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Topic for partner 3 region Stockholm in Cibus5 is to create a toolkit for starting and running social enterprise.
Topic for partner 3 region Stockholm in Cibus5 is to create a toolkit for starting and running social enterprise • Background: Stockholm region is in need of many more social enterprises. People who are in social and work exclusion for many years becomes more. They have no place and it is very difficult for them to take place in the regular labor market. The labor market needs to be developed in the social sector with more social enterprises.Project Cibus5 partner 3 contribute to this process for the Region Stockholm by creating an online toolkit for starting and running a social enterprises • Work Process.In the first semester we created a local working group and a local steering group. We gathered and mapped the work forward. We inventoried the LEGS knowledge of the subject and based on that. We added skills and expanded networks, which will be presented in this slide show. We began to realize that we needed more expertise in the subject. Experts who have been assigned a clear mandate and responsibility for the development of social enterprises by the government. We also realized that publish the web-based toolkit is one of the most difficult challenge in the project. We started working to create the reference group and managed it last spring. • Our LEG (working group) do an operational work. They use existing information uppdate it and add missing information and make it web-based. They take the pulse of the recently launched social enterprises to find out how they felt the time from concept to startup. Our big challenge is to get the guidance toolkit published in a website. The website already exists and is owned by several authorities. All these agencies must agree that it is important and it is of high standard. • Lokal steering group. The local steering committee is composed of different local authorities of services for office managers and it includes even manager from the voluntary sector. Local project management reports on a monthly basis to the Steering Group. Steering Group's role is to take decisions in matters of business and economics. • Reference grupp who are officials in higher positions. Eva Johansson works on Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth which has been given the responsibility of government to pursue this topic. Christina Rosengren Gustafsson works on headquarters at the strategic unit for rehabilitation to work at Public Employment Agency. Eva Carlsson works on SKOOPI which is an association. • We are 30 people in different roles working for this topic.
Organisation on lokal level partner 3 region Stockholm in Cibus5. Local steering group Katarina Yng/Anna-Maria Magnusson Arbetsförmedlingen Stockholm City Margareta Sörqvist-Reid Arbetsförmedlingen Farsta Ingrid George Arbetsförmedlingen Globen Marie Carlsson Arbetsförmedlingen Södermalm Gerd Wahlstedt Arbetsförmedlingen AMO Stockholm Mari Magnusson Försäkringskassan Brita Rönnqvist Jobbtorget Farsta Kicki Wattjersson Jobbtorget Rosenlundsgatan Rebekka Dominique Projekt Livsval Eva Hermansson SAF enheten för hemlösa Eva-Lotta Jonsson SDF Farsta Margareta Sabuk SDF Södermalm Sergio Leiva SDF Östermalm Lokal working group LEG Fredrik Tourunen Arbetsförmedlingen Stockholm City Lisbeth Sjöö-Westin Arbetsförmedlingen Farsta Carola Grubeck Arbetsförmedlingen Globen Rhonda Israelsson Arbetsförmedlingen Södermalm Gun Lieberman Rodriguez Jobbtorget Farsta Anna Almén Jobbtorget Rosenlundsgatan Saiful Islam SAF enheten för hemlösa Joakim Olsson SDF Farsta Therése Eriksson SDF Södermalm Jesper Houghton SDF Östermalm Eva Elblaus Projekt Livsval Reference group Eva johansson Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth Christina Rosengren Gustafsson Headquarters Public Employment Agency the strategic unit for rehabilitation to work Eva Carlsson SKOOPI which is an association Lokal project management Eleni Wigsén Project coordinators part time Taisa Ranchber Project coordinators part time Mikael Palm Ekonomist
Conference cooperation for social enterprise The green conference technology, preparing audio and video Networking during coffee break gymnastic movements during the conference Jesper Houghton Cibus5 The purpose of the conference is to take advantage of the good and great experiences in different parts of the country. The goal is to encourage more social enterprises in areas where we need more. Gothenburg area are successful. They have developed good collaboration between social enterprise with social authorities (Municipality, Insurance Agency, County Council and the Public Employment Agency). The LEG in Cibus5 participated in order to broaden their knowledge and networking. Cibus5 planned for the 17th of May a seminar with a view to influence policy makers and politicians concerning the stimulation of social enterprises for the Stockholm region. The day was successful. Networking during coffee break Speakers on the subject ”More regional cooperation for more and growing social enterprises”. With modern technology it is broadcast live with audio and video to the participating cities in Sweden. Why we call it the Green Conference?To ”gather” at a distance with modern technology we could reduced the travel that leads to fewer emissions. An environmentally friendly konferans The programme is on the next page. Eleni Wigsén Cibus5
The speakers before lunch. National program social enterprise in Sweden 2010 Eva Johansson Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth . Together we become stronger- this is how we interact in Gothenburg. Anders Helg Public Employment Agency Maria Folkesson, Coompanion in region Gothenburg Pernilla Svebo Lindgren, Vägen ut Cooperatives Marie Larsson, Gothenburg Municipality Therefore, we choose to work in social enterprises Bo Lönn and katarina Gustafsson-Ali at Miljövårdscentrum in Örebro. Therese Gustavsson, Entrévärdar in Sunderby Diversity in work and rehabilitation. Thor Karlsson, Bryggan in Piteå Kaarina Nilsson, MJK Trading in Sundsvall Bertil Lidfeldt, Public Employment Agency Markus Bill, Insurance Agency The speakers after lunch. Regional program Regional cooperation for more and growing social enterprises Discussions, ideas and reflections on work in the Stockholm region. National program A vision for the futur, Patrik Hesselius, Government Offices Birgitta Hällegårdh, Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions. Reflections from the regional conference. Questions to the speakers via SMS. Program2010/03/16cooperation for social enterprise The green conferenceWelcome to all by Lars Nyberg Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and Curt Lind, SKOOPI (association).Roine Karlsson in Älvsbyn and Ingrid Baxell in Gothenburg
Seminar April 22 with Hans Richardsson project manager for project Tre-fas. It is not Hans Richardson in the picture below.At that time we had no camera.The picture is taken from the Microsoft Office ClipArt In the process, we understood that the term "social enterprise" could be defined very differently depending on who you spoke with. In order to sort it out, we invited Project Tre-fas to lecture on Swedish history, current situation and the concept of social enterprise. We also contacted the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth for clarification of what is meant by social enterprise and what are the criteria. The same day we had the seminar we waited for the government to take decisions on a national action plan and then also officially establish the definition of "social enterprise”.
