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Wildly Important Goals Family Centers, Head Start, Pre-K Counts, Project ELECT. Strategic Goal: Student Centered Learning; Market-based Business ModelWIGlet 1.0: Improve staff professionalismSummative Outcome Measure: 100% of Head Start Instructors have an Associates, Bachelor's or Master's Deg
1. Standing Up for Children What Lies Ahead…
2011-12 DCIU Wildly Important Goals Moving forward with the implementation of the restructuring designed around a systems approach, we are positioned to work toward achieving the strategic goals developed by the board of Directors last December. In order to reach those goals, we needed to align, coordinate and integrate our day to day work across the multi-faceted services that we offer to our customers. To do so, the department directors have worked to develop a set of Wildly Important Goals, WIGs, and action plans that delineate how their respective departments will work to achieve the strategic goal.
Let’s look at what the Directors have in store for this year…
Moving forward with the implementation of the restructuring designed around a systems approach, we are positioned to work toward achieving the strategic goals developed by the board of Directors last December. In order to reach those goals, we needed to align, coordinate and integrate our day to day work across the multi-faceted services that we offer to our customers. To do so, the department directors have worked to develop a set of Wildly Important Goals, WIGs, and action plans that delineate how their respective departments will work to achieve the strategic goal.
Let’s look at what the Directors have in store for this year…
2. Wildly Important Goals Family Centers, Head Start, Pre-K Counts, Project ELECT Strategic Goal: Student Centered Learning; Market-based Business Model
WIGlet 1.0: Improve staff professionalism
Summative Outcome Measure:
100% of Head Start Instructors have an Associates, Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in ECE or a related field by October 1, 2011 in accordance with the Head Start Act of 2007.
100% of all staff will be trained in the concept and practice of learning communities, how to make instructional decisions and how to employ the steps of Action research.
Strategy: Write and implement a Compliance Plan to meet the degree requirements as set forth in the Head Start Act of 2007. What you will see on each slide are the four components to a WIG:
Strategic Goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The Summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goalWhat you will see on each slide are the four components to a WIG:
Strategic Goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The Summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
3. Wildly Important Goals Family Centers, Head Start, Pre-K Counts, Project ELECT Strategic Goal: Financial Stewardship
WIG 1.0: Align budgets to reflect current programming and practices.
Summative Outcome Measure:
Budgets implemented with 100% fidelity based on need.
Budget redevelopment will reflect cost saving measures in at least three areas that result in a 5% decrease in expenditures.
Strategy: Involve administrative leadership and key Grantee personnel in needs-based budgeting and/or reprogramming meetings.
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
4. Wildly Important Goals Family Centers, Head Start, Pre-K Counts, Project ELECT Strategic Goal: Student Centered Learning
WIG 2.0: Demonstrate an increase in social-emotional growth of students.
Summative Outcome Measure:
85% of referred children will be maintained in their placement.
70% of all children showed improved social skills as evidenced by Ages & Stages SE.
75% of staff showed changes in their behavior and improvements both in and out of the classroom as evidenced by Ages & Stages SE.
Strategy: Use the PDSA model to integrate evaluation data, report program improvement and communicate outcomes to staff.
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
5. Wildly Important Goals Family Centers, Head Start, Pre-K Counts, Project ELECT Strategic Goal: Market-Based Business Model
WIG 3.0: Increased engagement with stakeholders in Head Start, Project ELECT, Pre-K Counts and Family Centers
Summative Outcome Measure:
85% of Transitioning Families will participate in an Exit Interview
100% of Staff will participate in a Staff Survey regarding job satisfaction
80% of stakeholders will report satisfaction with services based on results from Quality Assurance Reports
Strategy: Develop a process which involves the stakeholder group in program decision-making in a manner that allows the group to influence the decision-making process.
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
6. Wildly Important Goals Quality Schools Strategic Goal: Market-Based Business Model
WIG 1.0: Increase technology integration in professional development sessions and meetings offered by the QS Department.
