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Motivate ALL your Language Learners! Differentiation revisited… Isabelle Jones Alderley Edge School for Girls http://isabellejones.blogspot.com Twitter: @icpjones. Powerpoint Templates. Aims :. Develop generic strategies to ensure all our learners’ needs are best caterered for.
Motivate ALL your Language Learners! Differentiation revisited… Isabelle Jones Alderley Edge School for Girls http://isabellejones.blogspot.com Twitter: @icpjones Powerpoint Templates
Aims : • Develop generic strategies to ensure all our learners’ needs are best caterered for. • Consider different ways to support EAL learners and native speakers in your class. • Share tips on how ICT can support differentiation in and out of the classroom
What do we mean by differentiation? The planning and teaching that takes into account all the learners in the class so that they can all be given the opportunity to make good progress, regardless of their starting point. Not an add-on Responsive teaching Integral to effective learning and teaching Covering content/ Getting learners engaged with content You already do it- you just need to show others how you do it
All learners? • Name differentways in whichourstudents are all different. • How manycanyouthink of? • Age/ maturitylevels • …
All learners? • Name differentways in whichourstudents are all different. • How manycanyouthink of? • Age/ maturitylevels • Gender • Ability • Learning style • Motivation • Prior learning • Experiences (of life) • Specificlearningdifficulties • Behaviouraldifficulties • Emotionaldifficulties
Know your learners : • Ability range and SEND • Experience/ Prior learning • Exposure to home language, English and L2 • Differentlearning styles (VAK) • Motivation/cooperation and independence Know your setting : • General school setting/ profile of intake • Specific trends in different years • Awareness of specific learning and • emotional difficulties Can you talk about one of your classes/ introduce your setting for 2 minutes?
Differentiation aimed at different abilities • Use of language: cut on teacher talk and provide key words for the lesson • at the beginning or before the lesson. (previewing homework) • Give practical examples rather than explanations and get students to give • further examples to show they show what they have to do • Actively teach dictionary skills and a range of strategies to learn vocabulary • Share the rationale of your seating plan (instruction, collaboration etc…) • Set up a pool of “experts” or “envoys” (depending on ability mix) to teach • other students for topic research. • Photocopy good work to discuss features (AfL) • Automatic reward for attempting extension work • Blooming extension • Writing/ speaking frame
Differentiation aimed at different abilities-element of choice? Discuss Pros and cons of introducing an element of choice • An element of choice can motivate students and encourage them to do more • to complete the tasks successfully • Choice has to be guided e.g. by levels or by requesting different types of • activities => importance of students knowing the assessment criteria • Students could be allowed to start on harder tasks with extra support-to avoid • the issue of all students just going for the easiest tasks • Marking and giving feedback on a wide range of tasks can be challenging for • the teacher but it can make peer assessment and evaluation more meaningful • provided all tasks are to be assessed against the same criteria. • To allow some choice, support mechanisms must be in • place and students must be at least partially independent • learners.
By outcome: Open-endedtasks or taskswithdefineddifferentiatedoutcome: Write a differentnumber of sentences, includingdifferent key components-differenttenses, connectives… • By task: Gradedtasks or samereading/Listeningwithdifferenttaskse.g. gapfill (NOT by use of English and TL in responses) • By questioning: Fromclosed to open and lowerorder to higherorder questions • By support: Use of FLAs, TAs, peers, time, learning mats, glossaries, dictionaries, verb tables, textbooks, ICT… Generic differentiation techniques: Practical positive and negative points of each generic strategy? How can negative aspects be dealt with? Can you give an example of a language task for each technique?
Learning styles? Visual learning style involves the use of seen or observed things, including pictures, diagrams, demonstrations, displays, handouts, video clips… Auditory learning style involves the transfer of information through listening of spoken words, sounds or music and noises. Kinaesthetic learning involves physical experience - touching, feeling, holding, doing, practical hands-on experiences. Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic =VAK Dominant learning style? Use of VAK in schools/in the classroom
Learning styles? Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Not just one type of intelligence-always a mix Not a way to classify students
Planning and Learning styles : 1.How can you turn a listening comprehension into a more visual/ kinaesthetic activity? 2.How can you turn a reading comprehension into a more auditory/ kinaesthetic activity? 3.How can you support all learners in a visual, auditory and kinaesthetic way when completing speaking and writing tasks in class?
Differentiation ideas per skill: Listening Students are given core and extended details to identify from the same listening Materials. Students are given a choice to answer in the target language or not, provided they can identify the key words and they know what they mean. Students are asked to respond to what they hear: How do they think the person feel? Do you think they sound interesting? Do you think they are telling the truth? Students are asked to use/ hide away support material. Students have to establish if statements referring to the listening material are true or false (identifying key words) and correct them (understanding negatives, synonym…) Students have to sequence pictures and label them correctly (labels provided or not)
Differentiation ideas per skill: Speaking Students with prior knowledge contribute to a regular ”Show and Tell” session. When teaching vocabulary some students already know, students may be asked to find synonyms or different words they know with similar sound (phonic focus) Peer teaching in pair work or group activities In role-play activities, students with prior knowledge and more able students can be encourage to include additional/ more advanced language such as tenses or opinions. If the speaking activity is to be performed individually the differentiation will be determined by the support allowed e.g. full text/ cue card… When answering questions, more open-ended questions will be put to the more able or the students with prior knowledge,
Differentiation ideas per skill: Reading Students with prior knowledge receive stimulus in authentic handwriting. Differentiation by task e.g. more able learners are given tasks focusing on Connectives, adjectives, verbs and opinions. Offer a wide range of reading material to encourage independent reading and reading for pleasure. Students ask questions as well as answer them. Students are offered different cloze exercises with gradually more gaps and less support. Students with prior knowledge are asked to share strategies to understand new words (cognates, compound & context).
