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The future of drafting – Gov 2.0

The future of drafting – Gov 2.0. Adam Durst Office of the Chief Information Officer Government of South Australia August 4th 2011. Agenda. Definitions – what is Gov 2.0? Strategic drivers for Gov 2.0 Technology as an enabler for Gov 2.0 What does the future hold???

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The future of drafting – Gov 2.0

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  1. The future of drafting – Gov 2.0 Adam Durst Office of the Chief Information Officer Government of South Australia August 4th 2011

  2. Agenda • Definitions – what is Gov 2.0? • Strategic drivers for Gov 2.0 • Technology as an enabler for Gov 2.0 • What does the future hold??? • Changing the way YOU work – examples • Changing the way citizens contribute - examples

  3. Agenda • Definitions – what is Gov 2.0? • Strategic drivers for Gov 2.0 • Technology as an enabler for Gov 2.0 • What does the future hold??? • Changing the way YOU work – examples • Changing the way citizens contribute - examples

  4. Definition: Government 2.0 The use of IT to socialize and commoditize government services, processes and data. Gartner, 2009 The socialization of information (government to citizens, citizens to government and government to government) is already well advanced in many jurisdictions. Example: data.gov.au The next step will be the socialization of services and processes by engaging individuals and communities to perform part of existing government processes or transform them by leveraging external data and applications. This could include the development of Policy and Legislation? Government 2.0 has seven main characteristics: • It is citizen-driven. • It is employee-centric. • It keeps evolving. • It is transformational.

  5. The use of IT… E-Government' (or Digital Government) is defined as: ‘The utilization of the Internet and the world-wide-web for delivering government information and services to the citizens.’ United Nations, 2006 Four types of activities: • pushing information over the Internet, • two-way communications between the agency and the citizen, • conducting transactions, e.g.: lodging tax returns, • governance, e.g.: To enable the citizen transition from passive information access to active citizen participation by: • Informing the citizen • Representing the citizen • Encouraging the citizen to vote • Consulting the citizen • Involving the citizen

  6. The use of IT… E-Government' (or Digital Government) is defined as: ‘The utilization of the Internet and the world-wide-web for delivering government information and services to the citizens.’ United Nations, 2006 Four types of activities: • pushing information over the Internet, • two-way communications between the agency and the citizen, • conducting transactions, e.g.: lodging tax returns, • governance, e.g.: To enable the citizen transition from passive information access to active citizen participation by: • Informing the citizen • Representing the citizen • Encouraging the citizen to vote • Consulting the citizen • Involving the citizen E-Democracy

  7. E-Democracy The use of information technologies and communication technologies and strategies in political and governance processes. Clift, S. 2004 E-Democracy aims for broader and more active citizen participation enabled by the Internet, mobile communications, and other technologies in today's representative democracy, as well as through more participatory or direct forms of citizen involvement in addressing public challenges.

  8. Agenda • Definitions – what is Gov 2.0? • Strategic drivers for Gov 2.0 • Technology as an enabler for Gov 2.0 • What does the future hold??? • Changing the way YOU work – examples • Changing the way citizens contribute - examples

  9. What are the Strategic Drivers • Productivity – Be more efficient and effective • Political – Keep touch with the electorate • Data/Information – Create public value by releasing data • Consultation – Get the best inputs to policy or regulation • Engagement – Reach out to citizens in the way they want • Social – Satisfy citizens’ needs to engage with government • Workplace – Enable public servants to fulfil their jobs • Others??? South Australian Policy Drivers • Citizen’s Right to Information • State Reform Agenda • State Strategic Plan • Budget Constraints Underlying Principle of Democracy: a form of government in which all eligible people have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives.

  10. Agenda • Definitions – what is Gov 2.0? • Strategic drivers for Gov 2.0 • Technology as an enabler for Gov 2.0 • What does the future hold??? • Changing the way YOU work – examples • Changing the way citizens contribute - examples UNCLASSIFIED (official use only)

  11. Technology as an Enabler • Web 2.0 • Ubiquitous Connectivity • Cloud Computing • New means of interacting with technology • Integration of technology into professional and personal lives

  12. Web 2.0: the read-write web • Web applications that facilitate information sharing, and collaboration. • Examples of Web 2.0 include social networking sites, blogs, wikis, video sharing sites, hosted services, web applications, mashups and folksonomies.

  13. Ubiquitous Connectivity • >52% of Australians have broadband Internet access • >8.2 million mobile handset subscribers in Australia. • The volume of data downloaded via mobile handsets over the three months ended 31 December 2010 was 4,029 Terabytes. ABS Internet Activity, Australia, Dec 2010

  14. New DevicesNew Interfaces • Portable/Mobile • Internet Connected • Location Aware • Converging Devices • Touch Interfaces • Powerful Processing

  15. Agenda • Definitions – what is Gov 2.0? • Strategic drivers for Gov 2.0 • Technology as an enabler for Gov 2.0 • What does the future hold??? • Changing the way YOU work – examples • Changing the way citizens contribute - examples

  16. Changing the way YOU work 3 Neighbourhoods of Stakeholders to Collaborate with. Citizens Extra-Government Intra-Government

  17. Changing the way YOU work A contemporary set of collaboration tools

  18. Work smarter…. Email Collaboration Online Collaboration

  19. South Australian Government Exchange(www.sage.sa.gov.au)

  20. Changing the Way Citizens Contribute 2007 Launch of a NZ Policing Act wiki One step in a review of the 1958 Police Act. Melbourne created an open wiki to support its last planning process. Number 10 has gone mobile Iceland Crowd sources Constitution by allowing the public to contribute using Facebook.

  21. South Australia: yourSAy

  22. Questions?

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