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Rutgers University Intramural Basketball Officials Clinic Fall 2013. Day 1 Monday, September 16th. Staff Introductions. Professional Staff Paul Fischbach, Associate Director Kate Quinlan, Coordinator Sean Butler, Assistant Coordinator Student Director of Officials Justin Zgombic
Rutgers University Intramural Basketball Officials Clinic Fall 2013 Day 1 Monday, September 16th
Staff Introductions • Professional Staff • Paul Fischbach, Associate Director • Kate Quinlan, Coordinator • Sean Butler, Assistant Coordinator • Student Director of Officials • Justin Zgombic • Clinicians • Skylar Alston • Remus de Jesus • Alex Hsu • Emily Malley
What it means to be an Official for Rutgers Recreation Intramural Sports • As a official, you represent Rutgers Recreation and the Intramural Department. We expect all of the staff to conduct themselves in a professional manner to ensure the safety of our participants and staff, and to uphold the integrity of our program.
Expectations • ATTITUDE & EFFORT! • Arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of every game • Ex) 7pm game time arrive at 6:30pm! • Assist Supervisors with set-up/clean-up • Know the rules and what teams are playing • Do not be afraid to ask questions and review rules with supervisors/directors prior to start of game! • Get to know your fellow referees • You should know the names of the people you are working with! Talk before each game to make sure you know what your position’s responsibilities are. This is a team effort!
The Rules of Basketball Understanding Basic Game Play
Beginning the Game • Number of Players • Maximum – 5 • Minimum – 4 • Coed • Maximum – 5 (3:2 ratio) • Minimum – 4 (2:2 ratio) • NOTE: If a player fouls out or leaves due to injury the game may continue until there is only 2 players remaining for a team. At that time the game will be forfeit unless the officials believe there is a chance for the team to win.
Equipment - Required • A player must wear: • Shirt/jersey with a number • Shorts/pants/shirt • Non-marking sneakers
Equipment - Illegal • The following equipment may not be worn during a game: • Jewelry (except medical alert jewelry) • Billed hats • Hair barrette or ribbons • Tear-away pants • Headband wider than 2” • Illegal guards, casts or braces
Scoring • A goal is scored when a live ball enters the basket from ABOVE and remains there or passes through except during an untouched throw in • Whether or not the clock is running shall have no effect on the counting or cancelling of a goal • If a player-control foul occurs after a goal, the goal is cancelled
Initial Direction • During the first half teams should be playing the basket opposite of their bench • During the second half teams should be playing the basket nearest their bench
Scoring • A successful try, tap, or thrown ball from the field by a player behind the arc shall count as 3 points • A ball which touches the floor, a teammate inside the arc, an official or any other goal from the field shall count 2 points for the team into whose basket the ball is enters • All free throws are worth 1 point for the throwers team
Timing • A game is 40 minutes long made up of 2 halves • Each half is 20 minutes in length • The half time break is 5 minutes long • Each team receives 2 timeouts per half • 1st half timeouts do not carry over to the 2nd half • Timeouts are a maximum of 1 minute in length • A warning horn shall be sounded after 45 seconds of the timeout have elapsed • Teams may call timeouts in excess of the allotted number, and they shall be granted but the team will be assessed with a Technical Foul
Timing • The clock will run for the first 20 minutes of the first half and the first 18 minutes of the second half unless stopped for: • Officials timeout • Charged team timeout • In the final 2 minutes of the second half, the clock will stop when an official signals for: • A foul • A held ball • A violation • A timeout
Mercy Rule • If at or below 2 minutes remaining in the game a team is down by 25 points or more than game will be terminated • NOTE: The teams are permitted to continue play, but we will leave the court if they choose to do so
Substitutions • Plays may only enter the game during a dead ball period provided... • They have checked in at the scorer’s table • Are beckoned on to the court by an official • A player who leaves the game may not reenter until the first dead ball after the clock has been legally started
Blood Rule • If an official observes a player that: • Is bleeding, • Has blood on his/her uniform, • Has an open wound, That player must leave the game and correct the problem before he/she may return to the game • A team may make take a timeout if they wish for the player to remain in the game provided the problem is fixed within the allotted time.
Jump Ball • The ball becomes live when it leaves the Referee’s hand • Only two jumpers are permitted for the jump ball • All non jumpers must remain outside the circle (when present) until the ball has been touched by a jumper.
