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Infantry Forces. Loren France. What You Do in This Job. * Set up camouflage and other protective barriers * Operate, clean, and store automatic weapons, such as rifles and machine guns * Parachute from troop transport airplanes while carrying weapons and supplies. What You Also do in This Job.
Infantry Forces Loren France
What You Do in This Job • * Set up camouflage and other protective barriers* Operate, clean, and store automatic weapons, such as rifles and machine guns* Parachute from troop transport airplanes while carrying weapons and supplies
What You Also do in This Job • * Carry out scouting missions to spot enemy troop movements and gun locations* Operate communications and signal equipment to receive and relay battle orders
What You do in This Job Continued * Drive vehicles mounted with machine guns or small missiles* Perform hand-to-hand combat drills that involve martial arts tactics* Dig foxholes, trenches, and bunkers for protection against attacks perform hand to hand combat drills
Tools Used • Humvees • Guns and ammo supplies and frags • Shovels • Airplanes
Education and Training • Have to have graduated from high school • Train for 7 to 8 weeks for regular infantry • Advanced infantry training would be another 7 to 8 weeks longer
Pre –requisite knowledge and Ability • Be in shape • Be physically active • Take good math and reading classes
Salary and Schedule • Training, education, and years of service are used to determine pay and rank • You well have to work whenever they want or need you too • When you start you get 1,467.60 a month • You can get as high as 4,872 a month
promotions • You start as an E-1 private • The highest rank is the E-9sergeant master • You move up by years of service • You also move up on depending on how you are doing in the war • The best one to be is the E-9 sergeant master because you can do whatever you want and tell anybody to do what you want them to do
Good things about this job • Your future schooling is free • You get to operate automatic weapons • Parachute from troop transport airplanes • Perform hand to hand combat drills • You will be fighting for your country
Negative Qualities • Setting up camouflage protective barriers • Digging foxholes and trenches • You have to take a test • You could die fighting for you country
Works Citied “Infantry Forces.” WIS Careers. Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System. N.D. Web. 23 May 2011.