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Carina FRANSEN International Relations

Statistics Netherlands’ internal training programme & international contribution to training and development. Carina FRANSEN International Relations. Introduction. - ambition: high quality knowledge institution - increasing complexity of processes and methodologies

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Carina FRANSEN International Relations

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  1. Statistics Netherlands’ internal training programme& international contribution to training and development Carina FRANSEN International Relations

  2. Introduction • - ambition: high quality knowledge institution • - increasing complexity of processes and methodologies • changing needs in society, now and in the future • upgrading the knowledge and skills • a continuous process of learning, training and development : life-time employability • - three main target groups for statistical training • - Integrated management

  3. Statistical education programmeavailable to own staff • 1. Personal development • 2. Statistical Tree for upgrading statistical knowledge • 3. Process M.. Tools Course • 4. ESTP courses • 5. Management Development programme for potential and current managers

  4. Personal development • WFBB-cycle:1. a personal workplan • 2. performance interview • 3. assessing and evaluating competencies • 4. assigning a score (in a scale from a to d) Possible small financial bonus. • Career counseling, personal development plan • Contract professional education bureaus • Further steps

  5. Statistical Tree • Developed in-house by division of Q & M • Support the whole structure, both now and in the future • Obligatory for new staff members or promotion • Systematically integrated course programme and learning track Starter course Basic courses: 18 statistical modules, 3 changing relevant topics Advanced courses

  6. Management Development Draft to be approved by Board of Directors. Mix of mandatory and optional modules Management Development continued programme • Dia’s Marja CPO Mandatory for current management1-2 days Generic MD programme - Output steering 2-days - Refresher course 1 day - Financial management at Statistics Netherlands 2 days alternative management techniques Train de Coach Operational Management Managementpotentials >35jr & new managers Management- en coaching skills. +/- 6 months Specific MD-programme Management potentials <35 years. Theoretical training: strategic issues, (financial,operational and quality) management, HR. Innovation projects (link to CBS practiceand spearheads). +/- 1.5 years. Young Potentials Programme maturiteit

  7. Statistics Netherlands’ international contribution to training and development • Although the Netherlands is a relatively small country, it tries to invest in the global future and to contribute to international education • Three instruments: • 1. Bilateral exchange of experiences, good practices and knowledge • 2. Contributing to the European Statistical Training Programme and Task Force • 3. Participation in technical assistance programmes

  8. Exchange of experience & knowledge • Efficient and effective way of learning from each other • Valuable at all levels • - High level: regular basis (historical bilateral relations) or at invitation follow up at operational level by small directors conference or workshop • - Expert level: study visits • 2 features • Statistics Netherlands Young statisticians club • One week training programme on NA

  9. Contribution to ESTP programme • Strong support for aim and subjects of ESTP • Active participation in all aspects. As • - Member of task force ESTP / ESS LDF • organiser of courses (NA, SDC, Non response, administrative registers, metadata) • supplier of trainers • motivating and enabling own staff to attend the courses • contract party in the current consortium pro’s and con’s; future: more permanent organisational structure

  10. Technical Assistance • very practical and useful form of training re aim • Advantages for beneficiary and provider • TA policy of Statistics Netherlands- centralised approach (steering Internat. Rel.) • scope: thematic and geografic restrictions, • sustainability, available capacity • For instance: • USST 2, MBP Phare

  11. Work in Progress* * * * * • Thanks for your attention! • Question?

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