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Inspectoratul Şcolar al Judeţului Braşov SEE-EU TOOLS SUSTAINBLE ENERGY FOR HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION – AN EUROPEAN TRAINING TOOL A Socrates - Comenius 2.1. Project financed by the European Commission Project number: 226362-CP-1-2005-1-RO-COMENIUS-C21
Inspectoratul Şcolar al Judeţului Braşov Content PARTNERS OBJECTIVES RESULTS
Inspectoratul Şcolar al Judeţului Braşov • The 12 member partnership gathers universities, teacher training and management institutions, high schools and energy authorities from eight countries: Romania, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Turkey. • Coordinator: Transilvania University of Brasov • P1: University of Applied Sciences Gent, Belgium • P2: University of Applied Sciences Aachen, Germany • P3: ASPETE, Greece • P4: Kelidon Association, Italy • P5: Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands • P6: Zespol Szkol IM. Marie Sklodowskiej-Curie, Poland • P7: District School Inspectorate, Brasov, Romania • P8: College of Natural Sciences "Emil Racovita", Brasov, Romania • P9: Teachers' Centre, Brasov, Romania • P10: Romanian Agency for Energy Conservation, Bucharest, Romania • P11: Izmir National District School Inspectorate
Inspectoratul Şcolar al Judeţului Braşov Content PARTNERS OBJECTIVES RESULTS
Inspectoratul Şcolar al Judeţului Braşov • Aim The project aims to develop a complex training tool enabling teachers to raise the pupils’ interest on science and technology in a field directly related to the life and future, by promoting sustainable energy in practical-orientated training. • Objectives • Developinga complex training tool consisting of: • Teacher training materials; • Course for in service training of the high school teachers, on sustainable energy; • Training methodology; • One important objective targets to shape to the real needs and knowledge of the beneficiary, by organizing testing sessions of the modules, cluster of modules and full-course, during the project • The developping of a functional managerial frame of the project; • The valorization of the project and its result represents an objective stated in this project and the activities related to it are scheduled from the very beginning.
Inspectoratul Şcolar al Judeţului Braşov Content PARTNERS OBJECTIVES RESULTS
Inspectoratul Şcolar al Judeţului Braşov • Needs analisys • Good practice examples • The Course Sustainble Energy
Inspectoratul Şcolar al Judeţului Braşov Aim of the Needs Analysis • To get understanding of the existing situation of the in-service training in the field ofSustainable Energy at European level, by: – finding out the teachers’ interest and perception of the SustainableEnergy field – finding out the current situation concerning the Sustainable Energy topicin curricula in high schools at: micro level – that is the classroom level; mezo-level – that is the school level and the community level; macro level – that is the curricula at national level; – finding out the teachers’ willingness to improve their knowledge in thefield of sustainable energy subjects and didactical methods applied to thediscipline
Inspectoratul Şcolar al Judeţului Braşov Conclusions • The teachers across the Europe appreciate the subject of Sustainable Energy as beingimportant for the development of the community and of the students. The SustainableEnergy subject is not part of the curriculum at national level. There are cases where thesubject is approached at school level, mainly in the extracurricular activities. • The Sustainable Energy topic is rarely present in curricula, but the teachers are willingto implement it, as cross-curricular discipline, mainly those who have scientific andtechnical background. They widely recognize the importance of the subject in their andtheir students’ professional development.
Inspectoratul Şcolar al Judeţului Braşov Good Practice Examples Energy Efficiency Passive solar design PVs Recycling Small Hydros Solar Thermal WasteWater Treatment Wind Energy
Inspectoratul Şcolar al Judeţului Braşov • The Course curricullum • The Manual • CD 1 - Training Instruments • Curricullum & Syllabi • Glossary • Examples of good practice • Laboratories • Laboratory guide • Handouts • CD 2 - Training Methodology • Needs Analysis • Curriculum • Teachers presentations • Training methodology
Inspectoratul Şcolar al Judeţului Braşov WATER- ASSET IN A SUSTENABLE DEVELOPMENT OF A JOINT EUROPE A Socrates - Comenius 1 Project financed by the European Commission Project number: 06-PS-R3-748-Bv-RO
Inspectoratul Şcolar al Judeţului Braşov Content PARTNERS OBJECTIVES ACTIVITIES RESULTS
Inspectoratul Şcolar al Judeţului Braşov • The “Émil Racovita” College for the Sciences of Nature , Brasov, ROMANIA - coordinator • ISIS Ciro Pollini,Mortara, ITALY • IES Frederic Mompou, SPAIN • Escola Secundaria, prof.dr.Flavio Resende, PORTUGAL • Yzmir Ynonu High School, TURKEY
Inspectoratul Şcolar al Judeţului Braşov Content PARTNERS OBJECTIVES ACTIVITIES RESULTS
Inspectoratul Şcolar al Judeţului Braşov to realize the importance of water for life and the environment searching for traditional and modern uses of water and comparing them to aknowledge the value of water as an clean source of energy and to find out ways to manage it properly to determine a change in people´s mentalities (the quality of the drinking water is an indicator of a nation`s civilisation) to challenge the modern educational system offering practical, motivating and effective methods, offering interdisciplinary approach to water as a major component of the environment to offer basic documentation on legal aspects to the environmental legislation, water monitoring, water legislation as part of public health politices in different countries to practice foreign languages in intercultural students and teachers exchanges to enrich IT abilities and improve individual and team working methods as parts of personal development
Inspectoratul Şcolar al Judeţului Braşov Content PARTNERS OBJECTIVES ACTIVITIES RESULTS
Inspectoratul Şcolar al Judeţului Braşov • documentation and research regarding traditional uses of water and modern ones • visits to water mills, traditional weavery, woodcutters, peasant houses museums, national art museums, old and modern watercleaning stations, natural and national parks, electrical power plants • analyses charts, graphics, measurements concerning tap water, river water, rain water, national parks • comparative graphics concerning the water consumings and costs in different months, in houses, institutions (schools), locally/person • studying and interpreting different data • introducing the theme into school curriculum as a 2 year optional course and also during some tutoring classes • monitoring lab work, collecting samples- • studying the local and territorial hydronet • using and improving science knowledge (biology, chemistry, physics, geography) • stimulating creativity by creating and making a lab installation that could simulate condensation
Inspectoratul Şcolar al Judeţului Braşov Content PARTNERS OBJECTIVES ACTIVITIES RESULTS
Inspectoratul Şcolar al Judeţului Braşov • posters • charts • the fog installation • work reports, analysis, tables • a book that contains both theoretical chapters, descriptions, presentations, conclusions on the complex study and practical chapters containing exercises, problems, themes to reflect on- done by all the teams and put together, that can be used as a manual for trained or less trained teachers/ students • CDs with the works and meetings • a glossary of the most frequently used terms, representing basic knowledge in studying water, used in the book, in six languages.
Inspectoratul Şcolar al Judeţului Braşov Mirela Blemovici “Former et eduquer au developpement durable”