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"Mobile is emerging as a mass media", Mr Ahonen adds. The Wall Street Journal , 30 Sept 2008. Grand Convergence The 5 Trillion Dollar Contest Keynote Presentation. Tomi T Ahonen, MBA Author and Consultant GoMobile Kuala Lumpur Malaysia , 11.11.2010. Mobile Service Trends.
"Mobile is emerging as a mass media", Mr Ahonen adds. The Wall Street Journal, 30 Sept 2008 Grand ConvergenceThe 5 Trillion Dollar ContestKeynote Presentation Tomi T Ahonen, MBA Author and Consultant GoMobile Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, 11.11.2010 www.tomiahonen.com
Mobile Service Trends Consumer & Enterprise www.tomiahonen.com
Growth Rates 5.1 B 1.7 B 1.6 B 1.2 B = 4.5 B www.tomiahonen.com
4.2 B people have toothbrush • Yes, we've run out of technologies to compare mobile phones. Its been said more people have a mobile phone subscription than have access to running water or a toilet. • At the MMA Forum Asia conference it was said 4.2 Billion people have a tootbrush but 5.1 Billion people have a mobile phone subscription.. Source: MMA Forum Asia 12-14 Apr 2010 www.tomiahonen.com
120% penetration = dual phones • It means two subscriptions for most employed people • Many who have two subscriptions, will have two phones • That means users with two hands, two phones, two networks, dual usage • That means promiscuous behavior, no more absolute loyalty to just one network • Also big market for dual SIM card phones www.tomiahonen.com
Compulsive? Every 7 Minutes • Young and Rubicam reported average African mobile phone user checked phone 82 times per day • UPDATE - Nokia reported at MindTrek 2010 that the world average is already 150 times per day • That means once every 6 and half minutes of every waking hour of every day across the planet.. Sources: Young & Rubicam Mobile Mania Report April 2010, Nokia presentation MindTrek Tampere Finland Oct 2010 www.tomiahonen.com
One in Four Snoop Your Phone • Similar to the finding from Australia.. • Best Buy Mobile ran survey of 1,000 US consumers and found one in four will snoop inside the phones of spouces, partners or children without their permission • 51% read messages while driving and 34% have sent text messages while driving • 23% have sent text messages while drunk Source Wall Street Journal 24 June 2009 www.tomiahonen.com
Reaches You When You Sleep • Yes, we've heard that we sleep with mobile phones. • Now latest research by Lightspeed Research reveals that 67% of UK citizens not only take their phones to bed with them (ie use alarm clock) but yes, two out of three actually keep the phone on and connected - to receive SMS or calls at night. • And only 14% will switch the phone to silent. So 53% will sleep with the phone not just on, but so that it will wake you if a message or call arrives at night.. Source Mobile Europe 30 June 2009 www.tomiahonen.com
Mobile Has 8 Unique Benefits 1. Mobile is first personal mass medium 2. Permanently Connected 3. Always Carried 4. Built-in Payment Channel 5. Available at Creative Impulse 6. Has Most Accurate Audience Info 7. Captures Social Context of Consumption 8. Enables Augmented Reality Source: Tomi Ahonen book Mobile as 7th of the Mass Media, 2008 www.tomiahonen.com
Tomi in 2002: Battle for the Pocket GPS Terminal Wrist watch Compass Digital Camera Ultranotebook PC PDA Camcorder Camera phones Communicators Pocket Calculator Pocket TV Smartphones DVD Player Dictation Machine Gaming phones Music phones Gameboy Walkman Portable Radio Minidisk Player i-Pod MP3 Player Theory by Tomi T Ahonen 2002-2010 www.tomiahonen.com
2010: 2nd Battle for Convergence Credit Banking Computers Watch Internet Camera Mobile Telecoms Mapping Advertising Print Music Broadcast Gaming Theory by Tomi T Ahonen 2002-2010 www.tomiahonen.com
Finnair Mobile Check In • Finnair started mobile check-in late in 2001. • 2% of global travel used it in 2008 (IATA). • 10% of Lufthansa passengers used it in 2009 • 50% on some Finnair flights • 2010 Book It upgraded Finnair with iSMS: • After passenger checked in economy, they check business class seats, and offer instant upgrade offer paid by credit card/mobile or frequent flier miles! Sources: Book It October 2010 and Paul Berney MMA May 2010 Source: www.finnair.com Pearls: Real Mobile Servicescollected by Tomi T Ahonen www.tomiahonen.com