Summative Outcome Measure:
The number of QS Department PD training sessions in which trainers integrate technology into the presentation in 3 or more instances will increase by 5% as measured by facilitator self-assessment inventory by June 30, 2012.
Strategy: Train QS staff (CIA, CIS, PD) in “cutting-edge” technology integration strategies and applications.
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
7. Wildly Important Goals Quality Schools Strategic Goal: Market-Based Business Model
WIG 2.0: Add new service(s) offered through Continuous Improvement Services (School Improvement) as part of the PDE state-wide grant.
Summative Outcome Measure:
PDE school improvement grant (or new iteration) is renewed to include at least one new SIP service.
Strategy: Identify as-of-yet unmet school-based needs in school improvement services and devise plan to meet those needs.
8. Wildly Important Goals Quality Schools Strategic Goal: Financial Stewardship
WIG 3.0: Increase enrollments in Higher Education partnership programs.
Summative Outcome Measure:
Total number of students in active Higher Ed partnership courses will increase by 5 over 2010-11 data.
Strategy: Add new Higher Ed partner.
9. Wildly Important Goals Quality Schools Strategic Goal: Market-Based Business Model
WIG 4.0: In collaboration with IT Department, the Department of Quality Schools will facilitate internal technology trainings for DCIU staff with the purpose of improving employee skill sets to maximize efficient delivery of services.
Summative Outcome Measure:
Participants will demonstrate an average 20% increase in skill level mastery as measured by pre- and post-assessment data.
Strategy: Facilitate high-priority technology training sessions reflective of employee needs assessment.
10. Wildly Important Goals Quality Schools Strategic Goal: Student-Centered Learning
WIG 5.0: The Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment will increase participation in CPE courses offerings.
Summative Outcome Measure:
Sum total of number of participants in service offerings from QS Departments will show 5% increase over 2010-11 data (as of 6/30/12).
Strategy: Add additional courses and expand target market.
11. Wildly Important Goals Supplemental Education Services Strategic Goal: Student–Centered Learning; Financial Stewardship
WIGlet 1.0: To insure the most effective expenditure of allotted EP funds by improving the marketing, tracking, and monitoring of the provision of equitable participation services for eligible students in nonpublic schools.
Summative Outcome Measure:
Increase the number of hours billed for Equitable Participation consults by 30%.
Strategy: Refined use of current databases to increase communication among key providers of EP services.
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
12. Wildly Important Goals Supplemental Education Services Strategic Goal: Student-Centered Learning
WIG 1.0: To document gains in reading for nonpublic school students in grades 2 through 5 receiving remedial services from DCIU as measured by AIMSweb benchmark assessments in oral reading fluency.
Summative Outcome Measure:
Given Fall, Winter, and Spring AIMSweb benchmark assessments, nonpublic students in Grades 2 through 5 receiving remedial services will increase scores in oral reading fluency (wcpm) by a minimum rate of increase of 20% between the fall and spring administrations. Data will be compiled by student, by grade level, and by whole group.
Strategy: To implement Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) for data analysis and development of target instructional action plans.
13. Wildly Important Goals Supplemental Education Services Strategic Goal: Student-Centered Learning; Market-Based Business Model
WIG 1.0: To document gains in reading for students in grades K through 2 receiving ESL services as measured by AIMSweb benchmark assessments in early literacy, oral reading fluency, and reading comprehension.
Summative Outcome Measure:
1. Kindergarten - Given Fall, Winter, and Spring AIMSweb benchmark assessments, Kindergarten students receiving ESL services will increase scores in early literacy by a minimum rate of increase of 20% between the fall and spring administrations. Data will be compiled by student and by grade level.
2. 1st Grade - Given Fall, Winter, and Spring AIMSweb benchmark assessments, 1st grade students receiving ESL services will increase scores in early literacy and oral reading fluency (wcpm) by a minimum rate of increase of 20% between the fall and spring administrations. Data will be compiled by student and by grade level.
