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Fair Society - Healthy Lives" Marmot Review". Avoidable health inequalities are unfair and putting them right is matter of social justice. There will be those who say our recommendations cannot be afforded particularly in the current climate. We say that it is inaction that cannot be affor
1. Wider Determinants of Health:Joint working between the GM Health Commission and the AGMA Commissions
Will Blandamer
Director of GM Public Health Network
“Local Authorities Leading Health Improvement”
7th March 2011
2. “Fair Society - Healthy Lives” “Marmot Review” “Avoidable health inequalities are unfair and putting them right is matter of social justice. There will be those who say our recommendations cannot be afforded particularly in the current climate. We say that it is inaction that cannot be afforded for the human and economic costs are too high. The health and well being of todays children depend on us having the courage and imagination to rise to the challenge of doing things differently…”
3. Greater Manchester Strategy - 2010 “Building our strategy around the city region means making people the starting point. We still have over 150,000 residents who are workless due to ill health”
4. GM Strategy - 2010 “Enduring deprivation, lack of opportunity and deficit of basic skills are not simply an anathema to a progressive modern city region, they limit our aspirations, they will hold us back economically as well as socially”
5. GM Health Commission Focus primarily on determinants of health inequality
Wider determinants
Health behaviours
Increasing recognition of contribution of commissioned health services to population health improvement – e.g. major trauma review
To advocate for a health inequalities focus across the Commissions and other key GM partners, and to demonstrate political leadership on addressing health inequalities in GM
6. GM Health Commission and… Commission for New Economy
Housing and Planning
Public Protection
7. 1. Commission for New Economy (Marmot- 2010)
“Being in good employment is protective of health. Conversely, unemployment contributes to poor health. Getting people into work is therefore of critical importance for reducing health inequalities.”
But also
“Getting people off benefits and into low paid, insecure and health-damaging work is not a desirable option.”
8. Commission for New Economy (cont.) Support for Fit for Work programme – 1500 retained in employment in Yr 1
Support for engagement with Work Programme Implementation
Health Work and Well being – Charter Standard development building on work in Bolton and elsewhere
Sense of Place – those factors that characterise the city region offer both internal and external that influence health inequalities
Management of Challenge Fund process
9. 2. Housing and Planning Fuel Poverty – AWARM
Joint event with planners and members of Marmot Review team
Creating quality environments that support healthy choices
Active lifestyle and transport
Maximising the health impact of green space and green infrastructure
Access to fast food and takeaways
Support to Local Engagement – SPIG
GM Spatial Framework
Town Centres
10. 3. Environment Marmot
Prioritise policies and interventions that both reduce health inequalities and mitigate climate change by:
Improving active travel across the social gradient
Improving the availability of good quality open and green spaces across the social gradient
Improving the food environment in local areas across the social gradient
Improving energy efficiency of housing across the social gradient
Air Quality Management in GM – report to Commission
11. 4. Transport Supported contribution to LTP3
Future funding required to demonstrate track record
Commitment to LSTF development
Challenge on 20mph limits
Casualty reduction
Community cohesion
12. 5. Public Protection Support for Minimum Unit Pricing for Alcohol
Strong support for Domestic Violence prioritisation under Serious Violent Crime
Reducing Re-offending
Mental Health /Criminal Justice
Illicit Tobacco
13. Health Commission Leadership - Other Support for Minimum Unit Pricing (and Business Leadership Council of AGMA Engaged)
Support for Changing Lives – AGMA and GM Sport Strategy for 2012
Support for work on transfats
Advocacy for salt reduction programme
Engagement of professional sports clubs
Minimum offer for children U5
14. Future Development into a GM Health and Wellbeing board
Focus on GM issues partnerships
Enabling local partnerships
Support Combined Authority
Engage with national function to secure influence locally
National Commissioning Board
Public Health England