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Samburu Of Kenya

Samburu Of Kenya. “Ask of Me and I will surely give the nations as Thine inheritance, and the very ends of the earth as Thy possession” Psalm 2:8. Samburu of Kenya. -Semi-nomadic people/raise livestock -Population 150-200,000 -Females are defined as: -Girls -Young

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Samburu Of Kenya

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Samburu Of Kenya

  2. “Ask of Me and I will surely give the nations as Thine inheritance, and the very ends of the earth as Thy possession” Psalm 2:8

  3. Samburu of Kenya -Semi-nomadic people/raise livestock -Population 150-200,000 -Females are defined as: -Girls -Young “Eligible for Marriage” -Married

  4. “I can testify about them that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge.” Romans 10:2

  5. Samburu of Kenya • Males are defined as: • -Boys • -Boys awaiting circumcision • -Moran • -Junior Elder • “Eligible for Marriage” • -Elder • -Senior Elder

  6. Wedding Day: Bride, Groom, Best Man

  7. Samburu of Kenya • Major workload is done by women. • -Building the House • -Carrying Water • &Firewood • -Preparing Food • -Raising the Children

  8. Repairing the roof with mud and dung

  9. Samburu of Kenya • -Very Spiritual • -Pray Daily • Many Believe: • -In a Creator God called “Nkai” • -The Bible is the Word of God • -Worship of Ancestors

  10. “If God could keep a baby in my stomach for 9 months, it is an easy thing for Him to keep a man alive inside a fish for 3 days.” Quote from a new Samburu believer after hearing the story of Jonah!

  11. “We always believed that the rainbow was a curse. We would ask God why He was blocking the rain with the rainbow. Now that we have heard the story of Noah, we know that the rainbow is a blessing and a promise.” Statement made by many after they hear the story of Noah for the first time.

  12. “Siemo”: The Rainbow

  13. Typical meeting place

  14. Samburu Elder

  15. “For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the whole earth that He may strongly support those whose hearts are completely His…” 2 Chron. 16:9a

  16. Dear Church Body Your “participation in the Gospel,” by giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, is bearing fruit among the Samburu People.

  17. Samburu telling Samburu

  18. Pray: • That the hearts of the Samburu people will be fully His • That the Samburu will hear His • voice and respond • For Samburu leaders to be trained

  19. Children

  20. Pray For - Children’s health – Malaria/malnutrition - Access to Bible Stories – Most spend the day tending animals - Schools to be built in rural areas

  21. Gathering Firewood

  22. Recently Circumcised Boys

  23. Moran: Samburu Warriors

  24. Pray that: • -The Samburu people will seek the One True God • -The Samburu will be receptive to the Gospel Message • -God will bring rain

  25. The daily search for grass

  26. Pray that: • -The people will learn the Bible Stories • -The people will start other groups and tell the Bible Stories • -The Old Men will tell their families the Bible Stories

  27. Team Members: Herb and Becky Cady – Currently on Leave in LA.

  28. Pray For The Cady Family - For Herb and Becky as they teach at a local schools in Alexandria, LA - Opportunities to share the stories of the Samburu with churches - Continual renewal: physically, spiritually, & emotionally - God’s timing in returning to Kenya

  29. Team Members:Charlie, Sandra, Sam & Joseph Daniels

  30. PrayFor the Daniels family: -For their children: Travis (in the States), Sam, and Joseph -For homeschooling of their sons -For God’s blessing as they share His Stories -To be able to learn the Samburu language

  31. The Simmons Family Eddy, Amanda, Nathan, Josiah, Seth, & Micah

  32. Pray for the Simmons: • That God will help them to learn the Samburu language • For physical health • For the boys’ homeschooling • As they build a home further out in the bush

  33. Please continue to pray for The Samburu PeopleOf Kenya

  34. Lottie Moon Christmas Offering • 100% of the gifts go to the mission field • More giving = More missionaries • Pray…Commit…Give • Thanks for giving “cheerfully” to the Lord!!

  35. For more information about the Samburu of Kenya, visit: www.greenpeas.us/samburu • herbcady1@juno.com • cdaniels@pobox.com • simmons2samburu@gmail.com

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