boards have been as motivated as the current group. www.webpage.pace.edu/pumaplv PLEASANTVILLE
Chapter Operations • Goal: To efficiently plan and conduct meetings and events that members find valuable for career planning and enjoyable at the same time. • Objective: To meet the needs of members by creating new ways to complement what is learned in the classroom and by providing more occasions to obtain student input. • EXECUTIVE BOARD MEEETINGS • The Executive Board meets on the second Tuesday of every month to discuss, plan, and organize the agenda for the next four weeks. By using this time to plan the details of upcoming meetings and events we provide members with weekly meetings that utilize their time efficiently. • OPEN FLOOR SESSION **NEW • The first meeting during each semester is used for members to brainstorm and generate ideas for programs they would like PUMA to hold. By asking members directly about what they seek in a marketing association we can provide meetings and events that will peek their interests and provide pertinent information. • GUEST SPEAKERS **NEW • We are continually developing relationships with various marketing firms throughout the tri-state area. We find that students are tremendously intrigued with the business perspective that guest speakers provide. Five general meetings during the fall semester will host guest speakers from the field of marketing. • POINT SYSTEM **NEW • This year we initiated a point system whereby members earn 1 point for every meeting or event they attend. This provides members with an added incentive to get involved. Members are rewarded with a marketing association t-shirt upon earning 10 points and personal business cards upon earning 16 points. • CO-OP AND CAREER SERVICES • We have built strong relationships with several counselors in the University’s Co-Op and Career Services Department. They provide PUMA with resources that demonstrate vital professional skills. • TRAINING PROGRAM **NEW • Many executive board members are elected with only 2 semesters of membership in the organization. To provide a smooth transition between Executive Boards we plan to elect new leaders in March instead of May so they can see first hand how the organization operates and be provided with information related to their position so that they will be able to ask questions and test some of their strategies prior to taking office. • CURRENT EVENTS • To keep members informed on what is occurring in marketing throughout the world, during meetings the President calls attention to a current news article which relates to the field of marketing. Articles are primarily selected from The New York Times, BusinessWeek, and Marketing News. www.webpage.pace.edu/pumaplv PLEASANTVILLE
Membership Goal: To increase and maintain student membership in the organization. Objective: 1) To attract new members from the freshman, transfer, and commuter population. 2) To encourage current members to take on larger roles within the association. 3) To increase regular membership from 18 to 40. 4) To build AMA membership from 11 to 20. CLUB FAIR Semi-annually PUMA partakes in a University Club Fair. This event provides tremendous exposure for our association to the entire Pace University community. The officers and advisors of PUMA are available to discuss events planned for the current semester and are able to answer any questions or concerns that students may have. EMAIL PUMA is currently working with the Lubin School of Business Advisement office to obtain the email addresses of current freshmen and transfer students, so that executive board members can personally invite them to come sit in on a meeting. EXPANDED EXECUTIVE BOARD In an effort to increase involvement among current members we have recently delegated responsibilities by expanding our executive board to include a community-service director, a fundraising director, and a PR director. UNVERSITY 101 University 101 is required course at Pace University for entering freshman. Executive board members will work with the professors of this course to introduce freshman students to the opportunities offered by PUMA. This will be an effective way to attract members of the freshman population. AMA members at the 2004 Collegiate Conference www.webpage.pace.edu/pumaplv PLEASANTVILLE
Communication Internal Goal: Increase communication between Executive Board and members. Internal Objective: To create a constant flow of information to members. External Goal: To increase awareness of PUMA and its activities throughout the University. External Objective: To inform potential members about PUMA activities on a timely basis. E-MAIL LIST-SERV PUMA has an email list consisting of both current and past members. We utilize e-mail to communicate announcements, event reminders, and internship opportunities. WEBSITE This year we created a website exclusively for PUMA- Pleasantville so that all members can have a quick reference to all events. The website also is a great tool that allows us to show those outside the organization what we do. We are also planning to have our website linked to the Pace University homepage. (www.webpage.pace.edu/pumaplv) BLACKBOARD PUMA- Pleasantville has access to the Blackboard Learning Community where a new section is solely devoted to students with marketing majors. This tool allows PUMA to communicate via email to all members of the students body who have a stated interest in marketing. This will significantly raise awareness of our organization to students in our target audience. Banner created by AMA members for the Pace University Fest www.webpage.pace.edu/pumaplv PLEASANTVILLE
Professional Development:Interaction with Professionals Goal: To provide students with different kinds of opportunities to interact with professionals who work in different facets of marketing. Objective:1)To bring professionals from the field of Marketing into our meetings to give students a perspective into the workplace. 