2nd Battle for Convergence 40% Credit Banking 60% Computers Watch 50% Internet Camera 90% Mobile Telecoms 80% Mapping Advertising Print Music 35% Broadcast Gaming The aggregate value of all these industries in 2009: 5 Trillion dollars 25% Theory by Tomi T Ahonen 2002-2010 www.tomiahonen.com
The Golden Age of Pictures • For 150 years, the global camera and photograph industry grew about 50% to 100% per decade • Suddenly from 2000 to 2010, the usage of photography exploded - user base grew 10 fold • The biggest global camera industry brands in year 2000 were Canon, Minolta, Nikon and Konica in cameras, Kodak and Polaroid in film • Today world's biggest camera brand is Nokia • Minolta & Konica have quit the camera business. Kodak consumer film business shrunk to 2%, Polaroid bankrupt twice. Canon & Nikon focused on professional camera segment www.tomiahonen.com
m-Banking 58% of Kenya Banking • M-Pesa by Safaricom is now 3 years old. Rival Zain's Zap is also widely used in Kenya • In Kenya (pop 38 M) only 7.6M people have a 'real' bank account. But 10M people have transferred money using a mobile phone. 58% is now mobile • Central Bank of Kenya says daily transaction value is 1B Kenya Shillings ($10M) ie average transfer $29 • Already 20% of Kenya GDP transits a mobile phone Sources: Reuters 2009, AllAfrica.com 8 Jan 2010, VoA 27 May 2010, Safari- com Sept 2010, Mi-Pay Oct 2010 Pearls: Real Mobile Servicescollected by Tomi T Ahonen www.tomiahonen.com
Cannibalizing Parking • Invented in Norway as recently as year2000, m-Parking is now cannibalizingtraditional parking in all markets • In 2007 Estonia became first countrywhere no other parking payments wereaccepted, so Parking became first m-payment service to cannibalize 100%of a specific industry sector • The reason cash was eliminated, wasthe Mafia-led crime related to parking meters. The crime was eliminated..Source: Tomi Ahonen Pearls Vol 3: Mobile Money 2010 Pearls: Real Mobile Servicescollected by Tomi T Ahonen www.tomiahonen.com
Sweden - Bus Drivers Robbed • Sweden had a wave of robberies of bus drivers for their cash. So Sweden followed Estonia's m-parking example, and eliminated cash as acceptable payment for public transport • The crime ended • Most used way to pay?Mobile of course • Sweden became firstcountry to start officialgovernment discussionsof the elimination ofcash altogether, in parliament in 2010 www.tomiahonen.com
ELEVEN Our Ten Needs served by phone 1 - Communicate (1979 - Japan) 2 - Consume / Media (1998 - Finland) 3 - Charging / Payments (1999 - Philippines) 4 - Commercials / Ads (2000 - Finland) 5 - Create / Cameraphone (2001 - Japan) 6 - Community (2003 - South Korea) 7 - Cool / Fashion (2006 - Japan) 8 - (Remote) Control / Robots (2007 - S Korea) 9 - Context / Beyond Reality (2008 - UK) 10 - Cyber / Now Plants (2009 - Japan) 11 - Career / Employment (2010 - USA) Source: TomiAhonen Consulting January 2007 www.tomiahonen.com
The 8 Benefits of the 7th Medium Better than the internet or television Wikipedia page: Seven Mass Media www.tomiahonen.com
The 7 Mass Media 1st mass medium Print 1500: books, newspapers, magazines 2nd medium Recordings 1890s: music, games, movies 3rd medium Cinema 1910s 4th medium Radio 1920s 5th medium TV 1950s 6th medium Internet 1995s 7th medium Mobile 2000s Source: Tomi Ahonen book Mobile as 7th of the Mass Media, 2008 www.tomiahonen.com
"Mobile is as different from the internet, as TV is different from radio." - Tomi T Ahonen - Tomi T Ahonen www.tomiahonen.com
Mobile Has 8 Unique Benefits 1. Mobile is first personal mass medium 2. Permanently Connected 3. Always Carried 4. Built-in Payment Channel 5. Available at Creative Impulse 6. Has Most Accurate Audience Info 7. Captures Social Context of Consumption 8. Enables Augmented Reality Source: Tomi Ahonen book Mobile as 7th of the Mass Media, 2008 www.tomiahonen.com
Making it Magical Delight and Astonish Your Audiences www.tomiahonen.com
