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Bearings and Beam Ends

Bearings and Beam Ends. Jeff Naum Maine DOT. Bridge Nomenclature. Bearings. BEARINGS Components that transfer weight from beams to abutments and piers BEAM ENDS Ends of beams and girders often over a bearing. Bearings at Abutments. At Abutments and Piers. One Row of Bearings.

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Bearings and Beam Ends

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bearings and Beam Ends Jeff Naum Maine DOT

  2. Bridge Nomenclature

  3. Bearings • BEARINGS • Components that transfer weight from beams to abutments and piers • BEAM ENDS • Ends of beams and girders often over a bearing

  4. Bearings at Abutments

  5. At Abutments and Piers

  6. One Row of Bearings

  7. Two Rows of Bearings

  8. Bearings – Functions • Transmit loads from superstructure to substructure • Allow rotation caused by loading • Allow movements caused by thermal expansion and contraction

  9. Bearings – Functions

  10. Main Categories • Expansion Bearings • Allow thermal movements • Steel Bridges = 1 ¼” per 100 ft • Concrete Bridges = 1” per 100 ft • Fixed Bearings • Restrains movements

  11. Fixed Bearing

  12. Expansion Bearing

  13. Bearing Components

  14. Types of Bearings • Chosen based on: • Length of span • Skew • Cost

  15. Sliding Plate Bearings

  16. Rocker Bearing

  17. Elastomeric Bearings

  18. Pot Bearings

  19. Damage and Deterioration • Caused by leaking joint from above • Reduced by preservative actions • Rate of Deterioration increased if not cleaned

  20. Pin Wear

  21. Anchor Bolt

  22. Beam End Corrosion

  23. Beam End Corrosion

  24. Pedestal Damage

  25. Repairs • May be necessary if capacity is compromised • Costly • Have other tasks that could be doing

  26. Block Up

  27. Refurbish Bearings

  28. Jacking Up Bearings

  29. Jacking Up Bearings

  30. New Sharon – Sandy River

  31. New Sharon – Sandy River

  32. Structural Rehabilitation

  33. Old Town – Stillwater #2

  34. Old Town – Stillwater #2

  35. Preservation • Essential in getting the most life out of bridges • Easy to do • Relatively inexpensive • Starts with sealing the joint

  36. Bridge Cleaning and Washing

  37. Fluid Film

  38. Paint

  39. West Gardiner - Tappan

  40. West Gardiner - Tappan

  41. Paint Weathering Steel

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