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Alena Meade, Ekta Shah, Sushmita Subramanian

INSTANT HOOT. Alena Meade, Ekta Shah, Sushmita Subramanian. Instant Hoot. Time-consuming and repetitive. Text messaging is a pain!. Same messages sent in same scenarios. Coordination is mundane. Instant Hoot. Our Solution. Make texting easier !. Template messages

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Alena Meade, Ekta Shah, Sushmita Subramanian

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  1. INSTANT HOOT Alena Meade, Ekta Shah, Sushmita Subramanian

  2. Instant Hoot Time-consuming and repetitive. Text messaging is a pain! Same messages sent in same scenarios Coordination is mundane.

  3. Instant Hoot Our Solution Make texting easier! Template messages Contextual messaging Auto completion

  4. Instant Hoot Our Solution:Templates System-generated based on common scenarios User-generated customized messages that user wants to save

  5. Our Solution:Contextual Messaging Instant Hoot System-prompted contextual messaging to make texting faster and easier. Calendar Event in Phone Current Time Current Location Phone (backend) Template message

  6. Instant Hoot Our Solution:Auto-completion User begins to type in a word System auto-completes word to save time/effort. Is this feasible?

  7. Target users Instant Hoot Mobile information workers who: • Use smartphones including calendar system • Uses text messaging, or would be likely to use if process is made more convenient

  8. Coordination Scenarios Instant Hoot “I’m running late” “Don’t forget…” “Are we still on for…?” “Where are you?”/ “I’m at…”

  9. Additional Scenarios Instant Hoot “Do you have notes from class today?” “What are you doing tonight?” Location-based reminders/notes

  10. Design Evaluation Techniques Instant Hoot HCI Usability Principles: Heuristic Evaluation Cognitive Walkthrough Keystroke Level Modeling • User studies: • Think-Alouds

  11. Wireframe Instant Hoot

  12. Rough Sketches/Mockups Instant Hoot Scenario: Alexander is running behind and wants to let his wife, Anna, know that he will be late to pick up their son Ben.

  13. Rough Sketches/Mockups Instant Hoot Template text message generated. Alexander can make minor tweaks and send.

  14. Rough Sketches/Mockups Instant Hoot Scenario: Jerry enters a grocery store.

  15. Rough Sketches/Mockups Instant Hoot Brings up user’s grocery list, stored as notes on phone.

  16. Implementation Instant Hoot Will be focusing heavily on usability and design Wizard of Oz prototype using C# Simulating phone usage with computers

  17. Timeline Instant Hoot This week Finalize scenarios Sketch/mock-up UI screens Week of Nov.26 Usability tests (paper prototypes) Implementation (database + code skeleton) Week of Dec.4 Redesign based on usability tests Implementation Week of Dec.11 KLM Implementation User Evaluation

  18. Questions? Instant Hoot

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