Cameraphone OCR Translator • And the latest gadgetmania continues in Japan • MediaSeek developed called Kamera Jiten (camera dictionary) allows cam- phone used as an instant translator • OCR application (Optical Character Recognition) converts written pages of English into data. Then translator utility converts page into Japanese • And displays on your phone screen • Almost like using a magnifying glass, but one that translatesSource: SMLXL White Paper 7th Mass Media July 007 Pearls: Real Mobile Servicescollected by Tomi T Ahonen www.tomiahonen.com
Hong Kong Guinness & Rugby • Guinness adver-app Guide to HK Sevens rugby trmnt • Included free tournament guide, players, stats etc • Was also Hong Kong tourist guide, maps, etc including of course pubs serving Guinness • Translator English to Cantonese basic tourist phrases • Generated 25% more Guinness sales, said Sean Rach of Ogilvy (May 2010) Pearls: Real Mobile Servicescollected by Tomi T Ahonen www.tomiahonen.com
Mobile Love Detector ! • Yes, we've had the mobile lie detector for some years now, but the latest innovation from South Korea.. • The Love Detector ! • KTF has launched a service that measures voice patterns and gives an on-screen measure of how much affection (and how honestly) the person is talking • Also summary data can be provided after a discussion via SMS Source: Forum Oxford 15 Feb 2008 Pearls: Real Mobile Servicescollected by Tomi T Ahonen www.tomiahonen.com
"Mobile is emerging as a mass media", Mr Ahonen adds. The Wall Street Journal, 30 Sept 2008 Mobile Innovation for a Malaysian Context:Making Money with Mobile? Tomi T Ahonen, MBA Author and Consultant GoMobile Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, 11.11.2010 www.tomiahonen.com
Evolution of Handset The 10 C's Now WITH Eleven C's ! www.tomiahonen.com
ELEVEN Our Ten Needs served by phone 1 - Communicate (1979 - Japan) 2 - Consume / Media (1998 - Finland) 3 - Charging / Payments (1999 - Philippines) 4 - Commercials / Ads (2000 - Finland) 5 - Create / Cameraphone (2001 - Japan) 6 - Community (2003 - South Korea) 7 - Cool / Fashion (2006 - Japan) 8 - (Remote) Control / Robots (2007 - S Korea) 9 - Context / Beyond Reality (2008 - UK) 10 - Cyber / Now Plants (2009 - Japan) 11 - Career / Employment (2010 - USA) Source: TomiAhonen Consulting January 2007 www.tomiahonen.com
Need 1 - 1979 - Communication • Voice and SMS • Voicemail, e-mail (Blackberry) • The number keypad is relic from rotary dial www.tomiahonen.com
Estonia Tax Return - via SMS • Estonia became second country to allow tax return to be made via SMS in 2010 (joining Norway) Source: MMA Global New York 8-9 June 2010 Pearls: Real Mobile Servicescollected by Tomi T Ahonen www.tomiahonen.com
Need 2 - Consumption • Emerged with ringing tones in Finland in 1998 and i-Mode in Japan in 1999 • Now we consume pictures, MP3 music, web content, TV clips, cartoons, jokeshoroscopes, information and on and on • Consumption added high-resolutioncolor screens, multimedia players, web access • Required higher speeds (2.5G, 3G, 3.5G) • For "playback" relatively few controlsare needed www.tomiahonen.com
Pretty Little Liars... m-Secrets • ABC's TV show aimed at young women, called Pretty Little Liars has run a mobile engagement campaign • Girls asked to send the word 'Secrets' to a phone number, via SMS. They would then receive secret messages from a character known as "A" and also a preview MMS video clip of the upcoming episode • 12% of core teen audience joined. 4X more than expectated • 100K viewers. 550K messages. 2.2M page views. ABC monetized campaign selling ads to Microsoft Source: Mogreet, November 2010 Pearls: Real Mobile Servicescollected by Tomi T Ahonen www.tomiahonen.com
Need 3 - 2000 - Charging www.tomiahonen.com
Need 3 - 2000 - Charging • Next came digital money.. • Smart Money / Philippines etc • NTT DoCoMo (Osaifu Keitai - mobile wallet) with FeliCa - eg Tokyo commuters paying for subway train • 2D Barcodes in Japan • Credit cards into mobile like Visa in South Korea • And SMS based payments like Smart Money in the Philippines www.tomiahonen.com
Ice Cream and Ipanema • So you are on that stunning Copacabana or Ipanema beach in Rio de Janeiro. Its a hot sunny day of course, and you want an ice cream. But you don't have your wallet... • Mobile to the rescue! Mastercard Brazil has partnered with Unilever to bring mobile payments to the ice cream kiosks on the beach - via SMS • Service developed by Spring Wireless Source: eBook Tomi Ahonen Pearls Vol 3: Mobile Money Pearls: Real Mobile Servicescollected by Tomi T Ahonen www.tomiahonen.com
