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Rydberg physics with cold strontium

Rydberg physics with cold strontium. James Millen Durham University – Atomic & Molecular Physics group. Outline. Rydberg physics Why strontium? Building a strontium Rydberg experiment The world’s first cold strontium Rydberg gas Probing a strontium Rydberg gas with two-electron excitation.

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Rydberg physics with cold strontium

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  1. Rydberg physics with cold strontium James Millen Durham University – Atomic & Molecular Physics group

  2. Outline • Rydberg physics • Why strontium? • Building a strontium Rydberg experiment • The world’s first cold strontium Rydberg gas • Probing a strontium Rydberg gas with two-electron excitation Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  3. The team Dr. Matt Jones (2006) Danielle Boddy (2010) Graham Lochead (2008) Benjamin Pasquiou Sarah Mauger Clémentine Javaux Liz Bridge (NPL) (MSci) Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  4. Rydberg physics Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  5. Definition Ionization threshold Energy A state of high principal quantum number n. Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  6. Properties of Rydberg atoms • Size scales as n2: • Lifetime scales as n3: τ5s5p ≈ 5ns τ5s56d ≈ 25μs Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  7. Properties of Rydberg atoms M. Saffman et. al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 82, 2313 (2010) Van der Waals interaction scales as n11: Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  8. Consequence of strong interactions or Interaction shift ΔE RB Energy R Inter-atomic separation Dipole Blockade: can only have ONE Rydberg excitation in a certain radius RB. Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  9. Consequence of dipole blockade One atom Two atoms A. Gaëtan et. al.,Nature Physics 5, 115 (2009) Leads to highly entangled states: Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  10. Many-body states RB Can create many body entangled states …”Superatoms”! Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  11. Many-body systems What happens when there is an ensemble of superatoms? Correlated quantum many-body systems? Rydberg gasses can also form correlated classical many-body systems: cold plasmas. Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  12. Cold plasma formation Fast ionization,some electrons leave. Energy Positive charge binds electrons. Electrons oscillate through gas Separation Ionizing and l-mixing electron Rydberg collisions Initial ionization → creation of a cold plasma Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  13. Cold plasmas T. Pohl et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 155003 (2004) • Requires a certain amount of initial ionization (density dependence). • Ecoulomb > Ethermal (hence cold, or even “ultra-cold”). • Stays bound for ~10μs. • Strongly correlated: Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  14. Rydberg physics summary • Rydberg systems exhibit greatly enhanced interatomic interactions. • Strongly entangled states. • Both quantum and classical correlated many-body systems. • What can we add with our experiment? Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  15. Why strontium? Two valence electrons. Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  16. Ion imaging C. E. Simien et. al.,Phy. Rev. Lett. 92, 143001 (2004) Two valence electrons → ion can be optically imaged: • The Sr+ ion has an optical transition (421.7nm). • The expansion of the plasma can be studied. Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  17. Two electron excitation Two valence electrons → two electron excitation: Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  18. Autoionization Ion The overlap between the two electronic wavefunction causes the atom to ionize: “Autoionization” Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  19. Autoionization as a probe Focussed autoionizing beam What can we do with autoionization? • Amount of ionization ∝number of Rydberg atoms→ probe of a Rydberg gas: Spatial probe of the blockade effect. Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  20. Rydbergs in a lattice • Load Rydberg atoms into a 1-D optical lattice. • Use a dipole trap far detuned from the INNER valence electron resonance. • Get trapping without ionization, and without affecting the Rydberg electron. • Investigate many body blockade in this ordered system. Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  21. Strontium Rydberg summary • The extra valence electron is an exciting new handle. • Rydberg gasses can be probed in a new way. • Classical and quantum many-body systems can be studied. Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  22. Building a strontium Rydberg experiment Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  23. From scratch… Strontium has no appreciable vapour pressure at room temperature: heat to 600˚C. Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  24. Zeeman slower Strontium is now going very fast! Use a Zeeman slower. Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  25. Trapping strontium C. Javaux et. al., Eur. Phys. J. D 57, 151-154 (2010) E. M. Bridge et. al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80, 013101 (2009) • Cool and trap using the 5s → 5p transition. • Laser stabilization not trivial for strontium! • Developed a unique strontium dispenser cell and a modulation-free spectroscopy technique: λ1 = 461nm 32MHz Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  26. Trapping strontium ~ 106 atoms ~ 1010 cm-3 density ~ 5mK Trap our atoms in a standard six beam magneto-optical trap Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  27. Internals MOT coils and electrodes inside the chamber, + micro-channel plate (MCP) detector. Also CCD camera outside. Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  28. A cold strontium Rydberg gas J. Millen et. al. in preparation Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  29. Rydberg excitation Spontaneous ionization signal -20 20 40 0 -40 λ2 (MHz) • Excite n ≈ 18 → ionization threshold. • Direct spontaneous ionization to detector with field pulse. • Can perform high resolution spectroscopy: λ2 = 420 nm or 413nm λ1 = 461nm 32MHz Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  30. Rydberg spectroscopy n~125 • Located a large range of Rydberg states: Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  31. Rydberg spectroscopy • Can calculate dipole matrix elements to model data: Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  32. Now we understand the singly excited Rydberg states, what can we learn through two electron excitation? Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  33. Probing a strontium Rydberg gas with two-electron excitation J. Millen et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. (Accepted) Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  34. Rydberg excitation • Excite to the 56D Rydberg state. • Up to 10% of ground state population transferred to the Rydberg state. • 1% of our Rydberg state population spontaneously ionizes. λ2 = 413nm λ1 = 461nm 32MHz Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  35. Autoionization Autoionization Spontaneous ionization • Excite the inner valence electron after delay Δt, atom autoionizes. • Get greatly increased ionization: Field pulse directsions to detector λ3 = 408nm λ2 = 413nm λ1 = 461nm 32MHz Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  36. Autoionization Low Rydberg density • Excite the inner valence electron after delay Δt, atom autoionizes. • Can take the spectrum of this transition (Δ3 is detuning from the bare ion line, S is autoionization signal): λ3 = 408nm λ2 = 413nm λ1 = 461nm 32MHz Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  37. Analysis Double peaked structure characteristic of the 5s56d1D2 state in strontium 6-channel MQDT fit Low Rydberg density Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  38. High density High Rydberg density • Increase the Rydberg density by increasing the power of λ2. • A new, Rydberg density dependent feature appears: Low Rydberg density Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  39. Evolution Δt = 0.5 μs Δt = 60 μs Δt = 100 μs At high density allow the Rydberg gas to evolve: Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  40. Transfer Δt = 100 μs Δt = 0.5 μs A change in shape→ a change of state. Δt = 0.5μshigh density Δt = 0.5μslow density Transfer of populationvery rapid. Transfer where? Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  41. Destination state Δt = 100 μs 54F state 25μs B A 60μs A B Blue line: The decay of the 5s54f 1F3 state. Look at the decay of signal at different spectral points: 60μs 25μs Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  42. Destination state Autoionization spectrum 56D Rydberg gas after 100μs evolution 54F Rydberg gas The autoionization spectrum of the 5s54f 1F3 state coincides with the late-time spectrum of the Rydberg gas: Black line: Δt = 100μs high Rydberg density spectrum. Blue line: spectrum of the 5s54f 1F3 state. Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  43. Quantitative analysis 13 ± 3% of the Rydberg population transferred to 5s54f state Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  44. Plasma formation Plasma threshold Spontaneous ionization Population transferred Initial Rydberg # M. P. Robinson et. al.,Phy. Rev. Lett. 85, 4466 (2000) The mechanism for population transfer is cold plasma formation: Black data: population transfer. Red data: spontaneous ionization. Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  45. Summary • We have probed our Rydberg gas in an entirely novel way. • Excitation of the inner valence electron yields information on interactions in the gas. • Identified, and quantitatively measured, population transfer, and identified mechanism. • We have studied the very onset of plasma formation. Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  46. Outlook • We will use autoionization as a probe of many-body blockaded systems. • Use the inner valence electron to trap Rydberg atoms. • Study charge delocalization in an optical lattice. Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

  47. Rydberg physics with cold strontium – Seminar October 2010

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