Differentiation ideas per skill: Writing Students substitute words for pictures in a model text or use a writing frame. Student use help sheets independently with key phrases/ prompts/ vocabulary. Students are requested to use a defined number of stylistic devices such as: *connectives: and, or, but, because … *sentence starters: firstly, secondly… on the one hand, on the other hand, in general… *opinions: I think, I believe, In my opinion… (+ justification of opinions) *qualifier and adverbs: quite, very, a lot, extremely … Students are requested to refer to more than one time frame. Students are asked to develop their writing in a creative way: *poems: finding rhyming words *songs/raps: writing additional verses *Writing captions for cartoons, photos…
Differentiation specifically aimed at students with prior linguistic experience • Expert corner • Helpers • Stepped activities • Options /choices/ extension sheet wall • Student presentations
Differentiation strategies aimed at students with EAL / higher exposure to a range of languages EAL good practice is MFL good practice Visual support Shorter instructions Unambiguous language Examples/ demonstration of desired outcome Assessment issues
Differentiated tasks aimed at TL speakers Independent research Open-ended tasks (especially written ones) Student presentation Assessment
The 7 Ts of Practical Differentiation, Sue Cowley: • Top and Tail: plan a coreactivity, an extension and support mechanism for the core to becompleted. • Time: • Targets: • Teamwork: • ThinkingSkills: • Things: (resources) • Technology:
Top and Tail: plan a coreactivity, an extension and support mechanism for the core to becompleted. • Time: deadlines, preview of material, personalised time limits, MAD time • Targets: multi-layeredlesson objectives, personalisedtargetslinked to feedback & assessmentwithmatchingrewards: best worker, mostcreative, mostrisk-takingstudent, mostsupportive team member… • Teamwork: Know yourstudents-strengths & weaknesses as well as ability, social skills, interests … • ThinkingSkills: encourage lateral & creativethinking, deduction, creativity and risk-taking by providingopportunities • to applyknowledge in new contexts. • Things: (resources) multi-sensory, memorable, • authentic, range of text types, people & props • Technology:self-access, collaboration, creativity The 7 Ts of Practical Differentiation, Sue Cowley:
ICT as a differentiation tool in and out of the classroom
ICT as a differentiation tool in and out of the classroom A range of tools to match a range of outcome and learning styles: audio support, visual support, prompt for creative writing. (from drilling to creative tasks) Writing notes: Linoit http://en.linoit.com Making comic strips: Makebeliefscomics http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/ Tasks set to encourage collaboration, creativity and risk-taking. Independent learning: Self-access language sites e.g.languagesonline http://www.languagesonline.org.uk , (Hello) Mylo http://www.hellomylo.com Zondle http://www.zondle.com (make your own games) Quizlet and Studystack (flashcards) http://quizlet.com/848918/nudepigs-flash-cards/ http://www.studystack.com/flashcard-120159
Using visuals to create open-ended tasks http://www.flickr.com/ http://www.flickr.com/groups/imagestoteachlanguages/ My own authentic pictures http://www.flickr.com/photos/icpjones/sets/72157621889909661/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/icpjones/sets/72157612320791556 i
Pinterest http://pinterest.com/ Teaching topics Board by topic Follow each other Repin Button Mobile app
Pinterest http://pinterest.com/ A source of infographic in foreign languages Differentiated activities?
Pictures and Photographs • NEN Gallery http://gallery.nen.gov.uk • Photo-vocab (Spanish) http://Zachary-jones.com/photovocab • Tag Galaxy http://taggalaxy.de • Visual searches: http://www.wordsift.com • Google.fr Google.es
Word clouds Differentiated activities?
Word clouds and mind-mapping • Wordle http://www.wordle.net • Tagxedo http://www.tagxedo.com/ • Freemind http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page • Mindomo http://www.mindomo.com
Supporting and Recording Talk Differentiated speaking tasks? http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ http://www.easi-speak.org.uk/ http://www.voki.com Ppt recording function
Real or fake technology?Visual support & Engagement Classtool.nethttp://classtools.net/ Site with templates for resources to be printed or put on a blog or a VLE. Drama! http://www.triptico.co.uk/
How do you differentiate? (19) By asking open-ended questions By providing a range of resources to support the same learning objectives or task By planning in a way to appeal to a range of learning styles and students By providing a variety of assessment opportunities: oral, written, non-verbal… By sharing assessment criteria and using target-setting with individual students By allowing different starting points for graded activities By scaffolding to support progression By spending a different amount of time with different individuals By using other members of staff in the classroom in different ways By pairing up students in different ways in order to provide support/ encourage motivation By setting different objectives and targets for individual tasks By ensuring that students have the correct level of independence required to complete the tasks By introducing some element of choice By increasing the level of interaction with or between students (interdependent learning) By modelling the desired outcome and breaking it down into small steps By increasing/ decreasing the complexity of the language used to introduce and prepare for the task By giving appropriate feedback and points for action By assigning different roles in co-operative learning tasks e.g expert By encouraging self assessment and student-generated questions
Aims : • Develop generic strategies to ensure all our learners’ needs are best caterered for. • Consider different ways to support EAL learners and native speakers in your class. • Share tips on how ICT can support differentiation in and out of the classroom
Motivate ALL your Language Learners! Differentiation revisited… Isabelle Jones Alderley Edge School for Girls http://isabellejones.blogspot.com Twitter: @icpjones Powerpoint Templates