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High P T phenomena in h-A and A-A collisions at fixed-target energies. Pre-HI high energy nuclear physics Cronin (alias initial state) effect Early R AA and R CP results from SPS exp. New (QM05) R CP data of NA57 and NA49 NA57/WA97 preliminary results on R AA
High PT phenomena in h-A and A-A collisions at fixed-target energies • Pre-HI high energy nuclear physics • Cronin (alias initial state) effect • EarlyRAA and RCP results from SPS exp. • New (QM05) RCP data of NA57 and NA49 • NA57/WA97 preliminary results on RAA • AA di-hadron Φ correlations (from NA45) • Summary and conclusions OUTLINE
High energy nuclear physics of the70’s – 80’s • Excited nucleon states in nuclei + hypernuclei • Interactions of shortly living states (in statu nascendi) with nucleons • Particle multiplication processes: multiplicities • Modification of PDF in nuclei (EMC effect) • Mass number (A) dependence of the (inclusive) cross sections:
CERN- THE SECOND 25 YEARS Physics Reports, vol. 403-404, December 2004 >1976 – SPS, 400 GeV/c p primary beam The production of jets in hard parton-parton scattering was not really studied at the SPS since, at these energies, the jet structure could not be well resolved from the dominant background of soft processes; this was also the case for the prompt production of mesons at high Pt expected to proceed via higher twist QCD mechanism and to have a cleaner experimental signature than that of jets (WA77) No dedicated experiments on high Pt hadron production (at SPS)
CERN WA72 nuclear experiment 30GeV/c M. G. Abreu et al. CERN/EP 84-51, April 1984 D.S. Barton et al. PRD 27 (1983) 2580 general trend p data do not fit to Aα
Fermilab high Pt nuclear experiment D. Antreasyan, J. W. Cronin et al, Phys. Rev. D19 (1979) 764-778 p beam 200,300,400 GeV/c, θcms≈ 0, targets: p, d, Be, Ti, W Pt = 0.77 – 6.9 GeV/c, particles: π, K, p and antiprotons Cronin effect
fit without D fit with D Aα extrapolation down to pp ? pp cross section lies below σ0
Cronin: relation between α - RAA 185mb 1.66b When: α=1, <Ncoll(Pb)>=3.75, <Ncoll(Be)>=1.50 (Glauber) R(Pb,Be) = …1.03 ! not too bad
Cronin: α RpA for K+ at 200 GeV/c (Only 3 points at 200 GeV/c , more at 400 GeV/c)
Antreasyan et.al.Phys.Rev.D19(3)1979 PRELIMINARY Cronin: RHIC – Fermilab comparison qualitative agreement p+A sqrt(s)=27.4 GeV
Cronin effect - initial state Kt broadening Ex: Saturating Cronin effect in ultra-relativistic proton-nucleus collisions, G. Papp, P. Lévai and G. Fai, nucl-th/9903012 Data of Antreasyan et al In conclusions: We are confident that complete NLO calculations, which are left for future work, will improve the agreement further
HEAVY IONS at CERN SPS AFTER 1986 Priority to the sensitive probes of QGP (strangeness, J/Ψ etc) + bulk properties: multiplicities, Y- Pt spectra (blast wave), flow…
Where is the jet quenching in Pb-Pb ? Xin-Nian Wang , hep-ph/9804384,1998 NO EVIDENCE !?
Reaction operator approach Gyulassy, Levai, Vitev, NP B 594(2001) 371 factor ~ 4
Discovery ! At RHIC ! (2 years after discovery of QGP at CERN 1:1) J. D. Bjorken Fermilab-Pub-82-059-THY
1-6% 22-43% HIJING RCP WA98 data mT - m0 (GeV) Central-to-peripheral nuclear modification factor(s) • RCP at RHIC: • high-pT: parton energy loss • intermediate pT: baryon/meson effect (recombination?) • RCP at SPS? • p0 suppressed: energy loss? (see also RAA re-analysis) • no baryon/meson comparison WA98, EPJC23 (2002) 225 d’Enterria, PLB596 (2004) 32 STAR, PRL92 (2004) 052302 + prelim.
Vitev and Gyulassy PRL 89, 252301 (2002) WA98, Eur.Phys. J. C23, 225 (2002) RCP RAA ? RAA(central) mT-m0(GeV/c2) The (old) SPS RAA/RCP puzzle See also: X. N. Wang, Phys. Rev. C61, 064910(2000) • WA98 p0: RAA enhanced, RCP suppressed for central Pb+Pb • Calculations: with Cronin effect + quenching do not describe data
SPS Heavy Ion Data Revisited, but a problem: At the SPS (√s = 20 GeV) no good p+p->π0/h reference… D. d’Enterria, nucl-ex/0403055 nucl-ex/0504001 Vitev-Gyulassy Energy loss with dNglue/dy = 400-600* * Compared to dNglue/dy = 200-300 in PRL 89 252301 (2002)
Anti Shadowing Shadowing D'Enterria '05 Excitation function of the nuclear modification factor Fixed pt SPS Cronin effect + nuclear (anti)shadowing ~compensated by parton energy loss at SPS !