3. 2nd Grade - Given Fall, Winter, and Spring AIMSweb benchmark assessments, 2nd grade students receiving ESL services will increase scores in oral reading fluency (wcpm) and reading comprehension (MAZE) by a minimum rate of increase of 20% between the fall and spring administrations. Data will be compiled by student and by grade level.
(1) Marketing - To use results of data collected to support continuation of contracts with districts currently contracting with us for ELL services and to market the quality of our ELL services to other districts.
(2) To implement Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) for data analysis and development of target instructional action plans.
14. Wildly Important Goals Special Programs Strategic Goal: Financial Stewardship
WIG 1.0: DCIU Special Programs will implement the child accounting process
Summative Outcome Measure:
Special Programs administration will have a comprehensive understanding of the new child accounting process developed by the Instructional Technology Department as demonstrated by having written guidelines outlining staffs roles by June 2012.
Strategy: Implement a new process for the collection of student data for the IT child accounting data base as a means to improve data accuracy.
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
15. Wildly Important Goals Special Programs Strategic Goal: Market-Based Business Model
WIG 2.0: DCIU Special Programs will develop a system to collect parent/guardian and school entity data measuring customer satisfaction of the DCIU Special Programs process for intakes for students first entering a program.
Summative Outcome Measure:
DCIU Special Programs will field test the developed system by June 2012 with one intake at each of the center programs to measure customer satisfaction of the DCIU Special Programs intake process.
Strategy: Devise a system to assess customer satisfaction so data can be used to improve current intake process in Special Programs.
16. Wildly Important Goals Special Programs Strategic Goal: Student-Centered Learning
WIG 3.0: To develop legally compliant outcomes (e.g., IEP, ER, IDEA/Chapter 14) documents.
Summative Outcome Measure:
To decrease the number of “no” indicators by 10% in each program from the baseline data obtained during the 2010-2011 school year.
Strategy: Devise process to aid DCIU Special Programs adhere to Federal and State Special Education Laws and Regulations around paperwork processes.
17. Wildly Important Goals Career and Technical Education (DCTS) Strategic Goal: Student Centered Learning
WIG 1: Increase student achievement in CTE programs.
Summative Outcome Measure: Summative Outcome Measures:
Student NOCTI success rates will be maintained or increased by 2% at Aston and Folcroft combined.
The number of industry certifications in programs will either be maintained or increased by 2%.
Targeted instructional strategies and/or checks for student learning/understanding will be implemented as reported in 95% of observations.
Strategy: Increase the rigor in CTE programs through academic integration, using instructional strategies, measuring the instructional and learning process, assessments, and curriculum development. (Integrated TAP activities: TCTW, PSSA PIL, NOCTI PIL, Education Trust)
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
18. Wildly Important Goals Career and Technical Education (DCTS) Strategic Goal: Market-Based Business Model; Student-Centered Services
WIG 2: Increase the awareness and value of DCTS and CTE
Summative Outcome Measures:
There will be an increase in traffic and use of the website for reaching specific audiences (students, parents, school administrators, alumni, and business and industry representatives) as measured by online counter. Greater control over audience exposure to messages reflecting a positive image of DCTS and CTE through articles, newsletters, images and links to DCTS website
The number of students that apply for entrance into DCTS programs will increase by 10%
After participating in a DCTS awareness activity, 90% of students and school personnel will report a positive value of 7 on average on a scale from 0-10 for the programs at DCTS
Strategy: Utilize a variety of marketing and awareness activities including, student recruitment sessions, presentations and activities at the campuses and in the community, maintain a multifaceted website and online presence. (Integrated TAP activities: TCTW, Education Trust)
19. Wildly Important Goals Early Intervention Strategic Goal: Financial Stewardship
WIG 1.0: Meet or exceed the OCDEL aggregate child count of 1,625 students excluding kindergarten-eligible students.
