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Back-to School Night. Monday, September 9, 2013 Mrs. Angiolillo Long-Term Sub: Miss Tieri. Mrs. Kaitlin Angiolillo Email: Miss.Angiolillo@smtparish.org Classroom Website: http://mrsangiolillo.weebly.com Long-Term Sub: Miss Rebecca Tieri Miss Tieri’s Email: tierirebecca@gmail.com
Back-to School Night Monday, September 9, 2013 Mrs. Angiolillo Long-Term Sub: Miss Tieri
Mrs. Kaitlin Angiolillo • Email: Miss.Angiolillo@smtparish.org • Classroom Website: http://mrsangiolillo.weebly.com • Long-Term Sub: Miss Rebecca Tieri • Miss Tieri’s Email: tierirebecca@gmail.com • School Phone Number: 215-535-2962 (leave a message for me) Teacher Information
We Believe Workbook and Website • Liturgical Calendar/Seasons of the Church Year • Rosary/Mysteries of the Rosary • Mary, Mother of God • Saints and Feast Days • Prayers- Hail Mary, Our Father, Angel of God, Morning Offering, Grace Before Meals, Grace After Meals, Glory Be, Act of Contrition, Apostles Creed. Religion
Common Core Standards • Progress in Mathematics Text, Workbook, and Website • First in Math • Practice, Practice, Practice! Mathematics
Common Core Standards. • Reading, Writing, Language, Listening and Speaking. • Reading- Harcourt Trophies Series • Writing- Three major writing pieces (Narrative, Informative, and Opinion). • Language- Spelling (Harcourt Trophies), Grammar Workshop, Vocabulary Workshop, Phonics. • Speaking and Listening- In-class presentations. • Handwriting- Cursive Writing. ELA
Archdiocesan Curriculum Guidelines for Science • Taught but not graded. • Scientific Method • Geology- Rocks and Minerals, Soil Formation, Water Cycle. • Forces & Motion-Work, Energy. • Human Body, Cells, Tissues, Organs, Systems. • Living Things- Ecosystems, Food Chains, Adaptations. Science
Archdiocesan Curriculum Guidelines for Social Studies • Taught but not graded. • Holidays • Historical People • Timelines • Geography- Location, Directions, Physical Characteristics (Landforms, Water bodies), Cultural Characteristics. • Weather, Climate, Natural Resources, Transportation, Export/Import of Goods. • Communities- Urban, Rural, Suburban. • Maps- Types, Symbols, Location Tools, U.S. Map, World Map (Continents, Oceans). • Special Places to Know- Vatican, White House, Independence Hall, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, United States Capitol, etc. • Government and Traditions. • Economics- Wants and Needs/Goods and Services. • Culture Social Studies
Based on class work, participation, special projects, in-class writing assignments, home assignments and tests. • 0 (Outstanding), VG (Very Good), G (Good), S (Satisfactory), I (Improvement Needed, & U (Unsatisfactory) • Students will receive a letter grade for Religion, Mathematics, Handwriting, and ELA. • A plus (+) mark on the report card means that the student has mastered a specific area. A check mark indicates that the student is still striving for mastery. • Option C- Check grades/See assignments. • Students will be taught Science and Social Studies this year, but will not be graded on it. Grades
Students will be notified in advance of a test. • Test Folder- Sent home once a week, usually on Wednesdays. • Please look over, sign, and return all tests the following day. Tests
Given every night, except for Fridays. • To be completed by the following day. • In addition to written homework, students should be reading each night, playing First in Math each night, and studying the material they learned in class. • All written homework must be signed by a parent. • Homework will be graded for completion only. If a student misses a homework, a calendar mark will be given and two points will be taken off from their homework grade each time. (Each student starts off with a Homework Grade of 100%). Homework
On Wednesdays, students will be given a Communication Envelope. • Please read all papers carefully. • Please empty the envelope, sign it next to the date, and return it to school the following day. Communication Envelope
Students will be given 2 copybooks once their Stationary fee has been paid. These two copybooks are to be used for Homework and ELA. • Students were also to buy three copybooks (no spirals) on their own. These copybooks will become their Math, Religion, and Science & Social Studies copybooks. • All copybooks and workbooks must be covered in clear contact paper and kept in good shape throughout the year. Workbooks & Copybooks
Christ is our model. • New Behavior Calendar each trimester. Will be located in the back of the Homework copybook. • Please see and initial calendar every night. • Stop Light- Green (Excellent Behavior), Yellow (Warning), and Red (Number on Calendar & Lose of Morning Recess). • Stamp on Calendar- Student behaved well in school that day. • “Caught Doing Good” • Peacemaker of the Month • Compliment Chain Conduct
Neatness and completion. • Handwriting Grade. Quality of Student Work
School day begins at 7:50 A.M. • Promptness • Absentee note needed if student is absent. Lateness/Absence
Birthdays are a special time for your child. • If you are sending a birthday treat to school, please do not send any products that may contain peanuts due to allergies. • Children with summer birthdays can celebrate their birthday in June before school ends. Birthdays
10-15 minute break in morning. • Please choose a nutritious snack. • Sodas are not permitted. • No glass containers are allowed. • SMT will begin the pretzel program in October. • Hot Lunch begins on Sept. 30th. • Please pack a dish towel/placemat with your child’s lunch so he or she will have something to eat on. Snack/Lunch
Monday: Technology and Art • Wednesday: Physical Education • Thursday: Library • Friday: Music Specials
The Sacrament of Reconciliation • Holy Communion • More information about these sacraments will follow. Sacraments
Thank you for attending this meeting tonight. We look forward to an exciting year! Welcome to 3rd Grade Room 311! Thank you for your continued support!