Need 4 - 2000 - Commercials (ads) www.tomiahonen.com
Need 4 - 2000 - Commercials (ads) • Then came advertising.. • We get into commercials (advertisements, mobile marketing) • Interactive advertising - opinions, feedback • Engagement marketing - participation, co-creation, viral marketing! www.tomiahonen.com
We Love Amazon Advertising • Amazon is first 'perfect' case of where we don't even think of the communication being advertising • Its the Amazon recommendation engine • It learns what we bought, and what we looked at, and makes recommendations based on what other people who bought those books, also bought • We love it. • We actually love it so much - we seek more of the recommendations Pearls: Real Mobile Servicescollected by Tomi T Ahonen www.tomiahonen.com
Need 5 - 2001 - Creation www.tomiahonen.com
Need 5 - 2001 - Creation • Then emerged need for content creation, starting with J-Phone (Vodafone KK, Softbank) and its cameraphones and Sha-Mail in 2001 • Since then we've added video recording, sound recording (podcasts) and (mobile) blogging abilities to the phone • Now we need tocontrol the the deviceto gain good creations www.tomiahonen.com
India - Lay's Potato Chips • Pepsi's Lay's potato chips brand in India has run a digital media campaign across many media, but centered on SMS • They invited fans to submit flavor ideas. Top 4 would be test-marketed. Winner would get money plus 1% royalty of every bag sold • Received 1.3 million flavor suggestions • 1M votes already (campaign still running) • South Africa similar Lekkerflavor 187K entries • In USA, Dunkin Donuts did similar campaignSources: Telecom Yatra 31 May 2010, ESPN presentation at MMA New York 8-9 June 2010, Lekkerflavour.co.za 2010 Pearls: Real Mobile Servicescollected by Tomi T Ahonen www.tomiahonen.com
Need 6 - 2003 - Community www.tomiahonen.com
Need 6 - 2003 - Community • Now for our industry is Community • MySpace, Flickr, Second Life, YouTube, Mixi, Cyworld, Bebo, World of Warcraft, Friendster... • Not only create and consume but also • Share • Rate • Recommend www.tomiahonen.com
My Art Space.. Kids to Museums • Three UK museums set up 'My Art Space' to help make school age childrens visits to the museums more useful for the kids • In addition to more info about museum pieces, kids were tasked to take pictures, create blogs, rate items and discuss, all via their mobile phones. For kids who didn't have phones, the museums lent cameraphones • Involved 100 schools and 3,000 children participated in the mobile phone enhanced museum visits • The kids loved it so much, they spent 4.5x longer on average in the museums (90 minutes vs 20 minutes without My Art Space) source: mLearnCon, San Diego USA, 15 June, 2010 Pearls: Real Mobile Servicescollected by Tomi T Ahonen www.tomiahonen.com
Need 7 - 2005 - Cool (fashion) www.tomiahonen.com
Need 7 - 2005 - Cool (fashion) • First with Benetton & NTT DoCoMo, now the phone is crossing over seriously to the fashion side, with ever more fashion awareness with the iPhone LG joins with Prada Motorola joins with Dolce & Gabbana And separately Nokia's top- end Vertu jewelry-phone line is on the catwalks around the world www.tomiahonen.com
Girlswalker 45% Redemption Rate • Alan Moore CEO of SMLXL and multiple author presented at Oxford University course on 7th Mass Media in October 2010. • He said that the Japanese Girlwalker mobile fashion magazine and fashion shop is achieving 45% redemption rates to its fashion-oriented coupons and offers Source: Alan Moore lecture Oxford University 13 Oct, 2010 Pearls: Real Mobile Servicescollected by Tomi T Ahonen www.tomiahonen.com
Need 8 - 2006 - (Remote) Control www.tomiahonen.com
Need 8 - 2006 - (Remote) Control • Now the phone is starting to emerge as the remote control • We already have isolated applications such as SMS controlled tea kettle (I kid you not) and mobile phone controlled air conditioning, saunabath heating, etc • Also remote control of locks, security systems • And the South Koreans expect a robotin every home within ten years www.tomiahonen.com