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ISBD for the Semantic Web: namespaces, elements, vocabularies, application profile

ISBD for the Semantic Web: namespaces, elements, vocabularies, application profile. Gordon Dunsire Presented at Centar zu Stalno Stručno Usavršavanje (CSSU), Zagreb 21 Nov 2011 . Semantic Web. “machine-readable metadata” Faster! 24/7/365! Global!

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ISBD for the Semantic Web: namespaces, elements, vocabularies, application profile

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  1. ISBD for the Semantic Web: namespaces, elements, vocabularies, application profile Gordon Dunsire Presented at CentarzuStalnoStručnoUsavršavanje (CSSU), Zagreb 21 Nov 2011

  2. Semantic Web • “machine-readable metadata” • Faster! 24/7/365! Global! • Metadata expressed as “atomic” statements • A simple, single, irreducible statement • The title of this book is “Treasure island” • In a standard machine-processable format • Resource Description Framework (RDF)

  3. Resource Description Framework • Metadata statement constructed in 3 parts • “Triple” • The title of this book is “Treasure island” • Subject of the statement = Subject: This book • Nature of the statement = Predicate: has title • Value of the statement = Object: “Treasure island” • This book – has title – “Treasure island” • subject – predicate - object

  4. Identifiers • Need unambiguous way of identifying each part of the triple for efficient machine-processing • Human labels (“This book”, “has title”) no good • Same thing, different labels; different things, same label • Exploit the utility of the URL • Machine-readable, regular syntax, unambiguous • Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)

  5. Uniform Resource Identifier • Can be any unique combination of numbers and letters • No intrinsic meaning; it’s just an identifying label • Can look like a URL • http://iflastandards.info/ns/isbd/elements/P1001 • But does not lead to a Web page (in principle ...) • RDF requires the subject and predicate of triple to be URIs • Object can be a URI, or a literal string (“Treasure island”)

  6. Namespaces • URI can be constructed from a base plus a unique, identifying suffix • http://iflastandards.info/ns/isbd/elements/ • + P1001 • Base is known as a namespace • Can be abbreviated by human programmer • “isbd” = http://iflastandards.info/ns/isbd/elements/ • isbd:P1001 • Machine expands abbreviation for processing

  7. Everything as triples in RDF • Every aspect of the metadata must be expressed in RDF to be machine-processable • Metadata about real-world objects (books, people, etc.) • Metadata about the predicates (definition, label, scope, etc.) • Common predicates apply to many types of thing (human-readable label, etc.) • High-level RDF namespaces (rdfs, owl) • RDF is expressed in RDF (“bootstrap”)

  8. Creating namespaces and URIs • ISBD is using the Open Metadata Registry • Can assign a running “number” to the base to create a new URI • Set of properties (= predicates) for creating basic triples about other properties • E.g. rdfs:label for assigning a human-readable label to an RDF property (or class) • isbd:P1001 - rdfs:label - “has content form” • A property of a property

  9. Subject Predicate Object isbd:P1001 rdfs:label “has content form”

  10. Subject Predicate Object isbdcf:T1008 skos:prefLabel “spoken word”

  11. Application profile • Need a way to specify how a useful “record” can be constructed from RDF triples • Which triples are involved, and from which namespaces? • Sequence? Repeatable? Mandatory? • Sub-component aggregations • Publication statement = place + name + date • Content rules?

  12. Mandatory Not repeatable Aggregation of simpler elements Syntax of aggregation (punctuation)

  13. Thank you • gordon@gordondunsire.com • Open Metadata Registry • http://metadataregistry.org/

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