Jump Ball • Neither jumper shall: • Touch the toss before it reaches its highest point • Leave the circle before the toss has been touched • Catch the jump ball • Touch the ball more than twice • PENALTIES: • For violating the above provisions, the ball will be awarded to the offended team for a throw-in at the spot nearest the violation. The offending team will get the arrow • If both teams simultaneously violate, the ball will be tossed again
Alternating Possession • An alternating-possession throw in will occur when: • A held ball occurs • The ball goes out of bounds having last been touched simultaneously by opponents • Simultaneous free throw violation occurs • A live ball lodges between the backboard and ring or comes to rest on the flange • Opponents commit simultaneous goaltending or basket interference violations • The A/P Throw-In shall occur at the spot nearest where the ball becomes dead • The arrow does not switch until the ball has been legally inbounded
Possession • 2 Types: • Player Control – A player is in control when they are holding/dribbling a live ball • Team Control – A team is in control: • When a player of that team is in control of the ball • While a live ball is being passed between teammates • During an interrupted dribble • When a player of that team has control of the ball for a throw-in • No team or player possession during a shot on basket • There must be PLAYER CONTROL for a timeout to be called
Questions? Let’s Head out to the Courts!
Continuous Motion • Only applies to the defense • Interval of time begins when the habitual throwing movement for a shot starts • “The Gather” • The interval ends when the ball is in flight • If the foul occurs during a tap, the interval begins with the touching of the ball and ends when the ball is in flight.
Legal Guarding Position • Legally placing the body in the path of an offensive opponent • OBTAIN: • Legally get to the spot first • BOTH feet must be on the playing court • The front of the guard’s body must be facing the opponent
Legal Guarding Position • MAINTAIN: • The guard may be moving in any direction except toward the opponent when contact occurs. • The guard does not have to have a foot or feet on the floor to maintain position • He/she may be in the air when contact occurs and still maintain their legal guarding position. • The guard may raise hand or jump within his/her vertical plane • The guard doesn't have to continue to face the opponent. • The guard may turn or duck to absorb contact
Screeners • A screener may not: • When outside an opponents visual field, set a screen closer than a normal step to an opponent • When screening a stationary opponent, from the front or side, make contact with the opponent. A screen should be set just short of contact • Take a position so close to the opponent that the opponent cannot avoid contact by stopping or changing direction • Move to maintain a previously established position unless he /she moves in the same direction and path of the opponent
Types of Fouls • Personal Foul • Intentional Foul • Flagrant Foul • Technical Foul • Player Control Foul • Team Control Foul • Double Foul • Personal • Technical
Technical Fouls • A technical foul is: • A foul by a nonplayer • A noncontact foul by a player • An intentional or flagrant contact foul while the ball is dead, except a foul by an airborne shooter • PENALTY: Two FT + Possession of the Ball at the midline • NOTE: Any player of the team may shoot the FT’s for a Technical Foul
Intentional/FlagrantFouls • An intentional fouls is a personal or technical foul that may or may not be premeditated and is not based solely on the severity of the act. • Intentional fouls include but are not limited to: • Contact that neutralizes an opponents obvious advantageous position • Contact away from the ball with an opponent that is not involved with a play • Contact that is is not a legitimate attempt to play the ball/player specifically designed to stop the clock or keep it from from starting • Excessive contact with an opponent while playing the ball • Penalty:2 FT + Possession of the Ball at the Point of Interruption • NOTE: Unlike a Technical foul the person fouled must that the FT • If a foul with excessive contact is deemed to be flagrant the offending player will also be ejected
Fouls • Typically there are 5 fouls we will call: • Hit • Hold • Push • Block • Player-Control (Charge) • Look for hindering a players “RSBQ”
Block Charge • Block • Illegal personal contact which impedes the progress of an opponent with or without the ball • Charge • Illegal personal contact caused by pushing or moving into an opponents torso • A player moving with the ball is required to avoid contact if a defensive player has gained a legal guarding position • A player with the ball may not push the torso of the player guarding them to gain an advantage to pass, shoot, or dribble • “Flopping” • What is a “Blarge”? What do we do on a “Blarge”? • Let’s Look at Some Teaching Points
Let’s Look at Some Examples • What do you think? • Block/Charge 1 • Block/Charge 2 • Block/Charge 3
Violations • Traveling • http://www.tubechop.com/watch/1036643 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTaHVoa12Fs • Intentionally Kicking the Ball • Striking the Ball with a fist • Causing the ball to enter the basket from below • Three Seconds in the Key • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEJ2VeBtg1Q • Five Seconds Closely Guarded • http://www.tubechop.com/watch/1036626 • Palming the Ball • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpNg0mDLvTk • Excessively Swinging the elbows
