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Xi Delta Lambda. “ Xi Thrust “. 2008 Year in Review. Presented by Brother Darryl Coker, President. Xi Thrust. On September 12, 2007, XDL kicked off its first meeting of the year with over 45 brothers in attendance.
Xi Delta Lambda “ Xi Thrust “ 2008 Year in Review Presented by Brother Darryl Coker, President
Xi Thrust On September 12, 2007, XDL kicked off its first meeting of the year with over 45 brothers in attendance. The meeting focused on the "5 R’s of XDL -- Rededicate, Retain, Reclaim, Recruit, and Renew". The phrase was coined that the men of Xi Delta Lambda are “Renaissance Men”! Fraternal thanks is being extended to Brother James Wright for his vision surrounding the creation and implementation of the initial chapter meeting for the XDL Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Xi Thrust contd. Rededicate – On September 12, 2007, XDL rededicated over 45 Brothers to the Fraternity with a rededication ceremony. Retain – 2007 we had 19 Brothers on the books. In 2008 we have 28 Brothers on the books of which 19 were from the previous year. Goal: 100% of membership of which 19 were retain -- 100% We currently have 11 Life Members which represents 39.3% of the chapter membership.
Xi Thrust contd. Reclaim – In 2008, XDL was able to reclaim the following Brothers Tyson Brown, Ronald Shelton, David Goodall, Sr., Ivan Armstrong, Kenneth Dennis, Odgen Smith, Derrick Peterson, Sr. and George Johnson. Goal: 8 of which 8 were brought into XDL -- 100% Recruit – In the Spring of 2008, XDL was able to bring in Brother Christopher White. Goal: 8 of which 1 was brought into XDL -- 12.5%
Xi Thrust contd. • Renew – Review of all activities accomplished by the Brothers during the fraternal year!
Xi Thrust contd. September 2007 • Graduate Chapter Advisor -- The Gamma Chapter held its Centennial Celebration during VUU’s Homecoming. Approximately 150 brothers were in attendance at the Richmond Convention Center for the banquet. Some of the events scheduled during the celebration were a Golf Outing, Rededication Ceremony, Stomp the Yard Activity, and Community Service event on Saturday. Many thanks to the 2007-08 Graduate Advisor Team: Brothers Jim Johnson (On-Campus Advisor), Patrick Sapini, Marcus Cox, Ditu Kasuyi, Tyler Parker, Leo Ross, and Derrick Peterson. A Special thank you is being given to Brother George Johnson for his ongoing leadership and support with Gamma Chapter during the fraternal year. • Go to High School, Go to College -- Bro. Ditu Kasuyi lead the Chapter’s mentoring program at J.L. Francis for the fraternal year of 2007-2008. The first orientation meeting was held on Tuesday Oct. 16, 2007 at 1:00pm. Each month thereafter until May 2008, the Brothers of XDL provided some form of mentoring, teaching financial literacy to the young men at J.L. Francis Elementary School.
Xi Thrust contd. October 2007 • Voteless People/Hopeless People -- The Xi Delta Lambda Chapter was able to register 30 people at the 2nd St. festival. This was a joint effort of the Area V Chapters; Gamma, Theta Rho, Beta Gamma Lambda and Xi Delta Lambda. • Bone Marrow Drive – The Annual Bone Marrow Drive was completed at the Gold Bowl Game on Saturday, October 20, 2007 in conjunction with Gamma and BGL. This initiative was headed by Brother Neil Smith. Over 75 people were tested during the activity. Five brothers were trained in bone marrow swab testing on Mon Oct 15, 2007 at the Richmond Bone Marrow Facility; Brothers Neil Smith, Darryl Coker, Jim Mason, Ivan Armstrong and Patrick Sapini.
Xi Thrust contd. November 2007 • Intake -- XDL participated in the Fall Intake Process. As the graduate chapter, XDL supported the Gamma Chapter as they brought in 4 new Gamma Initiates; Brothers Cecil Ricks, Steven Atkins, Douglass Boulden, and Jevon Kinard. • NPHCMR – XDL and BGL hosted the dinner for the National Pan Hellenic Counsel of Metropolitan Richmond. The following Brothers were in attendance: Darryl Coker, Marcus Cox, Ditu Kasuyi, Kelvin Oliver, Neil Smith and Leo Ross.