NA57 RCP results
Centrality (in)dependence of correction weights no need of MC corrections • Corrections for acceptance and efficiency calculated by embedding MC particles of given pT and y in real events, at the level of hits 1.0 no centrality dependence
RCP from NA57 : PL-B623(2005)17-25 π,K,p cocktail Centrality dependence
PHENIX RCP Au-Au 200 GeV p p p K0 vs π0 comparison SPS RHIC Strangeness matters (not only number of valence quarks)
Strange meson vs strange baryon SPS vs RHIC Similar hierarchy but (of course) a shift by about 0.5 units meson/baron compatible with the parton coalescence mechanism
Comparison with the parton energy loss models Evidence for parton energy loss at SPS energy
from 200 to 17 GeV PQM Energy evolution: PQM vs NA57 data Wang and PQM both consistent with NA57 (factor 2 suppression)
NA49 talk by A. Lazslo Qualitative agreement with NA57 (different peripheral classes !) NA49 new data at QM05 • RCP(baryon)>RCP(meson) • same systematics as original Cronin data at similar s • same systematics as RHIC but scaled upward
AA di-hadron Φ correlations at SPS width yield • RHIC: disappearance of the away-side jet in central collisions • SPS? PRL92(2004)032301 • qualitatively: similar pattern • quantitatively, within these errors: • consistent with acoplanarity broadening • no evidence for suppression of away-side yield NA45peripheral NA45central
SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS • High energy nuclear physics (before HI’s) legacy • Cronin effect discovered at Fermilab (missed at SPS) • Early SPS high Pt (HI) data, new analysis after discovery of jet quenching at RHIC • WA80, WA98, NA45, NA49 and NA57 high Pt data point to the non-negligible parton energy loss in the final state, already at sqrt(s) = 17.3 GeV/c • Consistency with the Theory – scaling with dNg/dy • SPS quenching data, in principle, less biased by the corona effect than RHIC (and LHC) data, but Pt range quite limited ( jet tomography not accessible)
The NA57 Collaboration F. Antinorik,P.A. Bacone,A. Badalàf, R. Barberaf,A. Belogiannia,I.J. Bloodworthe,M. Bombarah,G.E. Brunob,S.A. Bulle,R. Caliandrob,M. Campbellg, W. Carenag, N. Carrerg,R.F. Clarkee,A. Dainesek,D. Di Barib,S. Di Liberton,R. Diviàg,D. Eliab,D. Evanse,G.A. Feofilovp,R.A. Finib,P. Ganotia,B. Ghidinib,G. Grellao,H. Helstrupd, K.F. Hetlandd,A.K. Holmej,A. Jacholkowskif, G.T. Jonese, P. Jovanovice, A. Juskoe,R. Kamermansr,J.B. Kinsone,K. Knudsong,V. Kondratievp,I. Králikh,A. Kravčákovái,P. Kuijerr,V. Lentib,R. Lietavae,G. Løvhøidenj,V. Manzarib,M.A. Mazzonin,F. Meddin,A. Michalonq,M. Morandok,P.I. Normane,A. Palmerif, G.S. Pappalardof,B. Pastirčákh,R.J. Platte,E. Quercighk,F. Riggif,D. Röhrichc,G. Romanoo,K. Šafaříkg,L. Šándorh,E. Schillingsr,G. Segatok,M. Senél, R. Senél,W. Snoeysg, F. Soramelk,M. Spyropoulou-Stassinakia,P. Starobam,R. Turrisik,T.S. Tveterj,J. Urbáni,P. van de Venr,P. Vande Vyvreg, A. Vascottog,T. Vikj,O. Villalobos Bailliee,L. Vinogradovp,T. Virgilio,M.F. Votrubae,J. Vrlakovai,P. Závadam. a: Athens, b: Bari,c: Bergen,d: Bergen,e: Birmingham,f: Catania,g: CERN,h: Kosice,i: Kosice,j: Oslo,k: Padova,l: Collège de France,m: Prague, n: Rome,o: Salerno,p: St. Petersburg,q: Strasbourg,r: Utrecht
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WA77 CERN higher twist experiment π-Be 150,300 GeV/c …nothing in our data contradicts the HT estimates following from QCD sum rules predictions. A Belogianni et al., Z. Phys. C 69 (1996)235
d2N(h-)/dpTdy (d+Au) RdAu = NColld2N(-)/dpTdy (p+p) Experimental facts – dAu (pPb) at SPS T. Alber et al. (NA35), Eur. Phys. J. C 2, 643 (1998) B. Boimska (NA49), PhD thesis, Warszawa (2004) dAu pPb Similar trend at the AGS: R. Debbe et al. (BRAHMS) CINPP proceedings (2005) • Increasing suppression with increasing xF • Pattern similar for pions and antiprotons, different for protons
NA57 Experimental Layout Target: 1% Pb Scintillator Petals: centrality trigger MSD: Multiplicity Silicon Detector Tracking device: silicon pixel planes (5 x 5 cm2 ) Lever arm: double-sided mstrips
L X- W- L X+ W+ NA57 mass signals
Pb-Pb 160 A GeV 0 1 2 3 4 NA57 centrality bins
CBBO - CERN BIG BANG ORCHESTRA Acceleration/ Celebration