Summative Outcome Measure:
Final child count submission reflects an aggregate of 1,625 plus kindergarten-eligible students.
Strategy: Maximize diagnostic services by increasing evaluation slots and balancing schedules for diagnostic opportunities.
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
20. Wildly Important Goals Early Intervention Strategic Goal: Student-Centered Learning
WIG 2.0: Meeting State Performance Plan Indicators with 90% Compliance.
Summative Outcome Measure:
Determination Letter from OCDEL indicating 90% compliance and meets expectations.
Strategy: Maximize diagnostic services by increasing evaluation slots and balancing schedules for diagnostic opportunities.
21. Wildly Important Goals Early Intervention Strategic Goal: Market-Based Business Model
WIG 3.0: External customers will be satisfied with EI services
Summative Outcome Measure:
Surveys will reflect satisfaction with the School Age Transition process and there will be a 5% increase in parental responses to survey
On a scale from 1-5 the average satisfaction rating with the school age transition process will be 3.5.
Strategy: Surveys reflect continuous improvement opportunities for future services to districts. Staff “primaries” contact parents to inform them of survey.
22. Wildly Important Goals Alternative Education Strategic Goal: Financial Stewardship
WIG 1.0: DCIU Alternative Education Services will implement the child accounting process
Summative Outcome Measure:
Alternative Education Services administration will have a comprehensive understanding of the new child accounting process developed by the Instructional Technology Department as demonstrated by having written guidelines outlining staffs roles, and a baseline for accuracy by June 2012 of 90%, as measured by the accuracy of the information at the last stage of review by child accounting staff.
Strategy: Implement a new process for the collection of student data for the IT child accounting data base as a means to improve data accuracy.
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
23. Wildly Important Goals Alternative Education Strategic Goal: Market-Based Business Model
WIG 2.0: DCIU Alternative Education Services will develop a system to collect parent/guardian and school entity data measuring customer satisfaction of the DCIU Alternative Education Services process for intakes for students first entering a program.
Summative Outcome Measure:
DCIU Alternative Education Services will field test the developed system by June 2012 with one intake at each of the center programs to measure customer satisfaction of the DCIU Alternative Education Services intake process.
Strategy: Devise a system to assess customer satisfaction so data can be used to improve current intake process in Alternative Education Services.
24. Wildly Important Goals Alternative Education Strategic Goal: Student-Centered Learning
WIG 3.0: To develop legally compliant outcomes (e.g., IEP, ER, IDEA/Chapter 14) documents.
Summative Outcome Measure: To decrease the number of “no” indicators by 10% in each program from the baseline data obtained during the 2010-2011 school year.
Strategy: Devise process to aid DCIU Alternative Education Services to adhere to Federal and State Special Education Laws and Regulations around paperwork processes.
25. Wildly Important Goals Facilities Strategic Goal: Market-Based Business Model
WIGlet 1.0: Direct visitor flow and inform internal and external clients of daily events utilizing Meeting Room Manager
Summative Outcome Measure:
On a scale from 1 to 5, internal customers will rate their satisfaction with Meeting Room Manager as 3.5 on average.
Strategy: Conduct regular meetings with support department and relevant personnel during the 2011-2012 year to ensure satisfaction of clients’ needs and expectations
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
26. Wildly Important Goals Facilities Strategic Goal: Market-Based Business Model; Student Centered Learning
WIG 1.0: Undertake Projects which support and enhance programs at the Marple Education Building
Summative Outcome Measure:
On a scale from 1 to 5, internal customers will rate their satisfaction with their ability to operate effectively in a sound, healthy environment as 3.5, on average.
Strategy: Collaborate with Marple Building’s personnel to identify mutual/shared needs of building occupants and their respective programs and ensure a cooperative, solution oriented environment for the continued success of these programs Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
27. Wildly Important Goals Facilities Strategic Goal: Market-Based Business Model
WIG 2.0: Ensure successful construction/installation of emergency generator at the Marple Education Campus
Summative Outcome Measure:
Emergency generator is installed and runs effectively commensurate with industry standards in 100% of quarterly tests.
