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Semi finals reserve questions

Rabies in Asia Foundation (RIA)-India chapter World Rabies Day-2008 Quiz on Rabies. Semi finals reserve questions. I. Scramble ♣ Time:10seconds/question ♣ Unscramble the word and give the right word Example : ARIBSE Answer : RABIES ♣ Correct answer: 10 marks

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Semi finals reserve questions

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  1. Rabies in Asia Foundation (RIA)-India chapter World Rabies Day-2008 Quiz on Rabies Semi finals reserve questions

  2. I. Scramble ♣ Time:10seconds/question ♣Unscramble the word and give the right word Example: ARIBSE Answer: RABIES ♣Correct answer: 10 marks ♣ Wrong answer : zero ♣No negative marks. ♣ The question will not be passed. ♣ The question will be passed to audience. The person in the audience answering correctly will get one Cadbury’s chocolate



  5. II. MCQ type of questions ♠Time: 10 seconds/question ♠ Correct answer: 10 marks ♠ Wrong answer : minus (negative) 5 marks. ♠ The question will not be passed.

  6. Reserve question 1 Which company in India manufactures PDEV? a) Zydus Alidac b) Human Biologicals c) Ranbaxy d) Bharath Biotech ANSWER Zydus Alidac

  7. Reserve question 2 Name the country which was first to implement intradermal rabies vaccination. a) Srilanka b) Philippines c) Thailand d) Indonesia ANSWER Thailand

  8. III. Direct question • Time: 10 seconds/question • Correct answer: 10 marks • No negative marks • The question shall pass to the next team. • 5 marks will be awarded for the right answer. • If no team answers, the question shall pass on to • the audience. The person in the audience • answering correctly will get one Cadbury’s • chocolate.

  9. Reserve question 1 What is the volume of one dose of Indirab by intramuscular route? ANSWER 0.5 ML

  10. Reserve question 2 In which year the last WHO expert consultation on rabies was held at Geneva? ANSWER 2004

  11. IV. Guess the word • Time: 10 seconds/question • Only select letter shall be provided. • Example: – A – I – S • Answer: RABIES • If the team answers correctlywill be awarded • 10 marks • No marks shall be awarded if the answer is wrong. • No negative marks • The question shall pass on to audience. The • person in the audience answering correctly will • get one Cadbury’s chocolate.

  12. Reserve question 1 _ _R_M _ _S_ _ _U_E O_ _ _D_A ANSWER SERUM INSITUTE OF INDIA

  13. Reserve question 2 _ _ D_ S _ _ _D_C ANSWER ZYDUS ALIDAC

  14. Rabies in Asia Foundation (RIA)-India chapter World Rabies Day-2008 Quiz on Rabies Final reserve questions

  15. Direct question • ♣Time: 10 seconds/question • ♣ Correct answer: 10 marks • ♣Wrong answer-zero & no negative marks • ♣The question will not be passed

  16. Reserve question What is the next best alternative test to FAT for diagnosing rabies in animals and humans? ANSWER ELISA – RREID

  17. II. Pick the Chit and answer. • ►Time: 10 seconds/question (This round starts with Team B) • ►Chits 1-6 are written and the team is asked to chose one chit (each • chit will have a combination of questions asked so far e.g. it could • be direct questions, MCQs, guess the missing word/s). • ► Correct answer: 10 marks • ►Wrong answer: zero • ► No negative marks • ►The question shall pass to the next team. • ►5 Markswill be awarded for the right answer. • ►If no team answers correctly the question shall pass to the • audience. The person in the audience answering correctly will • get one Cadbury’s chocolate.

  18. Reserve question Where is the Indian Veterinary Research Institute [IVRI} situated? ANSWER IZZATNAGAR, UTTAR PRADESH

  19. III. Picture round. ♦Time: 10 seconds/question ♦ Correct answer: 10 marks ♦Wrong answer: zero ♦No negative marks ♦The question will not be passed ♦The question shall go to the audience. The person in the audience answering correctly will get one Cadbury’s chocolate.

  20. Reserve question Answer Mangoose

  21. IV. Rapid Fire Round ■Time: 60 Seconds (This round starts with Team D) ■Each team shall answer a maximum of 6 direct questions in 60 seconds. ■For each correct answer the team is awarded 5 marks. ■ No negative marks for wrong answer. ■ Slide projections containing question and answers will be at the end of each set.

  22. Reserve set 1. Name the first equine rabies immunoglobulin to be produced and released by a private pharmaceutical in India? ANSWER Equirab

  23. Reserve set 2. Name the vaccine used in the study of “ KIMS regimen/ schedule” of Intradermal rabies vaccination. [IDRV] ANSWER Rabipur

  24. Reserve set 3. Name the WHO recommended intramuscular regimen of vaccine administration for humans but not approved for use in India. ANSWER Zagreb or Abbreviated multi-site regimen

  25. Reserve set 4. What is the name of the adsorbed [liquid form] human diploid cell rabies vaccine produced in India? ANSWER Rabivax

  26. Reserve set 5. Name the WHO supported interactive and information mapping system for rabies. ANSWER Rabnet

  27. Reserve set 6. What is the name of the person who coordinates the rabies work in World Health Organization, at Geneva, Switzerland? ANSWER F. – X. Meslin

  28. Reserve question • What is the active ingredient of the presently • available highly purified equine rabies • immunoglobulins? • ANSWER • FAB 2 fragments


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