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Chinese Creation Myth

By: Anna R. and Kyle W. Chinese Creation Myth. There was only Darkness Chaos ruled E gg formed out of the darkness Within the Egg held the universe Heaven and earth were still one. In the beginning. Phan-ku ( Pangu ). Giant Lived inside the egg Grew for 18,000 years

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Chinese Creation Myth

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Presentation Transcript

  1. By: Anna R. and Kyle W. Chinese Creation Myth

  2. There was only Darkness • Chaos ruled • Egg formed out of the darkness • Within the Egg held the universe • Heaven and earth were still one In the beginning

  3. Phan-ku (Pangu) • Giant • Lived inside the egg • Grew for 18,000 years • Stretched & Broke the Egg

  4. Heavier parts made the Earth (Yin) • The lighter parts of the egg made the sky (Yang) • Afraid they would reconnect • Stood between them & pushed them apart • 18,000 seemed sturdy Formation

  5. After 18,000 he died • From his head created the sun and moon • From his blood the rivers and seas • From his breath the wind • From his voice the thunder • After he died there was room for pain Earth

  6. Human generated from the fleas which lived on him • Nuwa was left after Pan-ku died • Was lonely • Saw reflection • Made people out of clay • Realized they would die • Made male and female so they could reproduce Human Creation

  7. For good fortune people will play Nü-wa’s music • 7th day of Chinese New Year is the birthday of humanity • In the past people use to just add a year to their age and not actually celebrate birthdays. Nü-wa

  8. Often in pictures is a dwarf • Actually a giant • Head of a dog Appearance Pangu Nü-wa • Long Black hair • Pale skin • Upper half human • Lower half snake

  9. “Pangu and the Chinese Creation Myth” http://www.ancient-origins.net/human-origins-folklore/pangu-and-chinese-creation-myth-003472014. Ancient Origins. 28 Aug.14. Walls, Yvonne and Walls, Jan“PanGu and NüWa”http://www.gly.uga.edu/railsback/CS/CSPG&NW.html. 1984. Classical Chinese Myths: Hong Kong. 28 Aug.14. Elisa. “Chinese Myth of the Creation of the World and Mankind” http://www.wudaokou.com/article/Chinese_Myth_of_the_Creation_of_the_World_and_Mankind. 2010. Wudaokou Borderless Learning. 29 Aug.14. “Pan-Ku” http://www.windows2universe.org/mythology/pan-ku_creation.html. 2010. National Earth Science Teachers Association. 29 Aug.14. Hamilton, Virginia. In the Beginning. Orlando, Florida :Pennyroyal Press,Inc. 1988. Iles, Susanne. “Goddess Nu Kua” http://journeyingtothegoddess.wordpress.com/2012/02/13/goddess-nu-kua/. 13 Feb. 2012. The Motion Theme. 5 Sept. 2014. Work Cited

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