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The United States & WWII. Chapter 25. Germany Faces Economic Collapse. Treaty of Versailles causes Germany to face an economic crisis High inflation A spirit of revenge dominated Europe. America in Isolation? Formal diplomatic recognition of the Soviet Union Good Neighbor Policy (1933)
The United States & WWII Chapter 25
Germany Faces Economic Collapse • Treaty of Versailles causes Germany to face an economic crisis • High inflation • A spirit of revenge dominated Europe
America in Isolation? • Formal diplomatic recognition of the Soviet Union • Good Neighbor Policy (1933) • Reciprocal Trade Agreement (1940) • Neutrality Acts (1935,1936, 1937)
The Rise of Adolf Hitler • Born in Austria in 1889 • Served in German army in WWI – extreme nationalist • Became involved with the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazi Party) • Attacked the Weimar Republic and the Treaty of Versailles in a series of speeches • Imprisoned for leading an uprising in Munich • Wrote Mein Kampf while in prison – detailed his political beliefs
Hitler’s Goals: Destroy the Treaty of VersaillesGain ‘Lebensraum’ (living space) in the eastBring all Germans into one ReichMake Germany strong again
Benito Mussolini “Il Duce”
Fascism in Italy • Italy faced severe political and economic problems • Benito Mussolini organized the Fascist Party – denounced democracy, socialism, & communism • 1922- Mussolini led a “March on Rome” – Mussolini named Prime Minister by King Victor Emmanuel III • Established an aggressive foreign policy & economic program • Invaded Ethiopia in 1935 – League of Nations failed to act
The Rise of Militarism in Japan • Japan’s economy suffered because it was dependent on world markets • Military leaders began to rise to power & expand control in Asia • 1931- Japanese army attacked Manchuria • 1936- signed a military agreement with Italy and Germany forming the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis
U.S. Response • Cancelled its commercial treaty with Japan following the 1937 bombing of Shanghai • Roosevelt delivered his “Quarantine Speech” (1937) arguing for containing the spread of fascism through economic embargoes • Faced with opposition – the US took no action
Roosevelt's Quarantine Speech (1937) It seems to be unfortunately true that the epidemic of world lawlessness is spreading. When an epidemic of physical disease starts to spread, the community approves and joins in a quarantine of the patients in order to protect the health of the community against the spread of the disease. War is a contagion, whether it be declared or undeclared. It can engulf states and peoples remote from the original scene of hostilities. . . . We are adopting such measures as will minimize our risk of involvement, but we cannot have complete protection in a world of disorder in which confidence and security have broken down. If civilization is to survive the principles of the Prince of Peace must be restored. Shattered trust between nations must be revived. Most important of all, the will for peace on the part of peace-loving nations must express itself to the end that nations that may be tempted to violate their agreements and the rights of others will desist from such a cause. There must be positive endeavors to preserve peace. America hates war. America hopes for peace. Therefore, America actively engages in the search for peace.
Violation and Appeasement • Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles • 1936- rearmed Germany & occupied the Rhineland • 1938- moved into Austria & declared it part of Germany • France & Britain make concessions to preserve peace • Hitler Demands the Sudetenland • Czechoslovakia • Chamberlain (Britain) convinces the Czech government to give up the Sudetenland to Germany
The Munich Agreement • September 28, 1938 – Hitler and Chamberlain met in Munich to discuss circumstances in Czechoslovakia • Great Britain decided to appease Hitler & gave Germany the Sudetenland • Hitler announces that he has no further plans for expansion
The Deed is Done • -On 24 August 1939 Stalin made his decision and signed a pact with Germany • -Non-Aggression Pact • -The world was shocked as two arch enemies promised not to attack each other. • - Privately they also agreed to divide Poland
It Begins! September 1st 1939 – Hitler Invades Poland (Blitzkreig= lightening war) Sept 3rd 1939 – Britain and France declare war on Germany • America’s Neutrality Questioned • -Congress lifts the arms embargo • -Cash and Carry • -Congress passes laws stating the US would help Britain and France as long as they purchased arms in cash and transported them across the Atlantic • **80% of Americans opposed entry into the war
Prelude to theFinal Solution When Hitler seized power in 1933 he used his new powers under the ‘Enabling Law’ to begin his attack on the Jews. In 1938, the Nazi attack on the Jews changed and became more violent with Himmler launching Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) on 9th November 1938.
Prelude to the Final Solution In 1939, Germany invaded Poland which had a much larger population of 3 million Jews. In 1941, Germany invaded Russia which had a population of 5 million Jews.
Change of Tactics: Einsatzgruppen Himmler sent four specially trained SS units called “Einsatzgruppen battalions” into German occupied territory and shot at least 1 million Jews. Victims were taken to deserted areas where they were made to dig their own graves and shot. When the SS ran out of bullets they sometimes killed their victims using flame throwers.
The Final Solution In January 1942, Himmler decided to change tactics once again and called a special conference at Wannsee. At this conference it was decided that the existing methods were too inefficient and that a new ‘Final Solution’ was necessary.
Fall of France - Phony Warhttp://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/nazi-germany-conquers-france-10.jpg Hitler invaded Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. With everyone’s attention on Hitler’s sweep of these nations he sent an even larger force into France through the Ardrennes Forest, avoiding the Maginot Line - a system of fortifications along France’s border with Germany. Allied forces and German forces stared at each other. Became known as Stizkrieg
Fall of France - Phony War • By June 14 Germans had taken Paris • French surrendered on June 22, 1940. • Germans controlled the North and set up a puppet government in the south. • “capital” in Vichy and headed by Marshall Petain • Charles de Gaulle- set up a government-in-exile in Britain. • April 9th 1940 Hitler launched attack on Denmark and Norway. • Hitler turns his attention to Great Britain
Battle of Britain • “Never have so many owed so much to so few” • Winston Churchill Chamberlin gone - Churchill is the new prime minister of England
Support of Britain • By 1940 Germany was in control of much of Eastern Europe, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands, and France – Britain was isolated • August 1941 – Prime Minister WinstonChurchill met with Roosevelt and signed the Atlantic Charter • 1941 - Roosevelt proposed the Lend-Lease Act • US began arming merchant ships following the sinking of the Reuben James • American still remained isolationist
Bombing of Pearl Harbor • Japanese assets in the US had been frozen in response to Japanese aggression in Asia • While negotiations trying to reverse this action were under way, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941 (“A day which will live in infamy”) • On December 8th the United States declared war against Japan and on December 11th, against Italy and Germany