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From Bologna to the Blogosphere. A History of Written Correspondence ’ Summer School June 23rd - July 4th 2014. The Abbreviation systems from the Roman Era to the Middle Ages. Flavia Manservigi. Abbreviations today. Abbreviations today. Abbreviations today.
From Bologna to the Blogosphere. A History of Written Correspondence’ Summer School June 23rd - July 4th 2014 The Abbreviationsystems from the Roman Era to the Middle Ages Flavia Manservigi
What is the meaning of ‘abbreviation’? From Latin brevis = short
The Law of the minimum effort When we read, our eyes only see the most meaningful letters of a text and the general combination of the words, but not the single strokes composing it. So it is sufficient to write only those meaningful signs to make a writing understandable
Proper names M = Manius K = Kaeso C or CN = Gaius, Gnaeus
Citizens’ tribus AEM = Aemilia CAM = Camilia CLA = Claudia
State offices COS = consul PR = praetor AED = aedilis TR PL = tribunus plebis
Common words F = filius L = libertus
Political events F = fas N = nefas Q R C F = quando rex comitiavit fas
Abbreviation on coins in the Roman Era P(ublius) SULA ROMA ROMA Q(uintus) MAX(imus)
Abbreviations in lawtexts:Senatusconsultus de Asclepiade AEQVOM.CENSVERE.EA.ITA.FIEREI.ITA.V.E.E.R.P.F.S.V.C. ITA.V.E.E.R.P.F.S.V.C. = ita utei eis e re publica fideque sua videatur. Censuere
The abbreviations of codes in the Roman Era fancie(n)tes triduu(m) quaeda(m) co(m)pulsus Titus Livius, book XXXIV (E.L. 56)
The abbreviations of letters in the Roman Era s(alutem) d(eicit) Letter; 1st century B.C. (E.L. 19)
Syllabic notes Sil-ve–ster–Ger–ber–tus ro –ma-nus e-pis-co-pus
Tironian notes and Syllabic notes = m – p- um = mu – ni – ci- pi - um
The Notae iuris Abbreviations used in the juridical codesto express both juridical and not juridical terms
The Notae iuris q(uod) e(t) et(iam) q(ue) Verona, I (1), Appendix to fragment IV (ll. XI-XIII), ChLA 475
Examples of codes with insularabbreviations Milan, Ambros. C. 5 inf.; 7th century (A.D. 680-691) (ChLA 311)
Examplesofcodeswithinsularabbreviations Naples, IV A. 8 (ll.1-39); 8th century; insular script from Bobbio (ChLA 400)
The Carolingian unity The Angelica Code
Suspension = s(cilicet) = mill(esimo) = cent(esimo)
Suspension = voce(m) = tradim(us) = cart(ula)
Contraction = e(ss)e = ip(s)e = do(n)no
Contraction = s(an)c(t)i = t(em)p(or)e = acc(i)o(n)e
Symbolicelementsofanabbreviation = dot = dot above comma = comma or apostrophe = horizontal stroke
Symbolicelementsofanabbreviation = other shapes of the horizontal stroke
Abbreviation strokes with a specific meaning = m, n = con, com, cum, cun = us, os, is, s = ur, tur, er = rum = et
= a(nim)a = a(nima)l = a(u)t
= p(r)a = sup(r)a = p(r)i = p(r)iori(s) = sac(r)i = c(r)i
= a(li)q(u)is = a(l)iq(u)as = a(l)iq(u)o
- am, - an - em, - en
- ber - bus
con, com cum, cun
de dum
lis, lum, lus(end of the word) el, le, lu (in the middle of the word)