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Infantry. America’s frontline of defense. http://www.zimbio.com/pictures/q93m2mHoz5u/Israeli+Infantry+Air+Force+Conduct+Joint+Evacuation. I’m interested in this career because….
Infantry America’s frontline of defense http://www.zimbio.com/pictures/q93m2mHoz5u/Israeli+Infantry+Air+Force+Conduct+Joint+Evacuation
I’m interested in this career because… It would be great to fight and defend my country. I also want to have an active and physical job. I also want to be a part of what’s happening inside and outside of my country. Instead of sitting at home hearing about wars that are happening I want to be out http://www.lisisoft.com/imglisi/5/Screensavers/31988usflag_med.jpg
Describe this career This career can send you anywhere in the world. It is dangerous, physically demanding and mentally exhausting. You will learn how to dig foxholes, clean and operate weapons, engage in combat and use communication equipment. http://www.army.mil/-images/2010/03/12/66882/size0-army.mil-66882-2010-03-12-150311.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_2jf7k4mjIH8/TB93dMWwVqI/AAAAAAAACAU/8bikPlrbVOw/s1600/american+eagle-e+pluribus+unum.png http://ootp.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/advanced-infantry-training_100519-m-9232s-016.png
Education requirements • You need complete military training • To be an officer you need a degree • High school • diplomahttp://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.sessions.edu/images/admissions/military-online-education.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.sessions.edu/admissions/military-students&usg=__BI6BLE8lM0dcF-BISSElzPSo8nw=&h=253&w=325&sz=46&hl=en&start=23&zoom=1&tbnid=oZ1tSKtqWSY_mM:&tbnh=143&tbnw=179&ei=x6a6TbqUHOrh0QHtyNTeBQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dmilitary%2Beducation%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-us%26biw%3D1259%26bih%3D830%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=125&page=2&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:23&tx=49&ty=29
Salary range The salary for the infantry can be from 16,000 dollars to 98,000 dollars every year. This mostly depends on rank. The lower rank you are the less you make. http://www.blogwaggon.com/2009/12/04/were-definitely-going-to-have-to-add-another-wing-to-the-cave/
Work conditions During this job you eat, sleep and work outside. You work in any conditions, and you can be sent anywhere in the world. http://joxwelldesign.biz/us-troops-in-vietnam http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/09/08/2357961.htm
Minimum wages • MA $8.00 per hour • NY $7.25 per hour • TX $7.25 per hour • MS no minimum wage http://www.studentsoftheworld.info/sites/country/u-s-a.php?Page=3
Laws applying to kids under 18 • 14 and 15 year olds can work for 3 hr on a school day, 18 hours in a week, 8 hours in a non school day and 40 hours onn a non school week. • A 16 year old can work any day at any time. http://kresa.schoolwires.com/118320129154759397/lib/118320129154759397/Images/employ-youthf.png
Walt Disney #57 • Headquarters are in Burbank CA • Profits are $3,307 million • Competitors are: Newscorp, Time Warner, Viacom, CBS, CCmedia holdings and Live Nation Entertainment http://www.disnology.com/2010/08/08/walt-disney-pictures-prom-actors/
Monster job locations • Army National guard: • Fairbanks AK, • Waterloo IA, • Milwaukee WI
Resources • Career Cruising • Department of Labor • Youth Rules • CNN Money • Monster
Special thanks to Gabe Leeman http://www.wpclipart.com/sign_language/thumbs_up_large.png.html