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When a Rock Falls on the Dam: Data Management under the ICS

Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill Yellowstone River, Montana. When a Rock Falls on the Dam: Data Management under the ICS. When a Rock Falls on the Dam: Data Management under the ICS. Jolene McQuillan – WQ Metric Database Manager Michael Pipp – Program Manager

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When a Rock Falls on the Dam: Data Management under the ICS

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  1. Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill Yellowstone River, Montana When a Rock Fallson the Dam:Data Managementunder the ICS When a Rock Fallson the Dam: Data Managementunder the ICS Jolene McQuillan – WQ Metric Database Manager Michael Pipp – Program Manager Water Quality Planning Bureau Information Management & Technical Services Section

  2. Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill – Yellowstone River, MT The Story…. • River of iconic stature • Oil pipeline under river bed • State’s largest city 20 mi • downstream • Major spring & summer • runoff • State environmental agency with limited ICS experience • State employees skilled in decision making • & adaptive management

  3. Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill – Yellowstone River, MT Where in the World…?

  4. Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill – Yellowstone River, MT What happened & Why… • 150 land owners • suffered oil deposits • Oil was observed as • far as 72 miles d/s

  5. Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill – Yellowstone River, MT What happened & Why… Yellowstone River Discharge: April 1 – Sept., 30 2011 Flood Stage July 1, 2011 • peak Q at 23:15 hr: • 70,000 cfs July 1 L-T Average Median Daily Q • median daily Q: • 65,150 cfs

  6. Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill – Yellowstone River, MT

  7. Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill – Yellowstone River, MT Now What!? … • Responses • Local EMS & Exxon-Mobile • 1stResponse & Evacuations • EPA response team from Denver • Establishes IC • Initiates monitoring • Data management • State of Montana • DEQ & FWP • DEQ lead state response agency • Op “Center” in Helena… • Unified Command

  8. Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill – Yellowstone River, MT How!? … • Governor Schweitzer: • Declares State of Emergency • Calls for landowner sampling • State Monitoring & Data Management

  9. Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill – Yellowstone River, MT Samples collected… Field sheets “completed”… Lab methods applied… Now its time for… The Real Show: Data Management!

  10. Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill – Yellowstone River, MT Data Management: Under the Rock MT-eWQX: Montana EQuIS Water Quality Exchange WQX Module -WQX-specific fields -Data stored differently MT-eWQX Base EQuIS MT-eWQX EDD -WQX rules -DEQ-specific rules

  11. Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill – Yellowstone River, MT Data Management: Under the Rock EPA Exxon DEQ Landowner Organization Project MT-eWQX EDD MT-eWQX

  12. Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill – Yellowstone River, MT Data Management: Under the Rock • Landowner Collected Data • Directed by Gov. Schweitzer • July 8th meeting • Results highly anticipated by landowners and media • Field forms??

  13. Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill – Yellowstone River, MT Data Management: Under the Rock • Landowner Collected Data • Field Form = Challenge • Lack of information • Lab EDD = Challenge • Not our MT-eWQX EDD

  14. Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill – Yellowstone River, MT Data Management: Under the Rock • DEQ Collected Data • Samples collected by DEQ contractor, HKM, and DEQ staff • Challenge = data collection and analysis BEFORE data management

  15. Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill – Yellowstone River, MT Data Management: Under the Rock

  16. Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill – Yellowstone River, MT Data Management: Under the Rock • EPA/Exxon Collected Data • Scribe • Developed by EPA’s Environmental Response Team • Used by EPA for Hurricane Katrina, BP oil spill • Microsoft Access • Accepts data from numerous sources • EPA data going directly into Scribe • Exxon data coming from their own database into Scribe

  17. Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill – Yellowstone River, MT Data Management: Under the Rock • EPA/Exxon Collected Data • Scribe’s flexibility = Challenge • Lack of referential integrity • Queries built to populate MT-eWQX EDD

  18. Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill – Yellowstone River, MT Data’s Managed… Now for the Warm & Fuzzy! REPORTING

  19. Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill – Yellowstone River, MT Reporting: EQuIS Reports

  20. Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill – Yellowstone River, MT Reporting: EQuIS Database Views • dbo.vw.Ystone_Oil_Spill_Sites • dbo.vw.Ystone_Oil_Spill_Results

  21. Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill – Yellowstone River, MT Reporting: Reporting: DEQ Operations Center & Incident Command

  22. Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill – Yellowstone River, MT Reporting: DEQ Operations Center & Incident Command

  23. Silvertip Pipeline Oil Spill – Yellowstone River, MT The Yellowstone River as it should be… Questions?

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