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Typology of Phonetic and Phonological Systems of English & Ukrainian. Vowels monophthongs diphthongs. Consonants. PHONETIC SYSTEM OF A LANGUAGE PHONEMES.
Typology of Phonetic and Phonological Systems of English & Ukrainian
Vowels monophthongs diphthongs Consonants PHONETIC SYSTEM OF A LANGUAGEPHONEMES
The number of vowels in English is 20 out of which 12 are monophthongs [ɪ, ı:, e, æ, ɒ, ɔ:, ⋀, ɑ:, υ, u:, ɜ:, ə]. The other 8 are diphthongs: [eı, ɜυ, ɑɪ, ɑυ, ɔɪ, ɪə, ɛə, υə]. The number of vowels in Ukrainian is 6 only: [i, e, u, a, o, y] VOWELS IN ENGLISH & UKRAINIAN
In English – 24 In Ukrainian – 32 CONSONANTS IN ENGLISH & UKRAINIAN
GROUPS OF CONSONANTS ACCORDING TO THE ROLE OF VOICE AND NOISE IN FORMING THE CONSONANTS ·noise (the majority): voiced, voiceless; ·sonorant: [m, n, r, l, w, j, ŋ], [м, н, нʹ, р, рʹ, л, j, в].
GROUPS OF CONSONANTS ACCORDING TO THE WAY OF PASSING THE OBSTRUCTION ·plosive: [p, t, k, b, d, g], [б, п, д, дʹ, т, тʹ, ґ, к]; ·fricative: [f, v, θ, ð , s, z, ʒ, h, j], [в, ф, з, зʹ, с, сʹ, ж, ш, г, х]; ·affricative: [tʃ, dʒ], [дж, дз, ч, ц, цʹ, дзʹ].
In English: bilabial, labiodental, alveolar,median, back-lingual, post-alveolar [r, ʃ, ʒ], interdental [ð, θ]. In Ukrainian:bilabial, labiodental, alveolar,median, back-lingual, dental [д, т, л, лʹ, н]. GROUPS OF CONSONANTS ACCORDING TO THE PLACE OF OBSTRUCTION
GROUPS OF CONSONANTS ACCORDING TO THE PLACE OF OBSTRUCTION • bilabials: [p ,b, m, w], [п, б, в, м]; • labiodentals: [v, f ], [ф]; • alveolar [d, t, z, s, n, l, tʃ, dʒ], [дʹ, тʹ, нʹ, ц, цʹ, ч, ш, з, зʹ, дзʹ, дз, с, ж]; • median: [j], [й, р, рʹ]; • back-lingual [k, g,ŋ], [ґ, к, х]; • glottal [h], [г].
STAGES OF ARTICULATION retention stage the the off- on- glide glide
MERGING OF STAGES p a: p a: a: p
POSITIONAL reduction devoicing at the end of the words prothesis COMBINATORY assimilation dissimilation accommodation haplology dieresis epenthesis metathesis substitution elision ARTICULATORY TRANSITIONS OF PHONEMES
Assimilation is a phonetic process when two adjacent consonants within a word or at word boundaries influence each other in such a way that the articulation of one sound becomes similar or even identical with the articulation of the other one.
Assimilation may affect: • - the work of an active organ, e.g., congress; • - the point of articulation as in, e.g., congratulate; • - the manner of production of noise, e.g., in let me as [ˈlemɪ]; • - the work of vocal cords, e.g., gooseberry; • - the lip position, e.g., twenty; • - the position of the soft palate, e.g., sandwich.
Assimilation Complete When the articulation of an assimilated consonant fully coincides with that of an assimilating one. Partial when an assimilated consonant retains its main phonetic features and becomes only partly similar in some features of its articulation to an assimilating sound. Intermediate when an assimilated consonant changes into a different sound, but doesn’t coincide with the assimilating consonant. DEGREES OF ASSIMILATION
Assimilation Progressive an assimilated consonant is influenced by the preceding consonant. Regressive an assimilated consonant is influenced by the following consonant. Double adjacent consonants influence each other. TYPES OF ASSIMILATION
When the articulation of a sound is changed under the influence of the neighbouring sound in the course of language development assimilation is historical.Contextual assimilation takes place when the articulation of a sound changes under the influence of the neighbouring sounds in rapid colloquial speech or in the living language.
When a sound is influenced by an adjoining sound assimilation is called contact. When a sound is influenced by a distant one assimilation is called distant. Such cases are not typical of Present-day English and Ukrainian Phonetics (желізо – залізо).
ACCOMMODATION In accommodation the accommodated sound doesn’t change its main phonemic features, and is pronounced as a principal variant of the same phoneme slightly modified under the influence of a neighbouring sound.
