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Learn how blood is collected from animals and processed for hematological and biochemical analysis, including blood film preparation. Discover the importance of blood examination for detecting parasites and conducting differential leukocytic counts.

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  2. The blood is collected from animal through puncture of jagular vein in horse ,cattle,camel,sheep and goat &from cephalic vein (recurrent tarsal vein)in dog and cat • And from ear vein →for isolation of blood parasite with exception of tryponosoma(from J.V) A-Whole blood sample: • The blood sample is mixed with anticoagulant such as:heparine or E.D.T.A • It is used for hematological examination such as:R.B.Cs count,W.B.Cs count, differential leukocytic count,P.C.V,HB% and blood film

  3. B-SERUM SAMPLE: • The blood sample is collected without addition of anticoagulant and then left to clot • Then centrifugated at 3000 r.p.m for 20 minutes • Take the clear serum and separate it in a clean blastic container for biochemical examination ***Blood film a-a drop of fresh blood is placed in one corner end of slide and spreader as smear with the help of another slide using it is thin edgr ar an angle of 45(thin blood film) b-dry the smear in aur c-fix the smear in methanol for 4-5 minutes or absolute methyl alohol for 1-2 minutes d-dry in air e-stain the smear with gimsa stain diluted (1:10)in distilled water for 5 minutes f-wash the slide with water g-dry in air h-examine under oil immersion lens

  4. N.B: *in case of trypanosoma→make a thick blood film ***indication of oblood film: • For detection of the presence of blood parasite such as:babesia,thileria,anaplasma,tryponosoma and filaria • For differential leukocytic count

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