Xi Thrust contd. December 2007 • Founder’s Day Activity – On Saturday, December 1, 2008, the Area V held its Founder’s Day breakfast. Several Brothers from XDL, BGL, Theta Rho, and Gamma were in attendance. The Reverend Daryl Kearney (BGL) served as the keynote speaker and Brother Darryl Coker served as the Master of Ceremonies. • Holiday Mixer -- On December 15, 2007, XDL held its annual Holiday Mixer at the home of Brother Carol Zanders. An invitation was also extended to Brothers in the Richmond Area that are not affiliated with a graduate chapter for a reclamation exercise. • Go to High School, Go to College -- On Tuesday, December 18, 2007, XDL collected toys from the Brothers of XDL for the young men that are being mentored at J.L. Francis Elementary. This activity was a component of the monthly "money management" seminars extended to the young men as part of the "Go to High School, Go to College" initiative.
Xi Thrust contd. January 2008 • Informational Session -- An information session was held at the home of Brother Tyler Paker on Friday, January 18, 2008 for all men aspiring entry into Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Over 30 Alpha Brothers and men aspiring to be Alpha Brothers were in attendance.
Xi Thrust contd. February 2008 • NPHCMR – XDL Brothers attended the NPHCMR Founder’s Day Breakfast held on Saturday, February 9th in the Panther Dining Hall on the campus of Virginia Union University. The following Brothers were in attendance: Darryl Coker, Ronald Shelton and Neil Smith. • Renew – In order to build relationships with the other local graduate chapters, Brothers Darryl Coker, Jim Mason and Neil Smith attended the Beta Gamma Lambda Chapter’s Annual Black & Gold Ball on Saturday, February 9, 2008 at the Crown Plaza Hotel. • Renew – In order to build relationships with the other local graduate chapters, Brothers Darryl Coker, Charles Harper and Neil Smith attended the Rho Iota Lambda Chapter’s Jr. Miss Annual Black & Gold Pageant on Saturday, February 16, 2008. • VACAPAF – Several of the XDL Brothers attended the VACAPAF Convention during the weekend of February 29th in Charlottesville, VA. The registered attendees were as follows: Brothers Darryl Coker, Jim Mason, Derrick Peterson and Leo Ross.
Xi Thrust contd. March 2008 • Project Alpha -- XDL in conjunction with Gamma and the Area V Intake Initiates provided the Project Alpha seminar to 30 boys between the ages of 10 and 16. The event took place on Saturday, March 8, 2008 and was held at Lynwood Holton Elementary School. This effort was provided in partnership with the Richmond Chapter of Concerned Black Men. Brother Tyler Parker headed this initiative. • Celebration of Life Concert (Weldon H. Smith Scholarship Foundation) -- The concert was held on Saturday, March 8, 2008 at 5:00 PM. Ebenezer Baptist Church hosted the event with the Celebration Male Chorus, under the direction of Brother Dr. Willis Barnett, who served as the headlining group. Brother Kelvin Oliver served as the Master of Ceremonies. Over 200 people were in attendance. Scholarships totaling over $3,500 were given to 5 deserving young men. Brothers Jim Mason and Carol Zanders headed this initiative. • Intake -- The goal of XDL chapter is to initiate 8 brothers into the chapter. We have received notification that 6 men who are interested in learning more about Xi Delta Lambda. The Intake process will take place during the weekends of March 7th and 14th. We brought in 1 new initiate – Brother Christopher White. Brothers Ditu Kasuyi and Neil Smith partnered in this initiative. • Gamma – Two Gamma Initiates, Brothers Michael Moore and David Preston, were guests of Brothers Darryl Coker and Marcus Cox at the Annual UNCF Dinner. Those individuals were chosen to attend the event based upon their academic achievements and leadership roles held during the school year. • Eastern Region Convention – Several XDL Brothers attended the Alpha East Regional Convention held during the weekend of March 28th in East Brunswick, NJ. The registered attendees were as follows: Brothers Darryl Coker, Marcus Cox, George Johnson, Jim Johnson, Leo Ross, and Patrick Sapini
Xi Thrust contd. April 2008 • Intake (SPECIAL) -- XDL participated in a special Spring Intake Process for Gamma Chapter. As the graduate chapter, XDL supported the Gamma Chapter as they brought in 4 new Gamma Initiates; Rashid Diehl, Michael Medley, Cory Gibson, and Michael Crawford. • Go to High School, Go to College -- On Tuesday, April 22, 2008, XDL in conjunction with Brothers from Gamma Chapter participated in the close-out activity with the young men that are being mentored at J.L. Francis Elementary. This activity was the final exercise of the monthly seminars extended to the young men as part of the "Go to High School, Go to College" initiative. Special thanks to Brothers Ditu Kasuyi, Vernon Rogers, Gregory Stallings, Gregory Howard, Kelvin Oliver, Marcus Cox, Jim Mason and Derrick Peterson for their continued work in this area. • March for Babies -- The March of Dimes walk took place on Sunday, April 27, 2008 where XDL had brothers participate i.e. walk, volunteer and donate funds. Special thanks to Brothers Jim Mason and Neil Smith for leading the charge on this initiative. • Annual Graduation Dinner for Gamma Brothers – Several Xi Delta Lambda Brothers hosted its second annual graduation dinner for graduating seniors within the Gamma Chapter. Brother Lewis Farmer, Mathematics Major, graduated in May 2008. • Chapter Directory – the directory for the XDL chapter was distributed to all active brothers within the Chapter. Many thanks go out to Brother Marcus Cox for championing the cause of completing the XDL Chapter Directory.
