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Mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in German Financial Cooperation. HIV Focal Point Network Meeting, Nairobi Piet Kleffmann June 2010. KfW and the German Financial Cooperation. KfW Bankengruppe 70 bn Euro Promotion of Domestic Programmes 59 bn Euro Project and Export Finance 9 bn Euro
Mainstreaming HIV and AIDSin German Financial Cooperation HIV Focal Point Network Meeting, Nairobi Piet Kleffmann June 2010
KfW and the German Financial Cooperation KfW Bankengruppe 70 bn Euro Promotion of Domestic Programmes59 bn Euro Project and Export Finance 9 bn Euro Development Finance 4,5 bn Euro KfW Entwicklungsbank3,5 bn Euro DEG1 bn Euro
KfW Development BankOffices worldwide Ongoing projects over 1,400 in over 100 countries Number of staff 450 (Bankengruppe: 4300) KfW/DEG Offices 65 Staff at KfW Offices 265 Seconded: 75 Local staff: 190 (experts and support staff) (all data rounded)
Role of KfW Development Bankin partner cooperation Intergovernmental Agreement BMZ Kenya Ministry of Finance Commitment of funds(trust funds, KfW funds) Mandate Financing Agreement KfW Separate Agreement Support, Monitoring Studies Tendering Consultant Project-Executing Agency Contracting Constructor Operator Monitoring KfW's partners are public authorities or state-owned enterprises
HIV/AIDS Mainstreamingin KfW Entwicklungsbank Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS Policy adopted in 2006 based on 2 pillars: 1. Internal: Mainstreaming for staff of KfW Entwicklungsbank 2. External: Mainstreaming in FC- supported programmes
Role of KfW Development Bankin partner cooperation Intergovernmental Agreement BMZ Kenya Ministry of Finance Commitment of funds(trust funds, KfW funds) Mandate Financing Agreement Internal HIV/AIDS Mainstreaming KfW Separate Agreement Support, Monitoring Studies External HIV/AIDS Mainstreaming Tendering Consultant Project-Executing Agency Contracting Constructor Operator Monitoring KfW's partners are public authorities or state-owned enterprises
Mainstreaming HIV/AIDSwithin KfW Entwicklungsbank HIV/AIDS Workplace Programme as part of the overall policy for KfW foreign offices Guidelines for implementation of workplace programmes, June 2009 - Focus on Prevention Information and Education Provision of condoms Voluntary counselling and testing - Support for treatment Medical cover - Non discrimination and confidentiality
Implementation of KfW Workplace Programm • Director of KfW Office is responsibility for implementation. • KfW offices identifies HIV/AIDS focal point. • HIV/AIDS focal point at the Sector and Policy Division Health at HQ. • KfW Office should offer at least 1 information event per year. Participation at 1 event per year during working hours is mandatory for local staff. • Provision of free condoms (at accessible and non observable places). • Provision of medical cover. • Countries with > 1% Prevalence: Evaluation of appropriate local activities • Funding of costs: budget of KfW Office (although no specific budget for HIV/AIDS). Who is covered by KfW Workplace Programme? Employees of KfW Offices (local contract) including their partner and children
Implementation of KfW Workplace ProgrammKenya MoU between GTZ, KfW and DED Principles and Obligations • non discriminatory policy, confidentiality • improve communication, encourage behaviour change, • provide health cover and encourage staff to use services • provide free condoms • implement Joint Mainstreaming Programme Joint HIV/AIDS Mainstreaming Programme • HIV Focal Points, Steering Committee, annual programme and report • Annual Strategic Plan (programme of activities) • Agreement on Funding: - each Organisation will bear direct costs of their staff (training, events, condoms etc.) - other costs to be agreed upon by Directors depending on availibility of funds.
External Mainstreaming of KfW Entwicklumgsbank Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS in FC-supported programmes • Mandatory component of programme appraisal in countries with a generalised HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Appraisal of FC supported Programmes:HIV/AIDS relevant issues Key questions of appraisal are: • What impacts does the funded project have on the spread, the progression and the consequences of the disease? • What impacts does HIV/AIDS have on the implementation and the sustainability of the supported project? • What measures can be reasonably implemented with justifiable expenditure and effort to mitigate negative or reinforce positive impacts? identification of reasonable approaches
HIV/AIDS approach of FC funded programmes Construction sites (roads, water supply, power plants, irrigation schemes etc.) as typical interfaces where FC-supported programmes can contribute to the spread of HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS clauses in contracts for constructions funded by KfW. Examples: • contractor organizes information campaign for workers and neighbouring communities • contractor provides free condoms for workers an population
Good Practice:Rural Water Supply Project Fouta Djallon/ Guinea • Activities (carried out by the department of rural water supply of Guinea (SNAPE) and the NGO PSI) • Community HIV/AIDS Education Teacher Seminars were held in several schools within the region. Furthermore PSI has set up a drama group to educate and train the local communities. • Broadcast Media Campaign Radio Rurale, a local radio station, has broadcasted a number of songs, poems and short segments dealing with HIV/AIDS, in order to support the overall campaign • HIV/AIDS Education & Awareness Training Workshop SNAPE has organised a workshop to train and educate Focal Persons as well as Contractors
Good Practice:HIV Education & Sensitization on the Tema – Akatsi Road / Ghana • Activities (organised by Drama Network, a local NGO) • Community HIV/AIDS Education Twelve community meetings were held for the project to educate the community on the means of transmission of HIV/AIDS • Operation of Condom Retail Centres Condoms for sale at subsidised prices were available at the selected retail centres along the project corridor • HIV/AIDS Education & Awareness Training Workshop Drama network has organised a 3-day HIV/AIDS Education & Sensitization workshop for the Contractors and Cosultants workforce