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Thank You for Joining Us Today!. Introduction to the AIAA STEM K-12 Outreach: Section Best Practices will begin at 2 PM EST Don’t Forget! You will need to call in for the audio portion of this webinar: Phone: 1.866.740.1260 Passcode: 2647527.
Thank You for Joining Us Today! Introduction to the AIAA STEM K-12 Outreach: Section Best Practices will begin at 2 PM EST Don’t Forget! You will need to call in for the audio portion of this webinar: Phone: 1.866.740.1260 Passcode: 2647527
AIAA STEM K-12 Outreach: Section Best Practices Edgar Bering Sept 25, 2013
Webinar Outline • The Problem • AIAA STEM K-12 Strategic (Decadal) Goals • Committee Building – Decadal Plan • Program Design • Outcome Data • Institute Programs • Everything Else • The Manual
It is your country to save The problem
The Problem • Effectively inspire K-12 students to pursue STEM careers • Engage our Educator Associates with AIAA members
The Problem • United States economy is now based on innovation export • We are being outproduced in new engineers 4:1 per capita by China • => A recipe for economic collapse • In the 8 years since Rise Above the Gathering Storm was published, we have not begun to “move the needle”
The Problem • Solving the problem is everybody’s job! • A defining moment for all of us. • Our reply defines who we are – time to step up! • AIAA STEM K-12 Outreach Programs are changing in response: • We have raised our goals substantially. • “Feel Good, fuzzy puppy” programs no longer adequate
How do we plan to fix this Strategic goals
Expanding to Meet the Challenge • What is the need? • Holy Grail = 59 million interactions per year =>NOT Practical • Practical • Provide all of the 42 million elementary and middle school students in the US the opportunity to participate in an AIAA-branded STEM K-12 program or interact with an AIAA volunteer once before leaving middle school. • Provide all of the 17 million high school students in the US the opportunity to participate in an AIAA-branded STEM K-12 program or interact with an AIAA volunteer at least once more before leaving high school. • = 8.1 million student interactions per year • Doable!
Strategic Goals (Decadal Goals) • Engage 65% of the AIAA membership in STEM K-12 Outreach • Market research indicates 52% actively want to help with outreach right now! • Engage 8 million students per year with an AIAA volunteer or in an AIAA activity • Trivial if Goal 1 is attained • Enroll 1% of the nation’s K-12 teachers as Educator Associate Members
Strategic Goals • One strategic goal is to engage 65% of the professional membership in STEM K-12 Outreach activities. • A more important goal than ever! • Market research has shown that 52% of professional scientists and engineers want to get involved in STEM K-12 Outreach [Asher, private communication, 2012] • Implies that the Outreach participation opportunities we provide are a significant membership benefit • Engineers as Educators is clearly the most important program you can run.
A Source of Volunteers, not a Sink • A strong STEM program is a major membership benefit • Strong programs graduate alumni volunteers to other Section programs • Sections are now chaired by EA’s • Educator Academy programs have produced 2 DD’s, at least 4 Section Council members …in just one Section
Expanding to Meet the Challenge • When we succeed in mobilizing 65% of the members • Define engagement as 20 hours per year • => 350 student interactions per member per year • = 7-8 million student interactions per year • Does not include effect of large-crowd force multiplier programs like Educator Academy • Reaching this level of involvement will require all Sections to provide a clear, engaging, well organized activity framework
Institute-level Tactical Committee Goals • Establish and maintain communication links between the professional membership and the K-12 education community • Provide guidance and training for value added activities and lessons for sections and members to use in K-12 outreach opportunities, such as education/classroom interaction, scout activities, section events • Develop and support AIAA STEM K-12 Outreach Signature Events. These Signature Events are the Institute level components of major AIAA sponsored and/or AIAA branded STEM K-12 Outreach programs.
Section Strategic Goals (Decadal) • Provide a full range of AIAA STEM K-12 Outreach services to every K-12 student and teacher in your entire geography • Talk to every child in your geography twice before they graduate from high school. • Visit or provide curriculum support to every school in your geography at least once every four years
Level of Intensity • Organizing 20,000 people is a non-trivial task • Requires large, engaged Section committees • A Section STEM K-12 Committee is essential • Need 3-5% of the membershipworking regularly to organize the other 60%. • Era of one “Officer” as a sole-source provider is OVER! • Section committee must become a major volunteer focus • This is a 10-year problem and plan • Make it FUN!
My charge to You • Expand your Vision! Dare! Start thinking BIG! • Develop and approve the plans and programs needed to mobilize 2/3rds of your membership. • Remember: All the children in your entire geography are your clients! • Embrace the challenge. It is going to be fun!
