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Gifted and Talented Network Meetings Updates

Gifted and Talented Network Meetings Updates. SUMMER TERM 2011 Joan Beale - Adviser, Gifted and Talented jbeale@cfbt.com. To update Lead G & T Lead Teachers on the National Picture To reflect on the approach to developing G & T provision in Lincolnshire To share developments/good practice.

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Gifted and Talented Network Meetings Updates

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  1. Gifted and TalentedNetwork MeetingsUpdates SUMMER TERM 2011 Joan Beale - Adviser, Gifted and Talented jbeale@cfbt.com

  2. To update Lead G & T Lead Teachers on the National Picture To reflect on the approach to developing G & T provision in Lincolnshire To share developments/good practice Aims of Session

  3. Greater emphasis on pupil progress, including publication of PP/FSM and other vulnerable groups performance.> Ofsted will report on: pupil achievement; quality of teaching and learning; leadership and management and behaviour and safety of pupils.NB new Ofsted framework Autumn 2011> Schools able to request Ofsted Inspections and pay for them from Aug 2011.> New Floor Standard Secondary 35% 5A*to C inc Eng & Maths plus Science in future.> New Floor Standard Primary 60% Level 4 inc Eng & Maths.> From 2012 allow smaller governing bodies to draw from local communities. The White Paper

  4. A school that prioritises the understanding and development of effective practice for G & T has an aspirational ethos, higher expectations and greater levels of challenge in the curriculum. Leaders and teachers who focus on developing professional knowledge, expertise and skills through working on G & T provision will improve provision and outcomes for all. Excellence for All

  5. Leading and Managing improvement for gifted and talented education. Developing tracking and monitoring. Developing pedagogy. A three pronged approach to developing G & T provision

  6. Raise online FTT Internal school data What are the various data sources telling you about the progress of your most able pupils? Know and Understand your Data

  7. Is there a shared understanding across the school of what constitutes effective teaching and learning? Pedagogy

  8. Outstanding Teaching is at least good and much is outstanding, with the result that the pupils are making exceptional progress. It is highly effective in inspiring pupils and ensuring that they learn extremely well. Excellent subject knowledge is applied consistently to challenge and inspire pupils. Resources, including new technology, make a marked contribution to the quality of learning, as does the precisely targeted support provided by other adults. Teachers and other adults are acutely aware of their pupils’ capabilities and of their prior learning and understanding, and plan very effectively to build on these. Marking and dialogue between teachers, other adults and pupils are consistently of a very high quality. Pupils understand in detail how to improve their work and are consistently supported in doing so. Teachers systematically and effectively check pupils’ understanding throughout lessons, anticipating where they may need to intervene and doing so with striking impact on the quality of learning.

  9. G & T Not a ‘Bolt On’ • Assessment for learning (Afl) • Assessing Pupil Progress (APP) • Effective T & L strategies – Quality First Teaching (QFT) • Curriculum entitlement & choice • School organisation • Strong partnership beyond the school

  10. Continue to use IQS and CQS audit tools to review practice and identify areas for development. Ensure whole school tracking system is robust enough to identify the progress of different groups. Continue to monitor & develop the level of challenge for all in the classroom. Have high expectations of all pupils! Next Steps

  11. Leonardo Da Vinci "Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else." — Leonardo da Vinci

  12. Don’t Forget! The New East Midlands Regional Partnership (EMRP) website hosts a range of useful resources and information www.emgate.org.uk The National Strategies G & T area www.nationalstrategies.standards.dcsf. gov.uk/inclusion

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