Strategy: Work with Architectural Firm to ensure that contractors are working toward the effective installation of the “Emergency Generator”
28. Wildly Important Goals Facilities Strategic Goal: Financial Stewardship
WIG 3.0: Seamless relocation of personnel at the Administration Building
Summative Outcome Measure:
On a scale from 1 to 5, internal customers will rate their satisfaction with their relocation based on expediency and level of disruption as 3.5, on average.
Strategy: Collaborate with all stakeholders, coordinate and facilitate minor construction associated with the project (i.e., painting, floor covering, electrical etc.) to prepare targeted workspaces for occupation of relocated personnel.
29. Wildly Important Goals Facilities and Information Technology Strategic Goal: Student-Centered Learning
WIG 4.0: Renovate rooms 171 and 172 as well as the Board Room with state of the art instructional technology.
Summative Outcome Measure:
On a scale from 1 to 5, internal customers will rate their satisfaction with their ability to provide quality presentations in a pleasant, professional atmosphere and to model the application of instructional technology as 3.5, on average.
Strategy: Cosmetically renovate with raised flooring and carpeting, painting etc. and equip rooms with at least (but not limited to) public address system, wireless network upgrades, LCD projectors, projector screens, flat screen televisions.
30. Wildly Important Goals Facilities Strategic Goal: Student-Centered Learning; Financial Stewardship
WIG 5.0: Efficient Operation of all activities and programs at our various locations.
Summative Outcome Measure:
On a scale from 1 to 5, internal customers will rate their satisfaction with the resolution of daily facilities issues and emergencies within our various operating locations based on expediency, professionalism and cost effectiveness as 3.5, on average.
Strategy: Providing a safe learning and working environment, coordinating renovations and repairs and addressing issues immediately as they arise to reduce accidents / emergency incidents and minimize disruption to staff and programs.
31. Wildly Important Goals Human Resources Strategic Goal: Financial Stewardship
WIG 1.0: Reduce the cost and number of workers compensation claims by adopting a comprehensive safety program.
Summative Outcome Measure:
Overall 15% reduction in workers compensation claims. Total cost for claims will be reduced by 15%.
Strategy: Use awareness and rewards to enhance safety and reduce costs.
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
32. Wildly Important Goals Business Services Strategic Goal: Financial Stewardship
WIGlet 1.0: Technology Revenue and Expenditures are outlined for budgetary clarification
Summative Outcome Measure:
A set of guidelines that articulates where expenses and revenues are posted for technology related transactions will be developed.
Strategy: Business office staff along with IT staff will review prior year IT expenses and revenues for each budget having significant IT activity in order to classify transaction types associated within the budgets which will be used for the basis of creating guidelines. (With recent turnover in DCIU it has become more crucial to provide a narrative of the different expense and revenues, coding used and the related budgets charged. Technology expenses and revenues cross multiple budgets. Expenses and revenues are recorded within budgets based on the budget plan and design. The revenue and expense guideline will outline general classification of expenses and revenues and how they relate and posted to the IU budget, Shared Services Budget, Fiber Network Budget, Technology Budget.)
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
(With recent turnover in DCIU it has become more crucial to provide a narrative of the different expense and revenues, coding used and the related budgets charged. Technology expenses and revenues cross multiple budgets. Expenses and revenues are recorded within budgets based on the budget plan and design. The revenue and expense guideline will outline general classification of expenses and revenues and how they relate and posted to the IU budget, Shared Services Budget, Fiber Network Budget, Technology Budget.)
