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Tom Peters’ X25* EXCELLENCE. ALWAYS. ESPN/15August2007 PART 1 * In Search of Excellence 1982-2007

Tom Peters’ X25* EXCELLENCE. ALWAYS. ESPN/15August2007 PART 1 * In Search of Excellence 1982-2007. NOTE : To appreciate this presentation [and ensure that it is not a mess ], you need Microsoft fonts: “Showcard Gothic,” “Ravie,” “Chiller” and “Verdana”. “Excellence can be obtained if you:

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Tom Peters’ X25* EXCELLENCE. ALWAYS. ESPN/15August2007 PART 1 * In Search of Excellence 1982-2007

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  1. Tom Peters’ X25*EXCELLENCE. ALWAYS.ESPN/15August2007PART 1*In Search of Excellence 1982-2007

  2. NOTE:To appreciate this presentation [and ensure that it is not a mess], you need Microsoft fonts:“Showcard Gothic,”“Ravie,”“Chiller”and“Verdana”

  3. “Excellence can be obtained if you: ... care more than others think is wise; ... risk more than others think is safe; ... dream more than others think is practical; ... expect more than others think is possible.” Source: Anon. (Posted @ tompeters.com by K.Sriram, November 27, 2006 1:17 AM)

  4. “Strive for Excellence. Ignore success.”—Bill Young, PR driver (courtesy Andrew Sullivan)

  5. Tom Peters’ X25*EXCELLENCE. ALWAYS.ESPN/15August2007PART 1*In Search of Excellence 1982-2007

  6. Final slide set will appear at …tompeters.com

  7. Indy/No56/barbershop SPMD66/RVN/DMcN, JP, _Bu, McNDennis/Bobby & RalphFree TicketsBillJerry/Steve JCT/#1WDCPs Rule!$10B/TPTP/64Mrs Gibson26/TeamDale CX/CardinalARFWDCPThe Great One

  8. Indy/No100856/barbershop 66/RVN/McNally/Palmer/Bunker/McNallyDennis/Bobby & Ralph (FDR & WSC)BillJerry/Steve JCT/#1WDCPs Rule!$10B/TPTP/64Mrs Gibson26/TeamDale CX/CardinalARFWDCPThe Great One

  9. Indy/No56/barbershop SPMD66/RVN/DMcN, JP, _Bu, McNDennis/Bobby & RalphFree TicketsBillJerry/Steve JCT/#1WDCPs Rule!$10B/TPTP/64Mrs Gibson26/TeamDale CX/CardinalARFWDCPThe Great One

  10. Bill Walsh

  11. Bill Walsh1931 – 2007 102-63-1

  12. Bill Walsh1931 – 2007 3 Superbowl Wins (3-0)

  13. Bill Walsh1931 – 2007 He Re-invented Offensive Football

  14. TP#1*:Netscape!*Where would you rather have worked for those 5 years, Netscape or IBM-HP-Microsoft-Oracle? (Where, 25 years from now, would you rather to be able to tell someone—e.g., grandchild—that you worked?)

  15. Built to LastvsBuilt to Change/Rock the World

  16. Great Companies … SETTHEAGENDA.** “disturb the sleep of … ”

  17. Built to Last v. Built to Flip“The problem with Built to Last is that it’s a romantic notion. Large companies are incapable of ongoing innovation, of ongoing flexibility.”“Increasingly, successful businesses will be ephemeral. They will be built to yield something of value – and once that value has been exhausted, they will vanish.”Fast Company

  18. Bill Walsh1931 – 2007 A Fine Human Being

  19. W. Donald Schaefer1921-ForeverHe Cared


  21. Thomas J. Peters1942-No rush !“In Tom’s world, it’s always better to try a swan dive and deliver a colossal belly flop than to step timidly off the board while holding your nose.” —Fast Company

  22. Indy/No56/barbershop SPMD66/RVN/DMcN, JP, _Bu, McNDennis/Bobby & RalphFree TicketsBillJerry/Steve JCT/#1WDCPs Rule!$10B/TPTP/64Mrs Gibson26/TeamDale CX/CardinalARFWDCPThe Great One

  23. “You do not merely want to be the best of the best.You want to be considered the only ones who do what you do.” —Jerry Garcia

  24. 24%

  25. Single greatest act of pure imagination

  26. “In-sane-ly-great”

  27. Radically Thrilling Language! “Radically Thrilling.” —BMW Z4 (ad)

  28. The greatest dangerfor most of usis not that our aim istoo highand we miss it,but that it istoo lowand we reach it.Michelangelo

  29. Kevin Roberts’ Credo1. Ready. Fire! Aim.2. If it ain’t broke ... Break it!3. Hire crazies.4. Ask dumb questions.5. Pursue failure.6. Lead, follow ... or get out of the way!7. Spread confusion.8. Ditch your office.9. Read odd stuff.10.Avoid moderation!

