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MOAN: Empowering Organic Agriculture in the Mediterranean

Explore the history, challenges, and strategies of the Mediterranean Organic Agriculture Network (MOAN) aimed at promoting sustainable organic farming in the region through research, training, and policy development.

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MOAN: Empowering Organic Agriculture in the Mediterranean

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  1. CIHEAM-IAMB Mediterranean Organic Agriculture Network (MOAN)History and scope for a new organisation Lina AL BITAR IAMB First meeting November 23 – 25, 2006Bari - Italy

  2. Background • Organic farming, in the last years, has continuously attracted much interest and consent, and by now it involves quite all the Mediterranean countries. • Despite its progressive development, the evolution of the organic sector in the Mediterranean region is constrained by some critical points.

  3. Factors limiting the development of the Mediterranean organic agriculture • Information-training deficiency • -         Poor technical-scientific knowledge; • -         Lack of statistics and unreliability of data • Institutional deficiency • Regulations unsuitable for the territorial peculiarities and problems of equivalence • - Lack and inadequacy of support policy • Degradation of the natural resources • -         Fragility of the agroecological system; • -         Soil desertification; • -         Simplification and homogenisation of vegetation; • -         Degradation by salinisation, laterization and erosion; • -         Water and soil pollution; • Socio-economic and cultural desertification

  4. MOAN launching In 1999, IAMB launched a network of experts with the objective of furthering organic agriculture in the CIHEAM member states. MOAN Network on Mediterranean Organic Agriculture www.organicmedit.org

  5. Scientific Network on Organic Agriculture CIHEAM Funds STRATEGY “a” Deepening knowledge on Organic Agriculture in the Mediterranean Region Preparation of proposals for new funding Litterature & Research reviews Data collection Database Courses for trainers and for students Workshops - seminars National & International Donors (EC, ….) Input from Strategy “a” Disposal of new funds STRATEGY “b” Institutional strengthening STRATEGY “c” Support for farmers research & experimentation

  6. Partners • Albania University of Tirana • Algeria University of Blida • Egypt Ain Shams University • France GRAB • Greece MAICH • Italy Bari University • Lebanon Ministry of Agriculture • Malta Ministry of Agriculture • Morocco IAV-Hassan II • Portugal Ministry of Agriculture • TunisiaCTAB • Turkey Ege University • International Institution: IFOAM ABM

  7. 2004 2002

  8. MOAN evolution Following the Euro-Med Conference recommendation (Venice, 2003) IAMB has decided to re-organize MOAN, by making it an institutional governmental Network and by enlarging it to all Euro-Med countries.

  9. Partner Countries Network on Mediterranean Organic Agriculture www.iamb.it

  10. Flowchart Coordinator IAMB Partners Ministries of Agriculture Steering committee

  11. Objectives 1. Creating a partnership to discuss at regional level all the problems related to the institutional organization of the sector and look for common strategies for its development. 2. Strengthening the relations among organic communities (especially among official institutions like Ministries) in the Mediterranean region. 3. Valorisation of the potential of organic agriculture in the region. 4. Become a reference point for policy makers at international level.

  12. Activities • Organisation of an annual meeting to discuss problems and share common strategies; • Organisation of country-specific workshops to encourage national sub-networks, enhance the visibility of the host country and raise its profile in the Mediterranean organic context; • Organisation of international conferences and publication of scientific works, periodical reports on the state-of-the-art of OA in the region with the aim to bring the Mediterranean organic perspective in the global debate • Creation and management of a website on Mediterranean OA with special sections on country profiles and events. Website presentation

  13. CIHEAM-IAMB Organic Agriculture in the Mediterranean Statistics and main trends

  14. Organic agriculture in the Mediterranean • Total area about 4 000 000 ha • Total number of farms about 114 000 Source: SIAB, MOAN, ONAB (IAMB)

  15. Organic agriculture in the Mediterranean

  16. Organic agriculture in the Mediterranean

  17. Organic agriculture in the Mediterranean Serbia 7% Serbia 7%

  18. Organic agriculture in the Mediterranean Maghreb Country National legislation Organic policy Certification bodies Producers’ association Market Financial support Action Plan local export Algeria Draft Yes No 2 foreign 1 local 1 Yes (very limited) Yes (very limited) Morocco Draft No No 2 foreign yes Strongly export-oriented Tunisia Yes Yes Yes 4 foreign various + national federation Yes Strongly export-oriented Mashrek Egypt No No No 8 growing Strongly export-oriented Turkey Yes Yes Draft 7 foreign 3 local 5 growing Strongly export-oriented Lebanon Draft Yes No 2 local 2 mostly local and regional Very limited Syria No No Draft No - Limited Export-oriented Palestine No - - 1 foreign Jordan No No Yes 1 foreign 2 Yes Limited Export-oriented Eastern Mediterranean countries Albania Yes No Draft 3 Foreign 1 Local Yes Limited Export-oriented B&H Yes (rep. Srpska) No No Local & Foreign Yes Limited Export-oriented Croatia Yes Yes Draft 5 local 1 Foreign Yes Yes Macedonia Yes No Draft Foreign & Local Yes Serbia Yes Yes No No 3 Yes Yes Montenegro Yes Yes No 1 Foreign 3 EU countries Portugal Yes Yes Yes 2 Foreign 1 Local Yes Yes France Yes Yes Yes 1 Foreign 5 Local mature Yes Greece Yes 3 Local emerging yes Italy Yes Yes Yes mature Yes Spain Yes No Yes emerging yes Malta Draft Yes Yes 1 Local No yes limited Cyprus Yes Yes Draft 1 Local 1 Foreign 2 Yes Limited yes Slovenia Yes Yes Yes 2 Local 1 Foeign 10 Yes Yes * various sources.

  19. Critical issues • Heterogeneity and unreliability of data • Difficulty in finding statistical information • Insufficient training and technical know-how • Insufficient research and support policies • Inadequat regulations and problems of equivalency Organic agriculture in the Mediterranean • Perspectives • Economic development • Preservation of natural resources • Income generating • Strengthening the Euro-Mediterranean relationships

  20. Develop a local culture of organic farming • Set up action plans and support policies • Harmonization of international rules and norms • Different actions should be undertaken such as: • The creation of databases for the collection and diffusion of information; • Institutional capacity building; • Activities of research and experimentation; and • Networking. Conclusions and future prospects

  21. Thank you for your attention and welcome at IAMB

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