2) To provide events to visit professionals in the field and at professional meetings. LUNT SAUSVILLE BUREK ADVERTISING Bob Lunt, a senior partner from Pelham, NY introduced many students to the world of business to business advertising. He shared advertisements his firm has created for Unilever. MARKETING CONSULTANT Naomi Koller, an independent marketing consultant and Pace University graduate, spoke to students about her career path and the various positions she has held that began with sales. She stressed the importance of transferable skills. KMP ADVERTISING Alan Kellam from Pleasantville, NY, principal and founder of the agency, spoke about his business mission and objectives and discussed the importance of strategy development and integration. He also showed commercials that his firm has executed in the past. Mr. Kellam was a great asset in familiarizing students with the advertising industry. JORDAN ANDERSON ADVERTISING Alan Weiner, a marketing manager from NYC, will speak to students about his past professional ventures as well as his current position. He will share with students advertisements and direct mail brochures that his firm has created for Harley Davidson of Danbury, CT and others. He will also present an internship opportunity to students. INFINITY BROADCASTING Steve Mora, a marketing manager in the entertainment sector will visit PUMA from NYC. He will discuss his perspective on the marketing industry and will talk about the book he recently wrote. ADVERTISING CLUB OF WESTCHESTER PUMA attended a professional meeting with the Advertising Club of Westchester. The meeting provided advice on how to reward your firm’s talents and how to impress your clients by becoming a winner at the Big W. Past Big W winners showcased their work ranging from print ads to website creations. PUMA will attend another Ad Club event again in the spring semester. VISIT TO A LOCAL ADVERTISING PROMOTION AGENCY In the spring semester PUMA intends to visit a local ad agency. This will expose students to the actual environment in which marketers thrive. www.webpage.pace.edu/pumaplv PLEASANTVILLE
Professional DevelopmentSkill Building Activities Goal: To present students with opportunities to gain professional skills, augmenting the skill activities that occur in class, so they will be prepared for career and internship opportunities. Objective: To provide students with skill building experiences. SCHMOOZING 101: THE ART OF SMALL TALK This event helped students understand the importance of schmoozing and showed how students can use this invaluable tool in various situations. Master “schmoozers” shared their secrets on being effective, confident, and prepared communicators. Members of PUMA presented skits that provided a fun demonstration of how NOT to schmooze. At the conclusion of the program students were able to practice their new schmoozing skills with faculty and fellow students. Participants even learned how to create their own “I-formercial” JOBS IN MARKETING WORKSHOP A representative from Pace University's Co-op and Career Center introduced students to various diverse jobs available in the marketing field. She also presented internship opportunities within various firms across the tri-state area. POWER INTERVIEWING WORKSHOP This event will teach members to build top-notch resumes and interviewing techniques. Students will also have the opportunity to have a mock interview where professional recruiters will evaluate their performance. ALUMNI MENTOR PROGRAM Through the Co-op and Career Center PUMA members will be able to seek out professionals in various fields of marketing. Pace graduates have specifically volunteered to provide information to students regarding their specific occupations. Through this program students will have opportunity to shadow their mentor to experience first hand what a day in the field is like. www.webpage.pace.edu/pumaplv PLEASANTVILLE
Community Service Goal: To raise community service participation amongst members. Objective: To determine what community service events members are interested in. In addition to always encouraging members to offer ideas of events they wish the association to organize, PUMA presents its members with a list of community service ideas and allows members to vote on what they are interested in doing. The following is a list of events voted on by members: BREAST AND OVARIAN CANCER WALK IN YORKTOWN, NY ROSE SALES TO BENEFIT AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION FOOD DRIVE FOR THE FOOD P.A.T.C.H OF WESTCHESTER TEXT BOOK DRIVE FOR WOMEN IN INDIA Fundraising Goal: To generate funds to cover the expenses incurred by events and to also raise money to send members to the AMA Collegiate Conference. Objective: To implement creative fundraising events. LiveSTRONG Bracelet Sales Realizing that the LiveSTRONG bracelets, designed for Lance Armstrong’s fight for cancer, are in high demand PUMA felt that selling these bracelets would be an excellent way to raise money. Half of the proceeds go to the Lance Armstrong foundation and the other half goes to PUMA. BAKE SALE We plan to sell home baked goods in the Kessel Campus Center during the University “common-hours.” Classes are not scheduled at these times resulting in heavy traffic in the campus center. FACULTY VS. STUDENTS BASKETBALL GAME We feel a faculty vs. students sporting event would be a creative way to raise money for the organization. Spectators will be charged admission. www.webpage.pace.edu/pumaplv PLEASANTVILLE
Calendar of Events January 7 University Career Fair 11 Executive Board Meeting 26 Spring Club Fair TBA Mock Interviewing February 2 Welcome Back Meeting 8 Executive Board Meeting 14 Rose sales to benefit the American Heart Association 16 Advertisement Contest #3 21- 23 Bake Sale 23 Guest Speaker: TBA TBA Enrollment Management TBA Ad Agency Visit March 8 Executive Board Meeting 9 Advertisement Contest #4 14-18 Food Drive for the Food P.A.T.C.H of Westchester 16 Guest Speaker: TBA 17 Student vs. Faculty Basketball Fundraiser TBA Advertising Club Of Westchester Meeting April 12 Executive Board Meeting 14-17 AMA Collegiate Conference 26 Executive Board Meeting TBA Etiquette Dinner May 4 Faculty recognition plaques 4 Outstanding member awards 10 Executive Board Meeting September 8 Fall Club Fair 13 Website Launch 14 Executive Board Meeting 23 Advertising Club of Westchester Meeting 29 Guest Speaker: Bob Lunt of Lunt Sausville Burek Advertising 30 Schmoozing 101: The Art of Small Talk 30 Faculty Dress Down Day for Breast and Ovarian Cancer October 3 Breast and Ovarian Cancer Walk at FDR Park in Yorktown, NY 7 Homer S Pace Medal Dinner 12 Executive Board Meeting 22 Pace University Spirit Competition 23-24 University Fest 27 Guest Speaker Naomi Koller 30 Open House November 3 Jobs in Marketing Workshop 3 Advertisement Contest #1 9 Executive Board Meeting • Guest Speaker: Alan Kellam of KMP Advertising 15-19 LiveSTRONG Bracelet Sales 17 Guest Speaker: Alan Weiner of Jordan Anderson Advertising 18 Advertisement Contest #2 December 6-10 Food Drive for the Food P.A.T.C.H. of Westchester 8 Guest Speaker: Steve Mora of Infinity Broadcasting 13 Book Drive Co-Sponsorship with Psi Chi 14 Executive Board Meeting 15 Personal Business Cards issued to students www.webpage.pace.edu/pumaplv PLEASANTVILLE