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The Master Plan ~ An Introduction July 2010.
The Master Plan ~ An IntroductionJuly 2010 UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
This is a vital piece of work designed to inform and enable the UCL Estate to best support the University’s academic mission over the next 10 – 15 years through the efficient and effective use of its built space, provide integrity and coherence to the campus and integrate it into the local urban fabric. • The success of the project depends upon the co-operation of us all - academics, students and support staff – with the Master Planning team. We will have failed if we do not buy into the process and feel a sense of ownership in the outcomes. It is our future. UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
The Master Planners • Following due process, Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands, architects and planners, has been appointed as Master Planners. • They have a wealth of experience working with public sector (including higher educational) and commercial clients. One of their first commissions was with the Coin Street Community Builders working to regenerate the South Bank against a proposal to redevelop the area by a huge commercial developer. • Their team includes – - Space Planners FiD to take forward the findings of the AMA report. - Montagu Evans to advise on planning and development issues. - WSP to advise on energy and environmental issues. UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
We are looking at the built fabric of the campus UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
And the people and processes it serves UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
Our Bloomsbury Campus forms part of the largest University campus sites in Europe. Yet it is hardly visible to the general public. UCL is the largest employer in the London Borough of Camden yet its existence is barely recognised in literature promoting the Borough – a major opportunity for them and us. UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
The Estate is made up of a whole variety of buildings of variable quality and potential. UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
The campus has to work more efficiently and effectively to support the work of the University. The Space Utilisation Study points to many areas of usage and practice where improvements can be made – see this and the next slide. UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
There are opportunities to improve the student experience and the utilisation of key areas such as the lower refectory. Can there be a cross-over with the function of meeting spaces and social learning spaces? UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
Can workshops and equipment rooms be shared? Current practice will be challenged…… UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
….can teaching labs be centrally booked? UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands Project Structure UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
The Master Planning team are already hard at work getting to understand the campus through guided visits and consultation. • They have access to our extensive database of drawings, surveys and audits and are already mapping their analyses. Preliminary examples are given on the next three slides. • They also have access to previous studies and Master Plans. • An examination of the systems and support functions play a vital part of the process. Consultation with EFD Energy, Maintenance and Domestic Services staff is already under way. • Sustainability and environmental issues too play a vital part. Consultation is under way. UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
Infrastructure: - energy - waste - logistics UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
The time frame for the preparation of the Master Plan is July 2010 – March 2011. • Consultation will be undertaken with all the component parts of the University – students, academics and support. • The next five slides outline the process. UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
user consultation process jul-sep jul jul+sep oct oct-nov oct nov dec-jan dec jan • stage 1 - identify key themes • interviews with user representatives (faculty / css) • focus group workshops around key themes • themes review workshop with user representatives • stage 2 - review masterplan scenarios • contact with specific individuals as required • scenario review workshop with user representatives • stage 3 - prioritise masterplan projects • contact with specific individuals as required • masterplan projects review with user representatives UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
user consultation interviews general information headcount, organisational charts, adjacencies, locations organisational characteristics activities, working patterns, emerging trends space and facilities likes and dislikes, ama space study, reference models looking ahead factors most likely to influence future requirements wrap-up single-most important issue masterplan should address faculties arts + humanities built environment engineering social + historical sciences laws life + medical sciences life sciences maths + physical sciences css students student union public engagement museums + collections libraries registry finance academic services technical resources UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
user consultation interview agenda objective To gain high level understanding of faculty profile, activities, priorities and future direction. faculties CSS general information O O teaching and learning O services O research O space and facilities O O looking ahead O O wrap-up O O interviewers Fiona Duggan FiD ltd Julian Gregson Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands faculties arts + humanities built environment engineering social + historical sciences laws life + medical sciences life sciences maths + physical sciences css students student union public engagement museums + collections libraries registry finance academic services technical resources UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
user consultation focus groups the student experience post-grad, under-grad, visiting research students the staff experience academic, non-academic, full-time, part-time, visitors the public experience opportunities for public engagement, creating more permeable boundaries sharing faculty resources (technical) general and specific activities in workshops, labs and learning centres sharing faculty resources (administrative) general and specific activities in business service units faculties arts + humanities built environment engineering social + historical sciences laws life + medical sciences life sciences maths + physical sciences css students student union public engagement museums + collections libraries registry finance academic services technical resources UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
outcomes reporting UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
The Master Planners are briefed to challenge the way we use the Estate. • Much of the current practice may only need fine-tuning • Some change will be radical. • There will be empowerment through change. • There will be proposals that can be realised early to the benefit of all. The following slides set out some possibilities. UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
We will be seeking to work closely with the London Borough of Camden to soften the boundaries between the University and its environs. One idea is to make Gordon Street more pedestrian friendly, even closing it on occasions for parties and festivals – such as the Lunch on the Bridge event on London Bridge. UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
With appropriate furniture and good Wi-Fi the cloisters could be transformed. UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
This site has been vacant since the Second World War. The Master Plan will identify its long term strategic importance and look at how best it can be utilised in the short term. UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
Many of the opportunities are already recognised UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
A quick win could be better utilisation of the surrounding spaces for events such as Graduation… Freshers… festivals……… UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES
Your co-operation is valued. Contacts: Andrew Grainger (a.grainger@ucl.ac.uk) Angela Clemo (a.clemo@ucl.ac.uk) This introduction will be followed by further updates UCL ESTATES & FACILITIES