Two LEG and one projekt coordinator participated on study visit to the Consortium Vägen ut and five social enterprises in Gothenburg on the third and the fourth of May. Aime:To carry out study visits in five social enterprises and the consortium Vägen ut. To have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in dialogue around the challenges of starting and running social enterprises on place. Making a web-based toolkit which guides people who want to start and run social enterprises. Objective: Travel by bus return along with other associations, projects and interest organisation. We travel by bus to take the opportunity to work and talk on the topic social enterprises during the bus trip. The gathering of entrepreneurs' experience so that we in CIBUS5 create a toolkit of high class. Results: We increased our skills and understand the value of that in a methodical way work up the toolbox Study visit to Gothenburg in May 2010
Agenda for a seminar with politicians Inspirational seminar for politiciansat the Stockholm regionMonday, 17 May at 13:00 to 16:00Location: IOGT-yard Clara, Clara Southern Medical Association 20, 3 trProgram points:Why social enterprise?How can we together create conditions that facilitateformation of social enterprises?Introduction: Eva Elblaus, project Life choicesModerator: Jan Forslund, Coompanion StockholmSpeakers:Hanna Broberg: Accord, Daniel Lindgren: The Way Out! Cooperatives, BosseOlsson: Growth Board, and projects leaders of People project; Eleni Wigsén: Public Employement Service, and Taisa Ranchber from Job Centre/ City of Stockholm.
Seminar with politicians from Stockholm region regarding social enterprises on 17th of May 2010 • Objectives/Aim: • To conduct dialogue seminar with politicians on the topic regarding social enterprisesto highlight the need of social enterprises in the Stockholm region • to clarify the target group in need of social enterprisesto highlight the need of national regulations in order to encourage establishment of social enterprises • Objective: To influence the politicians to the positive development regarding social enterprisesthe dialogue seminar will contribute to disseminate knowledge among politiciansthe politicians realize that the topic is important for a society development and stimulation of inclusion of all people into the welfare and labor marketthe politicians would declare their will to work in order to facilitate / changing regulatory framework. • The highlighted topics have been discussed at the seminar and politicians showed their engagement for a target group which is excluded from the labor market. Their knowledge on social entrepreneurship needs to be extended/ improved. • We have also discussed: • National regulations for establishment of social enterprises • Financial prerequisites such as loans and different aid for social enterprises • Description of target group who needs establishment of new social enterprises • How politicians at the regional level can contribute to extend number of social enterprises. • The conclusion of that seminar is that the social entrepreneurship is not on the agenda at their meetings. • It has to be noticed that this year we had an election to Swedish Parliament and politicians present at the seminar weren’t open with their opinions about the existence and extending of number of social enterprises.
A handbook for officials in cooperation with social enterprises • Employment Service, Insurance authorities and municipalities work together in order to create jobs for people who have difficulty getting or keeping a job • Common platform for co-operation www.sofisam.se • Contents: Interagency cooperationEmployment ServicesInsurance Authorities MunicipalitiesPurchases of services and goodsCompetition issues
The government's action plan for work-integrated social enterprises • In Sweden today there is no defining regulations on rules of work - integrating social enterprises.Therefore the Government considers that there is a need for regulationwork-integrated social enterprises which are prerequisites for the use ofEU General Block Exemption Regulation on state aid, Regulation (EC) No800/2008. This is the government's regulation on Rules of integrating social enterprises.On 22 April 2010 the Government adopted an action plan forRules of integrating social enterprises. N2010/1894/ENT"The government wishes through this action plan to facilitate the growing numberof work - integrating social enterprises. These companies are of different nature and their efforts are largely adjusted to the ability of employees and support needs.The majority of employees in work-integrated social enterprises are for example persons which on the basis of disability have reduced work capacity. Their disability could be caused by previous drug abuse, crime, long term sickness, long-term unemployment, homelessness or other forms of social disadvantage. Those are the reasons why they did not have established on or lost contact with the labor market. " • The action plan is decided on a number of actions to be implemented with a viewto facilitate the wider and growing social enterprises. The Action Plan will be followed by assignments to several authorities to implement the agreed actions.
The future In addition to creating a toolbox of a very high standard and published on the web, we are very interested to learn about methods of measurement regarding quality of social enterprises. Thanks for your attention! The Swedish team Cibus5 Partner3