Four components to a WIG:
Strategic goal set out by the board to which the WIG is aligned
Goal Statement: what you hope to achieve
The summative Outcome Measure(s): the indicator(s) that will tell you whether or not you have achieved your goal
Strategy-the big idea regarding how you are going to accomplish the WIG
What you wont’ see this morning is the associated action plan: the steps or actions needed to implement the strategy that enables you to reach the goal
33. Wildly Important Goals Business Services Strategic Goal: Financial Stewardship
WIG 1.0: Reduce handouts for regular meetings including Joint Purchasing, Healthcare Affiliation, Business Managers, Superintendents and Board.
Summative Outcome Measure:
The number of handouts will be measured 3 times during the year at the BM/HA/JP meetings to determine the % reduction meets or exceeds 60%.
Strategy: Utilize technology to provide electronic handouts for meetings and budget presentations. Budgets and handouts for meetings are on line and available via the DCIU secure website.
34. Wildly Important Goals Business Services and the Office of the Executive Director Strategic Goal: Financial Stewardship
WIG 2.0: County Wide District Healthcare Costs Savings
Summative Outcome Measure:
The goal is to realize a county wide healthcare costs savings of 2% to 3% in total premium paid utilizing 2011-2012 strategies proposed
Strategy: Provide healthcare saving measures as verified and presented by consultants to various levels of district administration. Based on the information presented districts and the IU can decide which action or actions are necessary in order to reduce healthcare costs.
35. Wildly Important Goals Business Services and the Office of the Executive Director Strategic Goal: Financial Stewardship
WIGlet 2.0: Develop and provide for an Innovation Fund within DCIU
Summative Outcome Measure:
The DCIU Board approves an Innovation Fund policy that outlines the purpose of an innovation fund, the means to generate and activate funds, and establishes the guidelines on the operations of the Innovation Fund.
Strategy: Review the innovation fund principles with the Executive Director and the Auditors. Update the innovation fund draft guidelines previously developed and further review with the Executive Council prior to presenting to the DCIU Board for consideration.
(With recent turnover in DCIU it has become more crucial to provide a narrative of the different expense and revenues, coding used and the related budgets charged. Technology expenses and revenues cross multiple budgets. Expenses and revenues are recorded within budgets based on the budget plan and design. The revenue and expense guideline will outline general classification of expenses and revenues and how they relate and posted to the IU budget, Shared Services Budget, Fiber Network Budget, Technology Budget.)
(With recent turnover in DCIU it has become more crucial to provide a narrative of the different expense and revenues, coding used and the related budgets charged. Technology expenses and revenues cross multiple budgets. Expenses and revenues are recorded within budgets based on the budget plan and design. The revenue and expense guideline will outline general classification of expenses and revenues and how they relate and posted to the IU budget, Shared Services Budget, Fiber Network Budget, Technology Budget.)
36. Wildly Important Goals Office of the Executive Director Strategic Goal: Student-Centered Learning; Financial Stewardship; Market-Based Business Model
WIG 1.0: Increase/enhance communication and collaboration systems for the organization in order to achieve the DCIU Strategic Goals.
Summative Outcome Measure:
On a Likert-type scale, participating employees will rate their level of satisfaction with communication and collaboration as very satisfied (i.e., an average score of 3.5 out of 5) on a quarterly basis.
Strategy: Create Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) structures for solution oriented decision-making, information sharing and improved communication and collaboration.
A PLC is an ongoing process in which educators work collaboratively in recurring cycles of collective inquiry and action research to achieve better results for the students they serve.
PLCs are:
Focused on Learning
A Collaborative Culture with a Focus on Learning for All
Collective Inquiry into the Best Practice and Current Reality
Action Orientation: Learning by Doing
A commitment to Continuous Improvement
Results Oriented
A PLC is an ongoing process in which educators work collaboratively in recurring cycles of collective inquiry and action research to achieve better results for the students they serve.
PLCs are:
Focused on Learning
A Collaborative Culture with a Focus on Learning for All
Collective Inquiry into the Best Practice and Current Reality
Action Orientation: Learning by Doing
A commitment to Continuous Improvement
Results Oriented