Violations • Ten seconds in the backcourt • Back Court Violation (Over and Back) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiA75uKsJCU • Dribble a second time after his/her dribble has ended, unless he/she has lost control because of: • A try for goal • A bat by an opponent • A pass or fumble which has touched, or been touched by an opponent • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGLe87ZkL_k
Questions • Have a great night! • Come tomorrow prepared to run and officiate! • Sean Butler, Asst. Coordinator, Intramural Sports – sean.butler@rutgers.edu • Justin Zgombic, Student Director of Officials – jzgombic@eden.rutgers.edu
Rutgers University Intramural Basketball Officials Clinic Fall 2013 Day 2 Tuesday, September 17th
Dead Ball • The ball becomes or remains dead when: • A goal, or awarded goal, is made • It is apparent a free throw will not be successful on: • A FT which is to be followed by either another free throw, or • A FT which is to be followed by a throw in (technical, intentional, flagrant, etc.) • A held ball occurs • A player-control foul occurs • An officials whistle is blown (unless a try or tap for goal is in flight) • Time expires for a half or extra period (unless a try or tap for goal is in flight) • A foul occurs (unless a try or tap for goal is in flight) • A FT violation b y the shooting team occurs • A violation occurs
Out-of-Bounds • A player is out-of-bounds when he/she touches the floor or any object (other than a player) on or outside the boundary line. • An airborne player retains his/her inbounds status relative to their last position on the floor • The ball is out-of-bounds when it touches: • A player who is out-of-bounds • Any other person, the floor, or any object on or outside a boundary line • The supports of the backboard (the ball is out-of-bounds when it passes OVER a rectangular backboard) • The ceiling, overhead equipment or supports
Out-of-Bounds • The ball is awarded out-of-bounds after: • A violation • A FT for a technical foul or a flagrant or intentional personal foul • A field goal or a successful FT for any other personal fouls or an awarded goal • The ball becomes dead while a team is in control, provided no infraction or the end of a period is involved • A player or team control foul • A common foul before the bonus • A held ball after the A/P procedure has been established
Throw-In • The throw-in starts when the officials places the ball at the disposal of the thrower-in • The thrower has 5 seconds to release the ball on a pass directly into the court • The thrower shall not leave the designated spot until the ball has been released • The designated spot is three feet wide with no depth restrictions
Throw-In • If a throw-in goes out-of-bounds untouched, the offended team shall be awarded a throw-in from the original spot • The opponent’s of the thrower shall not have any part of his/her body through the inbounds side of the throw-in boundary plane until the ball has been released on a throw-in pass • The thrower may reach across the boundary plane provided he/she does not touch the floor inbounds • An opponent may legally touch or grasp the ball at the point
Penalties for Throw-In Violations • For throw-in boundary plane violations by the opponents of the thrower: • If there is no contact with the ball or thrower-in the first offense will be a Delay of Game Warning • If there is contact with the ball or thrower-in or it is a second violation after the Delay of Game Warning a Technical Foul will be assessed • Running the end line privileges are not lost if the violation occurs on the end line
Free Throws • When a player is fouled “in the act of shooting” they will be awarded FT’s. • If a goal is scored after the foul, count the basket and the fouled player gets 1 shot • If the goal is not scored the fouled player will shoot the number of FT’s equal to the number of points his/her goal would have been worth • The administering official places the ball at the disposal of the free thrower when he/she bounces the ball to the thrower • The shooter has 10 seconds to release the ball once it is at their disposal • If the ball is going to become dead, by rule, after the last FT then clear the lanes of all players but the shooter
Free Throws • During a FT when the space may be occupied is should be as follows:
Free Throw Lane Violations • What is it? • Shooting Team enters early = ball becomes dead, FT cancelled • Opponent enters early: • And the try is successful, the goal counts and the violation is ignored • And the try is unsuccessful, the ball becomes dead when the free throw ends and a replacement throw will be awarded • Simultaneous Violation?
Foul Counts • A player is disqualified if he/she recieves: • 5 fouls (personal or technical) • NOTE: This is not the same as a game ejection • 2 Technical Foul • NOTE: This is a game ejection • 1 Flagrant Foul • NOTE: This is a game ejection
Foul Counts • 1-and-1 bonus free throw situation for the 7th, 8th, and 9thTEAM fouls for each half • Not including player and team control fouls which count toward the bonus, but no free throws will be awarded • 2 shot bonus free throw situation for all TEAM fouls after 10 per half
CoRec Differences • Female goals are worth 1 point more than male goals • Female fouled in the act of shooting will take 3 or 4 foul shots depending on their location at the time of the foul • Females must have player possession on EVERY NEW POSSESSION before a shot may be attempted • What happens on a rebound?