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Writing to The End !. Tips to Improve Student Writing By Jeff Helming. During this presentation you will learn tips to…. Improve student motivation. D ifferentiate for your students. I ncorporate technology. A Quick Review…. The Writer’s Workshop Model.
WritingtoThe End! Tips to Improve Student Writing By Jeff Helming
During this presentation you will learn tips to… • Improve student motivation. • Differentiate for your students. • Incorporate technology.
The Writer’s Workshop Model • Writer’s Workshop is a differentiated method of teaching writing. • Basic components • Mini-lesson • Independent writing time • Teacher/student conferencing • Sharing • Here is a great slideshow about the basics of Writer’s Workshop and why it should be used.
Teacher Enthusiasm Is KEYIt all starts with the teacher! • Students are motivated when their teachers are! • You do not have to be a good writer to be a good writing teacher. • You do not have to love everything about writing to be a good writing teacher. • You do have to show genuine enthusiasm.
TIPDraw upon childhood experiences when composing your own writing! • Children love stories about their teachers making the same mistakes they do! • Write about: favorite toys from your youth, the first time attempting something new, or other childhood memories. • Students also love stories about their teacher’s children!
Mini-Lessons • Aside from basic writing strategies, focus mini-lessons on prewriting strategies such as planning stories and getting ideas. • Students need to hear as many good examples of writing as possible: • Stories by other students • Short stories by authors • Your own short stories Want something different? How about Celebrities reading stories to your students? Storyline Online
Prewriting Strategies Prewriting Strategies Why these work Give authors time to plan out their stories. Helps to break down the task for struggling writers. Meets the needs of a variety of learning styles. • Graphic organizers • Drawing • Talking with a partner or group • Acting our story actions Links to graphic organizers edHelper Education Place
TIPCollect and copy examples of good student writing and share it often! • Students are motivated by hearing strong pieces written by writers their own age. • Promotes an ‘I can do that too!’ attitude. • Student writing can be referred to as examples of good traits or memorable techniques. • Authentic student writing can be used for revision and editing mini-lessons.
Independent Writing Time • Choice!! Students are more engaged when they choose what they are writing about. • While students write, the teacher can conference with students or, on occasion, model independent writing. • A little BUZZ is okay – Students can talk as long as they are talking about writing and making progress on their pieces.
TIPHave students write their drafts on loose paper rather than in notebooks. • Students are more productive. • It is easier for students to manipulate the story and spread it out. • Use a folder to keep finished and unfinished writing organized.
Conferencing • Keep conferences positive. • Listen carefully when a student reads his or her piece to you. • Express the feelings the piece makes you have (ex. laugh when funny). • Begin with positives. • Give the student ONE thing to fix – Don’t be picky and point out every mistake! Joanne Portalupi and Ralph Fletcher share their thoughts on positive conferencing in this short clip.
TIPConference at the student’s desk. • This is less disruptive. • Nearby students benefit from overhearing the conference. • You can see if a student is is really ‘cooking’ and shouldn’t be interrupted. Here’s a video about how students should not peer review. Are you a “Picky Patty” when you conference with students? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBuq4qgRhCc&feature=related
Writing Partnerships Writing Partnerships Why it works Promotes collaboration and positive interaction. Students do not have to wait for the teacher. Authentic practice editing and revising. • Partners should be carefully chosen and rarely changed. • Pair students based on: • similar ability • interest • These partners should meet regularly, at least once to twice a month, to share and edit/revise each other’s pieces. This is a great article about setting it up: Hsu, C. (2009). Writing Partnerships. Reading Teacher, v63 n2, 153-158. doi: 10.1598/RT.63.2.6
Sharing • Student and teacher feedback should be both positive and constructive. • Choose students who you conferenced with so that you can… • Share comments from the conference with the entire class. • Highlight the strengths of a student’s piece. • Choose students who attempted a strategy taught in the mini-lesson. • Pieces do not need to be finished to be shared.
TIPProvide a powerful purpose for writing by finding exciting uses for it. • Find an audience for student writing by inviting family members or peers. • Publish student writing on a website. • Encourage entries into local and national writing contests. • Create your own classroom or grade level writing contest.
Publishing and Celebrating Ways to Publish Ways to Celebrate Publishing party! Invite guests into the room: Family members Principal Teachers Students • Type it on the computer. • Rewrite as a hardcover or mini-book. • Publish on a website. • Use an online site to create a soft or hardcover book.
TIPTake advantage of technology to motivate student writers. Sites to write and/or publish student writing. Click on them and check them out. • Kids’ Space • Kidpub • Storybird • TikaTok
Resources – Check out these sites! • http://school.discoveryeducation.com/schrockguide/index.html • http://hill.troy.k12.mi.us/staff/bnewingham/myweb3/ • http://www.mguhlin.org/2010/07/5-steps-to-digitizing-writing-workshop.html • http://www.barebooks.com/ • http://www.mandygregory.com/StartingWritersWorkshop.htm • http://www.jmeacham.com/writers.workshop/writing.mini.lessons.htm • http://teacher.scholastic.com/products/classmags/storyworks.htm
Resources – Check out these books! Books for Teachers Books for Students Author: A True Story by Helen Lester What Do Authors Do? by Eileen Christelow Arthur Writes A Story by Marc Brown Library Mouse by Daniel Kirk The Best Story by Eileen Spinelli • Craft Lessons by Ralph Fletcher and Joann Portalupi • Writing Workshop by Ralph Fletcher and Joann Portalupi • Notebook Know-How by Aimee Buckner • Writing Through Childhood: Rethinking Process and Product by Shelley Harwayne • How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms by Carol Ann Tomlinson • The Art of Teaching Writing by Lucy Calkins
FINAL TIPRemember to keep writing enjoyable for both you and your students! Please stop by my new wiki: The Writing Spot Or you can check out my blog of the same name and leave your comments. Thank you for Reading to The End !!!