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Faunal Analysis of the Tommy Site: Subsistence and Ritual in the Ancient Chacoan Southwest

Faunal Analysis of the Tommy Site: Subsistence and Ritual in the Ancient Chacoan Southwest. Erin A. Enright Dept of Anthropology and Applied Archaeology, Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, New Mexico. Purpose of Study. To better understand Diet and Ritual at the Tommy Site

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Faunal Analysis of the Tommy Site: Subsistence and Ritual in the Ancient Chacoan Southwest

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  1. Faunal Analysis of the Tommy Site: Subsistence and Ritual in the Ancient Chacoan Southwest Erin A. Enright Dept of Anthropology and Applied Archaeology, Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, New Mexico

  2. Purpose of Study • To better understand Diet and Ritual at the Tommy Site • To gain a clear picture of the utilization of prehistoric fauna at different types of sites within the Chacoan Southwest

  3. Tommy Site Data • Pueblo I through Pueblo II • Residential Community • San Juan College Field School 1999-2006 • LeeAnn Schniebs 1999-2001 faunal data • Erin A. Enright 2002-2006 faunal data • Total individual specimens 4281

  4. Tommy Site Fauna List

  5. Tommy Site: Major Fauna Groups

  6. Tommy Site: Dietary Taxa

  7. Tommy Site: Other Taxonomic Groups

  8. Provided by Linda Wheelbarger

  9. Provided by Linda Wheelbarger

  10. Major Taxonomic Groups in each Unit Type, Tommy Site

  11. Comparison Sites • Residential Sites • Tommy Site • Guadalupe Community (Roler 1999) • Chacoan Outlier Great Houses • Salmon Ruin (Durand and Durand 2006) • Guadalupe Ruin (Roler 1999) • Chaco Canyon Great Houses • Una Vida (Akins 1985) • Pueblo Alto (Akins 1985) • Chaco Canyon Small Sites • 29 SJ 627; 29 SJ 629; 29 SJ 724; (Akins 1985)

  12. Major Mammal Groups for all Comparison Sites

  13. Major Bird Groups for all Comparison Sites

  14. Conclusions • Dietary fauna between all sites is similar. • Tommy Site residents must have utilized other products to meet daily dietary needs. • Ritual fauna from Chaco Canyon is far more abundant and diverse than at the other comparison sites.

  15. REFERENCES CITED Akins, Nancy J. 1985 Prehistoric Faunal Utilization in Chaco Canyon: Basketmaker III through Pueblo II. In Environment and Subsistence of Chaco Canyon, edited by Frances Joan Mathien. Publications in Archaeology 18 E, Chaco Canyon Studies, pp. 305-446. Durand and Durand 2006 Variation in Economic and Ritual Fauna at Salmon Ruin. In Thirty-Five Years of Archaeological Research at Salmon Ruins, edited by Paul Reed. Center for Desert Archaeology, Tucson, Arizona and Salmon Ruins, Bloomfield, New Mexico. Schniebs, LeeAnn 2002 TotahArchaeological Project Faunal Analysis: The Tommy Site (LA 126581), Field School Sessions 1999-2001. TAP web site www.sanjuancollege.edu/pages/2065.asp. Roler, Kathy Lynne 1999 The Chaco Phenomenon: A Faunal Perspective from the Peripheries. Unpublished Dissertation, Arizona State University.

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