Xi Thrust contd. May 2008 • Alpha Community Enrichment Day – On Saturday, May 3, 2008, the local area graduate chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha (Beta Gamma Lambda, Nu Omicron Lambda, Rho Iota Lambda and Xi Delta Lambda ) came together to provide a community day. The event was held at the Fulgham Center located in Chesterfield County, VA. The activity was filled with seminars, food and numerous opportunities to network. There were over 50 people in attendance for the event. This initiative was co-chaired by Brother Vernon Rogers. • XDL Golf Tournament -- The annual golf tournament took place on May 6, 2007 at Virginia Commons Resorts Country Club and Golf Course. Sponsors and supporters were as follows: Wachovia Bank, Mason Insurance, Leo Ros with CrossOver Ministries, Xi Delta Lambda and Beta Gamma Lambda. • NPHCMR – XDL Brothers attended the NPHCMR Scholarship Recognition Program held on Thursday, May 22, 2008 in the Panther Dining Hall on the campus of Virginia Union University. The following Brothers were in attendance: Jim Mason and Patrick Sapini.
Xi Thrust contd. June 2008 • NPHCMR – XDL Brothers and their families have attended the NPHCMR Annual Cookout at Three Lakes Park under Shelter #2 on Saturday, June 7th. • Community Outreach -- On Saturday, June 7, 2008, there was a Father-Son Breakfast held at Henderson Middle School. The event was chaired by Brother Vernon Clement with the Beta Gamma Lambda Chapter. Brothers Derrick Peterson, Vernon Rogers and James Wright represented the Xi Delta Lambda Chapter. Brother Peterson provided an uplifting testimony about the role men play in the lives of young men. • Year end chapter meeting for XDL held on Friday, June 13, 2008. • Throughout the fraternal year XDL attended all of the VACAPAF and Eastern Region Staff Meetings. • Throughout the fraternal year Brother Phillip Battle headed the initiative to send birthday greetings and condolences messages to Brothers. • Written and electronic version of meeting minutes prepared in partnership with the Recording and Corresponding Secretaries, Brothers John Puryear and Neil Smith, respectively. • On boarding of PayPal for dues, foundation donations, etc. • Rollout of Xi Delta Lambda website – www.xdl1906.com
Summary of Xi Thrust! • Rededicateover 45 Brothers to the Fraternity with a rededication ceremony. • Retained100% of the chapter membership during the 2008 fraternal year with 39.3% of the chapter membership registered as “Life Members”. • Reclaimed eight new XDL Brothers, which is a chapter growth of 42.1%. Plus accomplished the goal set out in the XDL Strategic Plan for the fraternal year. • Recruitedone new initiate for XDL, Brother Christopher White. The newest initiate represents 12.5% of the recruitment goal. Overall growth to XDL Chapter including reclaimed and recruited Brothers is 47.4%. • Renewed the spirits of the XDL Brothers with numerous programs, activities and relationships!
Xi Thrust contd. Special Thank You to 2007-08 XDL Officers President Darryl L. Coker 1st Vice President Tyler Parker 2nd Vice President Marcus M. Cox Recording Secretary John Puryear Corresponding Secretary Neil Smith Financial Secretary Patrick Sapini Treasurer Jim Johnson Historian Travon Robinson Intake Coordinator Ditu Kasuyi Director of Education Dennis R. Winston Assoc. Editor to the Sphinx Kelvin Oliver Sergeant-at-Arms John S. Green, Jr. Parliamentarian Vernon M. Rogers Chaplain William Gibson
Brothers of XDL … Where do we go from here? Forward is the only acceptable answer! Moving forward requires EVERYONE and EVERYTHING you have including: time, finances, skills and commitment. These assets are no longer excuses not to actualize what we all have been called to do – and that is to LEAD! First of All, Servants of All, We shall transcend all!
Xi Delta Lambda “ Xi Thrust “ First of All, Servants of All, We shall transcend all … We are the “Renaissance Men of Xi Delta Lambda”!