In rapid colloquial speech certain notional words may lose some of their sounds. This phenomenon is called elision. Elision can be historical and contemporary. The English language is full of “silent” letters; which bear weakness to historical elision: e. g., walk, knee, knight, castle, корисний, сонце, чесний. In rapid colloquial speech certain notional words may lose some of their sounds: e. g., phonetics.
The omission of certain syllables is called haplology, rare in English (Englalond > England), but spread in Ukrainian (мінералологія - мінералогія, трагікокомедія - трагікомедія).In rapid colloquial speech certain notional words may lose some of their sounds. The same concerns metathesis – the change of syllables / sounds within a word (суворий, намисто, ведмідь, бондар; third > ðridda).
The phenomenon opposite to assimilation in which one of two similar phonemes is changed as a result of their interaction is called dissimilation, but the phenomenon of dissimilation is not typical of present-day English & Ukrainian Phonetics: cf., Pluraris – Pluralis (in Latin) and Plural (in English); верблюд, лицар.Substitution results into the use of a sound typical of a particular language instead of the resembling sound of another language (тези – міф, архів).Epenthesis is the addition of an alien sound into the existing sound complex: e. g., the French word advantage is changed into the English word advantage; ofn > ofen > oven; павук, Іспанія.
Devoicing of the voiced consonants at the end of words. It is not typical of English though the sounds [b], [d], [g] may be seldom partly devoiced. This phenomenon is typical of Ukrainian (дід, дуб).Prothesis is the introduction of an extra initial sound. Very rare in both languages (вісім; Latin schola > Spanish escuela).Sounds in speech can be reduced, i.e. change their quality or even fall out when unstressed. This phenomenon is called reduction.
REDUCTION QUANTITATIVE the reduction of the length of a vowel is observed without changing its quality QUALITATIVE the quality of a vowel is changed. TYPES OF REDUCTION ZERO the omission of a vowel or a consonant.
OPEN open syllables (are, ear, а-раб); open covered syllables (we, play, ми, два). The number of open syllables in English contains 27% & in Ukrainian – 66%; CLOSE close syllables (art, act, ось). The number of close syllables in English (73%) exceeds their number in Ukrainian (34%). A SYLLABLE
SYLLABLE FORMATION & SYLLABLE DIVISION • an unstressed short vowel, a long monophthong or a diphthong separated from a succeeding stressed vowel by a consonant sound, forms an uncovered open syllable: ago, alike, elect, idea, осінь, араб; • when 2 vowels are separated from each other by a cluster of consonant sound the syllable boundary lies before the consonants: agree, asleep, admire. It isn’t so in Ukrainian: ін-ші, ох-кав; • an unstressed short vowel, a long monophthong or a diphthong used after a single consonant or a cluster of consonants and before the following syllabic consonant forms an open covered syllable: Ukraine, together, turkey, houses; • a short stressed vowel [ɒ, e, æ, ⋀, υ] separated from the following single syllabic consonant always occurs in a close syllable. The boundary separating the syllable is within the consonant: lit|tle, fat|ten; • a short vowel separated by 2 consonants forms with the succeeding consonants a close syllable. Hence, the boundary between the syllables lies after the following consonants: nice–ly, good–ness, hot–ly.
English word stress is dynamic with a tonetic component. It is free. English rhythm is stress-timed. Ukrainian word stress is dynamic with a duration component. It is free. Ukrainian rhythm is syllable-timed. Word-stress as singling out one or more syllables in a word
TYPES OF STRESS Word stress Sentence stress Logical stress Dynamic (force) - (Ukrainian, English) Quantitative (Greek) Tonetic (Japanese, Chinese, Norwegian, Lithuanian) Depending on the place within the word Stable (Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Georgian, French) Free (Ukrainian, English) TYPES OF STRESS
PRIMARY SECONDARY In English falls on the syllable separated from the nuclear syllable by one unstressed syllable: pro˛nunci'ation, ˛recog'nition, etc. TYPES OF WORD STRESS
ENGLISH Compound adjectives: 'well-'known, 'absent–'minded, etc. Composite verbs also have two primary stresses, e. g., to 'get 'up, to 'give a'way, etc. Words with the prefixes: un-, in-, dis-, sub-, ex-, under-, re-. UKRANIAN Such cases are optional: за′гально′освітній, ко′ристо′любивий. WORDS WITH TWO STRESSES
INTONATION Intonation is a complex unity of speech melody, sentence stress, tempo, pausation, and timbre.
FUNCTIONS OF INTONATION • to divide an utterance into sense groups; that is to organize human utterances semantically; • to organize utterances into groups according to the demands of communication; • intonation organizes utterances syntactically as well defining clauses of coordination and subordination; • the emotive aspect of utterances can be defined and expressed only by means of intonation.