How on earth do we do this? Committee Building
Getting Started at Committee Building • Recognize the need for a Committee • Develop a Decadal Plan for Committee Building • Hold a major Section Symposium about K-12 Outreach and Committee building • Start an Engineers as Educators program • We can help • Deputy Director’s job • Speaker for your symposium
STEM K-12 Committee Membership • Critical Concept Shift • Section STEM K-12 Committee will not compete with Section Council for members. It will be made up of new volunteers • Committee members must be recruited from new groups. May not be AIAA members now. • Educator Associates • Engineers as Educators Alumni • University Faculty • Education/Public Outreach Professionals • Geographic Undesirables
Section STEM K-12 Committee Membership • There must be a committee to run a program • Should consist of 3-5% of the membership or as many as the Council, whichever is bigger • Need a decadal growth plan to recruit this many • Engineers as Educators alumni utilization • Educator Associate recruiting plan • Committee Roles Defined in Ch. 3 of Manual • Organize all the rest of the E as E alumni
STEM Chair (or Officer) Duties, I • Recruit, mentor and train their successor: Deputy Officer or Vice-Chair • Recruit, train and manage the Section STEM K-12 Outreach Committee • Preside over regular committee meetings • Oversee committee activities (priorities, status, execution, follow through) • Issue a budget, meeting agendas, and review/approve meeting minutes
STEM Committee Duties • Keep and report quantitative records of student interactions and volunteer engagement • Organize and execute an annual Educator Academy module program • Give an annual Engineers as Educators workshop • Set up a proactive program for deploying and utilizing Engineers as Educators graduates
STEM Committee Duties, II • Organize a sub-Committee to maintain regular contact with every school in your Section’s full area of responsibility. Send visiting teams of Engineers as Educators. • Set Section goals/objectives for STEM K-12 Outreach programming. Assess how effective your programs are at reaching goals. • Increase Educator Associate membership. Provide mentoring to the EA’s in your Section
How do we construct an effective program? Program design
What is a Program? • A random collection of activities is not a program • No matter how cool they are • A program is an organized set of activities designed to reach well defined tactical and strategic goals • Tactical Goals ≡ Annual Goals • Strategic Goals ≡ Decadal Goals • A program grows through annual review of impact data
Program Design • Program Design must be an organized and thoughtful process • Take input from several sources • Expressions of community need from EA’s • Major stakeholder input (from decision makers with power, ie Advisory Committee) • AIAA Strategic Goals • Section Strategic Goals
Program Management Schedule • Need to Inform Teachers Before Summer • Means making all program plan decisions before end of May • Before Section elections • May require By-law change • Continuity is Vital • Sustaining programs over many years is essential • The kids change every year. Repetition does not bore them.
Data Based Program Improvement • Use a formal approach to program design and program improvement • Strive Six Sigma and the Strive Partnership are a good choice • http://www.strivetogether.org/education-results-resource
Project Initiation • Set goals • Quantify them and determine measurement method • How are we doing now? • What are we doing well? • What needs to be done? • What has the greatest impact?
Define Problems and Partners • Do we have the right people at the table? • Who are the stakeholders? • Get all their inputs • What are the community needs? • Ask • List tools and techniques • What do the schools want? • Ask
Measure, Analyze, Improve • How do we measure our performance? • What is our Data Collection Plan? • Are our services making a difference? • What is preventing us from making a difference? • What solutions will improve our outcomes? • What is our plan for improving?
Good program design is impossible w/o outcome data OUTCOME DATA
Data Gathering • Data are critical to program development • Critical to fund raising • Critical to all aspects of program management • We need accurate, regular reporting of data to Region, Institute. • Due April 30, June 31, November 30 • Use of Standard Forms essential for Data Assimilation and Conglomeration
Event Summary: <Fly into MordorUltralite Design> Replicate as necessary. Only for events where AIAA participation is well publicized
EXAMPLE Event Summary: UH Mars Rover Model Celebration “Public” are non-AIAA volunteers. Many end up joining and becoming active
How to Find the STEM K-12 Report and Event Form • Go to info.aiaa.org • Sign in at the top right corner • This is the same login as your member account on www.aiaa.org • On the blue bar, mouse over Regions to your Region, then to your section if you are a section officer • On your Region or Section site, in the left-hand column will be the link for HQ Documents • In the HQ Documents file, click on the Forms and Templates Folder
Sign in Mouse over to get to your region and then section HQ Documents will appear when you log in but may be in a different order on your section’s web page
Staubs Awards • And don’t forget your Staubs award submission!
What are the branded tools? Institute programs
Branded Programs • Give Preference to AIAA Branded Programs • Engineers as Educators • Educator Academy • Please go to www.aiaa.org/STEM-K12-Webinars to view the webinars on these programs
AIAA Programs for K-12 • Ask an Engineer • An opportunity for students to ask STEM questions to a professional member • Engineers As Educators STEM Emissaries • A professional member to work with students and help build the excitement of STEM • Engineers as Educators workshops a critical for tool for growing your committee • All alumni should be engaged in STEM K-12 outreach
AIAA Programs for K-12 • Educator Associate Memberships • Develop a recruiting strategy • Outreach fairs a good place • Recruit for the Committee • Educator Associate Awards • Educator Academy • Curriculum Modules for teachers focusing on STEM education concepts
What about all the other stuff we have been doing? EVERYTHING ELSE
Criteria for Selecting Programs • Expressions of Community Need • Does the program have traction in improving academic performance and enthusiasm? • Teacher involvement and student preparation are critical. A program has to connect to school in the kids’ minds • Is it feasible for your Section? • Does it build AIAA brand identity with teachers and kids?
Summary of Recommended Section STEM K-12 Outreach Program • Develop and implement AIAA and Section STEM K-12 Outreach Committee programs • Keep and report quantitative records of student interaction and volunteer activity totals • Give an annual Educator Academy module program including capstone event and training workshops • Give a biennial or annual Engineers as Educators workshop
Summary of Recommended Section STEM K-12 Outreach Program • Run a proactive program for deploying and utilizing Engineers as Educators graduates • Maintain regular contact with every school in your Section’s full area of responsibility. • Organize partner program participation and school support activities • Set Section goals/objectives for STEM K-12 Outreach programming and communicate these goals and objectives to the Deputy Director
Have we written any of this down? The manual
There is a Manual • We wrote all this down • Lots more detail on Partner Programs • Final version pending some last volunteer inputs • Will be available on the Web site • Beta Version can be obtained NOW from your regional Deputy Director