  30. “Normal” = “o for 800”

  31. Indy/No56/barbershop SPMD66/RVN/DMcN, JP, _Bu, McNDennis/Bobby & RalphFree TicketsBillJerry/Steve JX25CT/#1WDCPs Rule!$10B/TPTP/64Mrs Gibson26/TeamDale CX/CardinalARFWDCPThe Great One

  32. SynonymsPurityTranscendenceVirtueEleganceMajestyAntonymsMediocritySynonymsPurityTranscendenceVirtueEleganceMajestyAntonymsMediocrity

  33. Excellence1982: The Bedrock “Eight Basics” 1. A Bias for Action 2. Close to the Customer 3. Autonomy and Entrepreneurship 4. Productivity Through People 5. Hands On, Value-Driven 6. Stick to the Knitting 7. Simple Form, Lean Staff 8. Simultaneous Loose-Tight Properties”

  34. Indy/No56/barbershop SPMD66/RVN/DMcN, JP, _Bu, McNDennis/Bobby & RalphFree TicketsBillJerry/Steve JCT/#1WDCPs Rule!$10B/TPTP/64Mrs Gibson26/TeamDale CX/CardinalARFWDCPThe Great One

  35. Basement Systems Inc.

  36. *Basement Systems Inc.*Larry Janesky*Dry Basement Science(115,000!)*1993: $0; 2003: $12M; 2006: $50,000,000+

  37. Indy/No56/barbershop SPMD66/RVN/DMcN, JP, _Bu, McNDennis/Bobby & RalphFree TicketsBillJerry/Steve JCT/#1WDCPs Rule!$10B/TPMrs Gibson26/TeamDale CX/CardinalARFWDCPThe Great One

  38. Trapper: <$20 per beaver pelt.Source: WSJ

  39. wdcp/“Wildlife Damage-control Professional”:$150 to “remove” “problem beaver”; $750-$1,000 for flood-control piping … so that beavers can stay.Source: WSJ

  40. 7Xto50X

  41. E.g. …UTC/Otis + Carrier: boxes to “integrated building systems”

  42. Indy/No56/barbershop SPMD66/RVN/DMcN, JP, _Bu, McNDennis/Bobby & RalphFree TicketsBillJerry/Steve JCT/#1WDCPs Rule!$10B/TPTP/64Mrs Gibson26/TeamDale CX/CardinalARFWDCPThe Great One

  43. “This [adolescent] incident [of getting from point A to point B] is notable not only because it underlines Grant’s fearless horsemanship and his determination, but also it is the first known example of a very important peculiarity of his character:Grant had an extreme, almost phobic dislike of turning back and retracing his steps.If he set out for somewhere, he would get there somehow, whatever the difficulties that lay in his way. This idiosyncrasy would turn out to be one the factors that made him such a formidable general. Grant would always, always press on—turning back was not an option for him.” —Michael Korda, Ulysses Grant

  44. Relentless: “One of my superstitions had always been when I started to go anywhere or to do anything,notto turnback,or stop, until the thing intended was accomplished.”—Grant

  45. “incredible power of endurance”—political colleague, on Nicolas Sarkozy, repeatedly written off by the public and the celestial powers of French politics (FT, 0515.07)

  46. “Success seems to be largely a matter of hangingon after others have let go.”—William Feather, author

  47. Re-lent-less

  48. 252,50063485,000,0002,500,00015

  49. Indy/No56/barbershop SPMD66/RVN/DMcN, JP, _Bu, McNDennis/Bobby & RalphFree TicketsBillJerry/Steve JCT/#1WDCPs Rule!$10B/TPTP/64Mrs Gibson26/TeamDale CX/CardinalARFWDCPThe Great One

  50. “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”—Dale Carnegie

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