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WhyCulturedMeat presentation:

WhyCulturedMeat.org presentation:. Factors any Animal Rights activist should consider when choosing a path:. The human species (as do other species) is inherently selfish and programmed for its own perpetuation.

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  1. WhyCulturedMeat.orgpresentation:

  2. Factors any Animal Rights activist should considerwhen choosing a path:

  3. The human species (as do other species) is inherently selfish and programmed for its own perpetuation.

  4. 2. “Humans are much more social than rational creatures. In everyday life on average, people try merge into society, behave correspondingly, and afterwards rationalize their behaviour, i.e. find “rational” reasons why they act as they act.“ [Martin Balluch]Most of them lack the intelligence required to understand the logic behind Animal Rights.

  5. 3. Most humans lack the emotional intelligence required to understand what farm animals go through in factory farms.

  6. 4. Most humans don't care about things which are not related directly to themselves or to the group to which they relate themselves (family, race, specie, etc.).

  7. 5. Humans in general have a strong need for social security, they want things to stay as they are.

  8. 6. Religion: for billions of people around the world, the concept of Animal Rights (not necessarily veganism) is not even a consideration due to their religious beliefs.

  9. 7. The birth rate in the world is much higher than the death rate & rate of people turning vegan combined.

  10. 8. Conservative populations are increased in much higher rate than liberal populations.

  11. 9. Animal Rights is a philosophical idea; it cannot be proven as mathematical theorem can.

  12. More than half of the activists in the movement do not even make rights-based claims when facing rational non-vegans but concentrate on factory farms practices. Moreover, many of them do not believe in moral-absolutism, but rather in moral-relativism.

  13. More than half of the activists in the movement believe animal welfare is a positive step towards abolition/liberation and therefore cooperate with the exploiters.

  14. 12. Many activists dedicate significant amount of their activism to issues like pets & fur, not to vegan education.

  15. 13. The ramifications of vegan education are "theoretical". Apart from ALF, animal rights activists rarely receive instant gratification for their hard work; they don't get to see all the nonhumans they are saving.

  16. 14. With regards to past struggles, the Animal Rights struggle is unique: the strugglers are not the ones who are being oppressed and exploited.

  17. 15. The struggle to end Slavery in the United States took hundreds of years and was finally won in a Civil War which broke out more as a result of political interests than as result of moral interests. All this, when there were much more activists, the movement had much more money, the strugglers were the ones who were being oppressed and the oppressed side was closer specie-wise to the oppressing side.

  18. 16.The western society is an achieving society. From childhood people are being brainwashed and taught that their worth is measured by their grades and that winning is everything. Losing and low grades are a negative. Most people are not willing to compromise or accept anything less than what they have right now. On the contrary, even the wealthiest of people try to raise their standard of life even higher.

  19. 17. To become vegan, many must give up on what they consider to be one of the greatest pleasures in their lives.

  20. Read more at: www.WhyCulturedMeat.org www.SupportCulturedMeat.org

  21. Help to promote Cultured Meat, “meat substitutes” & other vegan alternatives: www.New-Harvest.org www.FutureFood.org

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