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Probing the Rydberg spectrum of strontium – group meeting 22-06-08

Probing the Rydberg spectrum of strontium. James Millen. Probing the Rydberg spectrum of strontium – group meeting 22-06-08. Level scheme. Continuum. ~413nm. (5sns) 1 S 0. (5snd) 1 D 2. (5s5p) 1 P 1. 461nm 32MHz. (5s 2 ) 1 S 0.

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Probing the Rydberg spectrum of strontium – group meeting 22-06-08

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  1. Probing the Rydberg spectrum of strontium James Millen Probing the Rydberg spectrum of strontium – group meeting 22-06-08

  2. Level scheme Continuum ~413nm (5sns) 1S0 (5snd) 1D2 (5s5p) 1P1 461nm 32MHz (5s2) 1S0 Probing the Rydberg spectrum of strontium – group meeting 22-06-08

  3. Experimental set up Probing the Rydberg spectrum of strontium – group meeting 22-06-08

  4. Detection • Primary source of detection is a micro-channel plate (MCP), set up to detect ions. • Can charge the grid to help guide charges to the MCP Probing the Rydberg spectrum of strontium – group meeting 22-06-08

  5. Detection • We use our field plates to accelerate and guide chargetowards the MCP Probing the Rydberg spectrum of strontium – group meeting 22-06-08

  6. Signal analysis • Can directly count using our FPGA card (theoretical 25ns resolution, we used 1μs resolution max) • Though nice to actually count ions, discriminator can become saturated • Otherwise, use the signal direct from MCP amplifier, and average on the scope. Probing the Rydberg spectrum of strontium – group meeting 22-06-08

  7. Rydberg spectrum acquisition • The MOT is continually on and being filled, as is the 413nm laser. • There is a 30μs field pulse every 500μs. • There is a slow (1s) laser scan, 256 averages are taken, and the data is binned. Probing the Rydberg spectrum of strontium – group meeting 22-06-08

  8. Results Probing the Rydberg spectrum of strontium – group meeting 22-06-08

  9. Analysis • Can use quantum defect analysis to try and identify series • δ = n – n* n* = √(Rsr/Tn) Tn = Eion - E 1S0 δ=3.27 1D2 δ=2.38 Probing the Rydberg spectrum of strontium – group meeting 22-06-08

  10. Analysis 5s73s 1S0 5s74s 1S0 5s71s 1S0 5s72s 1S0 5s70s 1S0 5s72d 1D2 5s74d 1D2 5s75d 1D2 5s71d 1D2 5s73d 1D2 Probing the Rydberg spectrum of strontium – group meeting 22-06-08

  11. Analysis Probing the Rydberg spectrum of strontium – group meeting 22-06-08

  12. Pushing higher 5s125s 1S0 5s136s 1S0 5s137s 1S0 Probing the Rydberg spectrum of strontium – group meeting 22-06-08

  13. Outlook • Move to a cleaner experiment. • Identify lines (do some theory). Also, why do we see ions at all at lower n? • Make some Stark maps. Probing the Rydberg spectrum of strontium – group meeting 22-06-08

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